Try it out Çeviri İspanyolca
2,457 parallel translation
Do you want to try it out?
¿ Quieres probarla?
So our producers said to us we should pick any cars we liked, get over there and try it out.
Entonces nuestros productores nos dijeron que elijéramos los autos que quisiéramos. Ir ahí y probarlos.
I'd saved this for Dandi, but I can always try it out on you.
Esto lo tenía preparado para el Dandi, pero si quieres puedo probarlo contigo.
If you want to use English, by all means. We'll try it out.
Si puedes intentar hablar inglés lo intentamos así.
Let's try it out... it's good.
Tratemos de empezar una relación. Muy bien.
♫ Try again, let's just try it out for today ♫
Intenta otra vez, vamos a intentarlo por hoy.
Well... you try it out yourself.
Bueno... ponlo a prueba tú mismo.
Try it out.
Try it out, try it out.
Pruébalo. Así.
Just to try it out.
They try it out with everyone.
Lo intenta con todo el mundo.
- Let's try it out.
- Pruébala.
Okay, try it out.
Bueno, pruébalo.
Try it out and you will know
Pruébalo y lo sabrás.
Did you get a chance to try it out yet?
¿ Ya lo probaste?
Yeah, I figured I could stay, try it out.
Si, pensé que me podía quedar, a probarlo.
Try it out.
We could try it out this weekend at the "Faculty Follies" after-party.
Podríamos intentarlo este fin de semana en la fiesta tras las "Locuras de la Facultad".
The machete, we try to keep the machete right there so if anybody's looking for it and if anybody takes it yell out because somebody else might be looking.
El machete, intentamos guardarlo por ahí. Así si alguien está buscándolo y si alguien lo toma sólo den un grito porque tal vez alguien más esté buscándolo.
If we eat something, we try to clean the bowl out, rinse it out.
Si comemos algo, intentamos limpiar el tazón, enjuagarlo.
I knew that Jane would probably tell them I had it so why not play it up front and try to get something out of it.
Sabía que probablemente Jane ya se les dijo que lo tengo. ¿ Así que por qué no jugarlo ahora e intentar conseguir algo de ello?
Try and figure out where it all went wrong.
Tratar de descubrir cuando empezó a salir todo mal.
One minute, we're hanging out, partying, smiling, laughing it up, next minute, you try to hack I...
Y al siguiente, tratas de arrancarme el brazo.
So Marty, now, you have to figure out, are they going to gun for me and try to get me to play it or are they going to tell me I'm safe hoping I won't play it and get rid of
Entonces, Marty, ahora tienes que descubrir, ¿ ellos irán por mí e intentarán que lo juegue? ¿ O me dirán que estoy a salvo esperando que no lo use y deshacerme de mi y el ídolo en una simple jugada?
And then you should try to talk your way out of it.
Y entonces debe tratar de hablarlo a su manera e irse.
Although I've been thinking, I think I might try and get out of it.
Aunque estuve pensando, creo que voy a tratar de librarme de ir. # Fa la la la la la la la.
No, I will have to try and get out of it.
No, trataré de librarme de eso.
Could you try to find out who this is from, and what it means?
¿ Puedes averiguar de quién es, y qué significa?
When it gets to the solo, I try to always... like, as the beginning, try and keep the bottom string ringing, so it fills it out nicely.
Cuando se llega al solo, trato siempre como, como al principio, tratar de mantener la sexta cuerda sonando, así se produce un sonido más lleno y agradable.
It's a good try doctor but I think we're out of time here.
Es un buen intento doctor, pero creo que nos quedamos sin tiempo.
Try drinking it, but with the label facing out.
Trata de beberlo, pero con la etiqueta por delante.
Don't think of arguing about it, don't think of pleading to me with tears, don't try to laugh yourself out of this, don't try to not understand and just stick around.
No pienses en discutir por eso, no pienses en pedirlo con lágrimas... no intentes reírte de esto, no intentes no entender y sólo quedarte por aquí.
But whatever you do, Wally, try not to make a big deal out of it.
Pero hagas lo que hagas, Wally, trata de no hacerlo más grande de lo que es.
Try to talk him out of it.
Trata de quitárselo de la cabeza.
