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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ L ] / Look at these people

Look at these people Çeviri İspanyolca

370 parallel translation
- Look at these people.
- Mire a esa gente.
But look at these people!
¡ Pero mira esa gente!
Look at these people.
Mire a esta gente.
Take a close look at these people.
Mira atento a esta gente.
Will you look at these people?
¿ Hará algo con esas personas?
I still want to have a look at these people you say are living on the surface. Where does that lead?
Todavía quiero echar un vistazo a estas personas que dicen vivir en la superficie. ¿ Dónde vamos?
Yes, some people feel uncomfortable. But if you look at these people, you see they're generally men who never fought, men who weren't soldiers, who didn't deserve any medals.
Pero si se fija en esa gente, verá que generalmente son hombres que nunca pelearon, hombres que no eran soldados, que no deseaban ninguna medalla.
Look at these people.
Mira a esta gente.
Look at these people. Everybody I grew up with... is in the paper these days.
Toda la gente con la que crecí está en el periódico.
Look at these people, they envy us.
mira esa gente, nos envidia.
Look at these people, there's one person in each car.
Fijaos. En todos los coches viaja una persona sola.
Look at these people!
¡ Mira cómo está la gente!
Look at these people. They probably think they're having a good time.
Probablemente crean que lo están pasando bien.
You wanna look at these people?
¿ Quiere mirarles?
Look at these people jogging, trying to stave off the inevitable decay of the body.
Mira a toda esta gente haciendo footing, intentando evitar el deterioro inevitable del cuerpo.
Look at these people.
Mira toda esa gente.
Look at these people.
Mira a esa gente.
I want all of you to take a good look at these people on the risers behind me.
Quiero que todos ustedes le den una buena mirada... a las personas que están detrás de mí.
Look at these people go.
Look at these people.
Mira a esta gente, Alex.
We'll look at the patient in the next room and leave these young people alone.
Visitemos al siguiente paciente y dejemos solos a los jóvenes.
Look at all these people waiting to meet you.
That's the way people look at these things.
No pueden entender estas cosas.
I want to have a good look at all these nice people.
Quiero ver el aspecto de todo esta elegante gente.
Look at all these people.
¿ Qué hace tanta gente?
Look at these two people.
Mira estos dos.
I look at these two people, and I want to howl like a dog.
Miro a estas dos personas y quiero aullar como un perro.
Look at these poor people.
Mira a los pobres.
Look at these happy people.
¡ Mira cuánta gente feliz!
Some people look at these things one way, and some look at it another.
Algunos lo ven de una forma y otros lo ven de otra.
Look at people these days. I'm too trusting.
Con la gente que corre, creo que me fío demasiado.
"Look at this ravaged land... " the wrecked homes... " these people living on the bare earth...
Miren esta tierra convulsionada... estas casas destruidas, esta gente que vive sobre la tierra desnuda.
Most of these people, they'll look at a map, right?
144 kilómetros atravesando los estrechos.
And there were people who donated money towards these rosebushes, so that our soldiers didn't have to look at the horrid, concrete walls, and to give them a flowery environment in which to live.
y hubo gente que donó dinero para esos rosales, para que nuestros soldados no tuvieran que mirar a las horribles paredes de hormigón, y darles un florido ambiente en el que vivir.
- You're not talking to all these people. - Look at...
- no te comunicas con esta gente.
Honey, look at all these people.
¡ Mira toda esa gente, cariño! ¡ Hola!
Look at all these people.
Mira cuánta gente.
Look at the faces of these people.
Mira las caras de estas personas.
Oh, Jesus, will you look at all these people?
Dios mío, ¿ ves a esta gente?
Look at the garbage these people eat.
Mira la basura que come esta gente.
- Look at all these people.
- Mira a toda esa gente.
Look at all these people.
Mira a toda esa gente.
Looking good, looking good. Here we are. Look at these beautiful people, huh?
Fíjense, que genre más encanradora.
Don't be shabby! People look at these things.
La gente mira estas cosas.
- Look at all these people!
- ¡ Cuanta gente!
Look at this, please. Every day, all these people get here.
Miren esto, por favor... todos los días estas personas se refugian aquí
Come here, man. Look at all these people back here.
Mira a toda esa gente.
You know, you look at these, you think people misplace their kids like they lose umbrellas.
Cuando miras estos casos piensas que la gente pierde a sus hijos...
But these days, as often as not, people take a look at each other... after a few years in the marital sack and say, "See you later, Jack."
Pero ahora, la mitad de las veces, la gente se mira... y después de unos años de casados dicen : "Nos vemos".
Look at these people.
Mirad a esa gente.
And city people, I think, are inclined to look at country people as bumpkins. As, uh... probably not terribly bright, and maybe, not awfully strongly moti--motivated, and nothing can be further from the truth if you see, see the way some of these farmers work,
Y la gente de la ciudad, creo, tiende a mirar a la gente del campo como patanes... como probablemente no muy inteligentes... y quizás, no demasiado motivados.

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