Look at you guys Çeviri İspanyolca
561 parallel translation
one look at you guys and he'll know you're not local.
Al primer vistazo se dara cuenta que no son nativos
Look at you guys.
- Look at you guys.
- Mirense ustedes.
- Look at you guys.
- Pero miraos.
Look hard at a bunch of guys and know they'll do anything you tell them.
Mirar fijo y saber que te obedecerán en todo.
The way I look at it, professor me, you, all of us here, are more on the level than those guys.
Para mí, profesor usted, yo y todos nosotros somos más honrados que ellos.
- ¿ Queréis ponerme en ridículo?
Eh, muchachos, echadle un vistazo a esto.
If you guys can't look at the circulars we put up you can at least read short detective stories.
Si ustedes no miran las circulares que colgamos... al menos podían leer novela negra.
- You've worn a uniform all your life- - - Some guys take a look at the world when they're young and they don't like what they see.
- Algunos jóvenes cuando se enfrentan al mundo no les gusta.
At this point in your training, you guys could figure on a big liberty, but it don't look like we're gonna get one on account of the way a certain bluejacket has been acting up.
En este momento de su formación, ustedes podrían figurar en una libertad grande, pero no se parecen a vamos a obtener una cuenta en de la forma en que un marinero ciertos ha estado actuando.
But the guys look at all the girls, you know that
Pero los chicos miran a todas las chicas, lo sabes
Just take a look at yourselves, guys. You're white as babies!
Parecéis un par de palos.
They pulled up on the bluff to get their first look at the famous Bells Beach surf... and were greeted with the cry, " You guys really missed it.
Se pararon en el risco y miraron el famoso oleaje de Bell's Beach... y fueron recibidos con un grito :
Look, you and Pinkley are the only guys that Colonel Breed got a good look at.
Pinkley y tú sois los únicos en los que se fijó bien el coronel Breed.
Guys, we have to look at this sensibly, don't you think?
Señores, creo que debemos tomar este tema desde otro punto de vista.
Those three guys will look at you, if you don't dance they will take notice of your disguise.
Esos tres te miran y si no bailas "... -... Se darán cuenta de tu disfraz.
Look at that stuff. How can you guys sit there and say anything to me about this?
Miradlo. ¿ Cómo podéis estar ahí sentados y hablarme de esto?
I like to come over and have look at one of those guys Why don't you?
- Me gustaría verlos, - ¿ Por qué no?
Look, you guys have been causing big trouble at the Bureau.
Han estado provocando un gran lío en eI Bureau.
Holy cow, will you look at those guys!
¡ Vaya, mirad a esos hombres!
Hey, did you guys get a look at Zuko this morning?
¿ Habéis visto a Zuko esta mañana?
Hey, you guys, look at this.
Eh, chicos, mirad esto.
Look, guys, if you can't say it in front of me, don't say it at all.
Muchachos, si no me lo dicen en la cara, no lo digan.
So I wink at the guys, I say, "Look the most serious policy, you don't have me covered for."
Le guiño un ojo a mis amigos, y digo "Ud. ni siquiera me ha ofrecido el seguro más importante de todos".
Hey, you guys, look at this.
Chicos, mirad esto.
Oh, my God.! You guys, look at this.
Chicos, miren esto.
You guys. look at this.
Deben ver esto.
Don't you think? You look at guys?
No está mal, ¿ verdad?
You know, you guys should look at your guest list more carefully,'cause Max ain't supposed to be in here.
Deberían examinar la lista de invitados. Max no debería estar aquí.
Guys, why don't you take a look at my forehead?
Chicos, ¿ por qué no me miran la frente?
It's unlucky to look upon the bride before the wedding... so I'll catch you guys at the altar.
Es mala suerte ver la novia antes de la boda, así que los veré en el altar.
Look at the mess you guys made!
Miren el desastre que hicieron!
Look at him over there with the other nerds, still sitting together. You should have done your own homework, guys!
Niños, Mami solo quiere divertirse un poco, y en todo lo que pueden pensar es en sus pequeños y vacíos estómagos.
Hey, you guys, come in here and look at this.
¡ Oigan chicas! ¡ Vengan a ver esto!
You look at all the other guys but me.
Miras a los otros tipos y no a mi.
But where do you find models for these terrific guys... who would rather look at you instead of themselves?
¿ Pero dónde encuentra los modelos para esos tipos estupendos que harían su trabajo sin mirarse a si mismos?
But where do you find models for these terrific guys... who would rather look at you instead of themselves?
¿ Pero dónde encuentra modelos para estos hombres maravillosos que hacen su trabajo y no se miran a si mismos?
Now, I look out there at all of you guys and I say to myself :
Miro allí afuera y los veo a todos ustedes y me digo :
Hey, you guys, look at this.
Hey, tíos, mirad esto.
Hardest thing in the world. You know, I can look at you, guys, I can communicate to you all night, but one on one... I'm terrible.
Puedo mirarlos a ustedes, y puedo comunicarme toda la noche, pero en persona soy terrible.
You say "She's cute" or "Her hair's nice", but guys don't go "Look at his shoulders".
Dices "ella es linda" o "su cabello es lindo", pero hombres no dicen "mira sus hombros".
The thing is, you guys look at me, you see the backwards hat, and you say, "This guy's a chump."
Mira, Uds. Me ven, con mi gorra al revés y dicen : "Este tipo es un zoquete".
Look, I don't know if you guys are interested, but there's a party at school next week.
No sé si estarán interesados, pero hay una fiesta en la universidad la próxima semana.
well, look, at Ieast one of us will win the car... and when I do, you guys can grab a bus and meet me at the beach.
Bueno, mira, al menos uno de nosotros wiii ganar el coche... y cuando lo hago, ustedes pueden tomar un autobús y nos vemos en la playa.
Kelly, I hate to break it to you, but guys are gonna look at you.
Kel, lamento informártelo, pero los tipos te miran.
Look, I may be only the driver... but I'm at least smart enough to know... that you guys are not gonna leave town without putting somebody in jail... and that somebody doesn't have to be guilty.
Mire, puedo ser sólo el chofer... pero soy lo mínimamente inteligente para saber... que ustedes no van a dejar la ciudad sin antes mandar a la cárcel a alguien... y que esa persona no tiene que ser necesariamente culpable.
You guys didn't bother to look at it?
¿ No se han molestado ni siquiera en verla?
You guys look sweet on a cross-range re-entry at 938 miles.
Se ven bien oara el ángulo de reingreso a 938 millas.
You guys, look at this.
Miren eso.
And I did one of these : Which I regretted right away, because, you know, he looked at me with that kind of doggy look that guys get.
E hice uno de estos... de lo cual me arrepentí de inmediato... porque me miró con esa mirada de cachorro que ponen los hombres.
look at me 7366
look at this 4731
look at him 1555
look at her 948
look at me now 78
look at you 3730
look at that 4253
look at your face 75
look at yourself 268
look at them 596
look at this 4731
look at him 1555
look at her 948
look at me now 78
look at you 3730
look at that 4253
look at your face 75
look at yourself 268
look at them 596
look at us 558
look at it 733
look at my face 104
look at this guy 173
look at you go 18
look at this picture 28
look at the bright side 75
look at this view 22
look at him go 61
look at this mess 66
look at it 733
look at my face 104
look at this guy 173
look at you go 18
look at this picture 28
look at the bright side 75
look at this view 22
look at him go 61
look at this mess 66