If you're gonna try it, then maybe you should do it with a friend, rather than someone like a stranger because there's a lot of weirdos out there.
Si vas a intentarlo, entonces tal vez debe hacerlo con un amigo, en lugar de alguien como un extraño porque hay un montón de bichos raros que hay.
If there was one thing you could pick out, you'd try to fix it but just everything is in a funk right now.
Si fuera una cosa, la tratarías de arreglar pero todo está fallando ahora.
Well, the only way to find out is to try it.
Bueno, la única forma de averiguarlo es bailando.
And I would go out and try to look for records. It was really hard to find. There was no record store in our town.
Y salía a tratar de comprar discos, y era difícil porque no había tienda en el pueblo.
Ed wanted to repay that favor and say, "Hey, you want to come and try out?" And we toured with him after we did Yield, and he played on that whole record. That's when it was starting to get too much for Jack.
Hicimos gira y el grabó todo el disco de "Yield" y entonces fue demasiado para él y nos dijo que no podía salir de gira.
Why would you try to figure it out And put yourself out of a job?
¿ Por qué no tratas de arreglarlo y dejar de lado el trabajo?
It's good to try everything at least once. You find out who you are that way.
Es bueno probar de todo por lo menos una vez asi te das cuenta de quien realmente eres.
Biologists have pointed out that these engineering approaches is all very well, and the engineers can try to treat life as though it were some sort of computer or engineering substrate, but ultimately the microbes are going to end up laughing at them.
Los biólogos dicen que esta enfoque de ingeniería va muy bien y que un ingeniero puede tratar la vida como alimentos, un sustrato hecho ordenador. Sin embargo, al final, microbios se reirán, porque la vida no funciona bien.
Hey, it was really nice of you, though, to come out, help me try to close.
Fuiste muy amable en venir a ayudarme a cerrar el trato.
I was a mapmaker if you will, a cartographer, going out to try and map how the world really worked as opposed to the way we were told it worked.
Armaba mi mapa, por así decirlo, un cartógrafo que intentaba hacer un mapa de cómo funcionaban las cosas en realidad a diferencia de la forma en que nos dijeron que funcionaba.
Now if you're gonna try and dance your way through the first couple of rounds and avoid punches and not throw too much back, it's gonna piss everybody off out there.
Si vas a intentar bailar a tu modo el primer par de rounds evitar golpes y no responder demasiado todo el mundo se enojará.
We try to figure it out.
- ¿ Qué hacemos? - Tratamos de resolverlo.
Just try and tap it out.
Sólo intenta recordarla dando toquecitos.
Try having two moms who decide out of the blue, without warning, to essentially destroy the family unit, rip it in half.
Prueba con tener dos mamás que decidan sin aviso ni advertencia destruir la unidad familiar, partirla en dos.
But with Jamal and Amir out of the picture... They're gonna try to pin it on someone else.
Con Jamal y Amir fuera del tema... van a intentar culpar a otra persona.
Don't try to talk me out of it!
¡ No traten de convencerme de no hacerlo!
And my whole life I always figured football was going to take me out of here, because I couldn't imagine staying around here, but I guess I better try to imagine it.
Y toda mi vida me he imaginado que el fútbol era lo que me iba a sacar de aquí, porque no podría imaginarme quedándome por aquí. Pero creo que sería mejor empezar a imaginármelo.
try it now 59
try it on 163
try it 790
try it again 206
outside 883
outer 19
outfit 21
outsiders 26
outrageous 90
outlaw 21
try it on 163
try it 790
try it again 206
outside 883
outer 19
outfit 21
outsiders 26
outrageous 90
outlaw 21
outs 110
out of context 16
out now 39
out of curiosity 82
out of my mind 17
out of order 40
out of the blue 171
out of sight 112
out of interest 20
out of town 49
out of context 16
out now 39
out of curiosity 82
out of my mind 17
out of order 40
out of the blue 171
out of sight 112
out of interest 20
out of town 49
out of nowhere 149
outstanding 214
outside of work 17
out of my sight 38
out of respect 50
out like a light 17
out of 299
out loud 97
out of mind 55
out of my house 22
outstanding 214
outside of work 17
out of my sight 38
out of respect 50
out like a light 17
out of 299
out loud 97
out of mind 55
out of my house 22