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Love him Çeviri İspanyolca

17,492 parallel translation
You love him.
Lo amas.
I did love him.
Lo amé.
- Do you love him?
- ¿ Le quieres?
Tristan, I love him, but he can be a bit daft sometimes.
Tristan, yo le quiero, pero puede ser un poco bobo a veces.
I love him, stubborn as he is, and I know he loves you.
Le quiero, cabezota como es, y sé que te ama.
I know you'll just love him.
Sé que le van a adorar.
Would you still love him if you knew?
¿ Le querrías todavía si lo supieses?
Could you still love him if you knew?
¿ Podrías quererlo todavía sabiéndolo?
That I, I love him.
Que le quiero. Aún.
I know you'll just love him. this is my son Cooper.
Este es mi hijo, Cooper.
You love him, right?
¿ Le quieres, no?
Show him that you're coming from a place of-of caring and that you love him.
Muéstrale que estás viniendo desde un lugar de cuidarlo y que lo amas.
I love him.
Le quiero.
Do you love him?
¿ Le quieres?
Do you love him?
- ¿ Lo quieres? - Sí.
Raquel, will you tell the shower with the bench that I love him?
Raquel, le dirás a la ducha con el banco Que lo amo?
He was my brother, so never make the mistake, Inspector, of thinking that I didn't love him.
Entonces, no cometa el error de pensar que no lo quería.
We love him so much and we just want him to come home.
Lo queremos mucho y solo queremos que vuelva a casa.
Castle is a grown-ass man, and he knows that you love him very much.
Castle es un hombre hecho y derecho, y sabe que lo amas muchísimo.
That's why I love him so much.
Por eso es que lo amo tanto.
Oh, Judge McCan would love him.
Al Juez McCan le gustaría mucho.
I love him.
Me encanta.
If you love him, you'll keep your cute little green trap zipped.
Si lo quieres, mantén tu tierno piquito verde cerrado.
That's one of the things I love about him.
Es una de las cosas que adoro de él.
Julian annihilated an entire coastline on Christmas day, and yet Lily is still hopelessly in love with him.
Julian aniquiló a una costa entera el día de Navidad, y aun así Lily todavía está perdidamente enamorada de él.
You were so blinded by your love for him, it's like no one else exists.
Estabas tan cegada por su amor, que parecía que nada más existiese.
If there's anything that Klaus likes about me, it's my mind, that I can understand him, and you, you are beautiful, and you are powerful, and you do have a long history together, but you're worried he doesn't love you, that maybe he does see the truth...
Si hay algo que a Klaus le gusta de mí, es mi mente, por eso puedo entenderle, y tú, eres guapa y poderosa, y tenéis una larga historia juntos, pero te preocupa que él no te ame,
You were showering him with your love today, weren't you?
¿ Lo estabas duchando con su amor hoy, ¿ verdad?
Have you been in love with him?
¿ Estás enamorada de él?
I've got you now, and you are never gonna be able to get anywhere near the people i love. named him after one of my favorite actors. you really should stay.
Ahora te tengo, y ya no vas a poder acercarte a la gente que quiero.
Yeah, you, uh, you were in love with him?
Sí. ¿ Usted estuvo enamorada de él?
I'm talking about people who, you know, start wars over religion, who... who say love thy neighbor and then turn around and deny him his basic rights.
No estoy hablando de usted, hablo de la gente que, sabe, empieza guerras en nombre de la religión, que... dicen que amen a su vecino y se dan vuelta y le deniegan sus derechos básicos.
- Francis, I'm in love with him.
- Francisco, estoy enamorada de él.
- Let the driver drive, for the love of... - Oh, that's him!
- Deja que el conductor conduzca, por amor de... - ¡ Es él!
If you hadn't have asked me to go out with him and then fall in pre-love,
¡ Si no me hubieras pedido que saliera con él y luego me hubiera pre-enamorado de él,
And then... the girl who is in love with him, who he doesn't notice, who's been there all along, waiting in the wings, is Rosario Dawson... arguably the most fuckable actress ever.
Y la chica que está enamorada de él. Y él no nota, desde hace mucho tiempo, es Rosario Dawson. Quizás la actriz más follable de todas.
I love you, Mom. Thank you for bringing him.
Te amo mamá, gracias por traerlo.
But I made him make love to me.
Pero hice que hiciera el amor conmigo.
That's one of the reasons why I fell in love with him.
Esa es una razón por la que me enamoré de él.
Tell him that you love your husband!
¡ Dile que amas a tu marido!
I'd love to meet him.
Me encantaría conocerlo.
I mean you're not marrying this human stain'cause you're actually in love with him, right?
Quiero decir no te vas a casar con esta mancha humana porque estás enamorada de él, ¿ verdad?
What can I say about this man that I have cherished for 49 years? I just love him.
Solamente lo amo.
Never with a client, but with Jake, I fell so in love with him.
Nunca con un paciente, pero con Jake, me enamoré de él.
Months go by... we're in love. Till one day, I see pictures of him on Facebook.
Pasaron los meses... estábamos enamorados, hasta que un día, vi una foto suya en Facebook.
The woman was madly in love with him.
La mujer estaba locamente enamorada de él.
Who has the guts to write him a love letter?
¿ Quién tiene el valor de escribirle una carta de amor?
- Do Dash and Arthur know you were in love with him?
- ¿ Saben Dash y Arthur que estabas enamorada de él?
Are you, like, in love with him?
¿ Estás enamorada de él?
So I know you're not really in love with him.
Así que sé que no estás enamorada realmente de él.
I mean, that's one of the reasons I fell in love with him.
Ese es uno de los motivos por los que me enamoré de él.

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