Medicated Çeviri İspanyolca
336 parallel translation
That's why you didn't want to be medicated!
¡ Por eso no te has dejado curar!
After Valdarena had medicated her, and told her it was over she followed me and shouted :
Aquel día, después de que Valdarena le curó la herida, cuando le grité que se había terminado y me marché, ella me siguió hasta la escalera y gritó :
Oh, that's no good. I need a medicated one.
Este no, necesito uno medicinal.
Um, it's your medicated shampoo.
- Su champú. - Gracias.
And I'm not used to girls being that quiet unless they're medicated.
No estoy acostumbrado a que las chicas sean tan tímidas a menos que estén medicadas.
– But medicated?
- ¿ Pero es medicinal?
– Medicated?
- ¿ Medicinal?
What you need is, yeah, medicated. There, that's what you need.
Necesitarás medicamentos.
The first time you use medicated shampoo, you'll disappear.
La primera vez que uses shampú medicado, desaparecerás.
Fully medicated, babe.
- Estoy totalmente medicado.
Rub a palm full of this medicated salve into your scalp every half an hour.
Frótele un palmo de este ungüento en el cuero cabelludo cada media hora.
I'll need to be medicated. Heavily.
Porque necesitaré drogas.
But, you know, in this medicated haze in this sort of woozy state do you recall the words "radical reconstructive surgery" being uttered?
Pero, en medio de esa bruma de medicamentos mientras estabas grogui ¿ te acuerdas si pronunciaron ciertas frases como "cirugía reconstructiva completa"?
Well, that's because you're medicated, but that could be deceiving.
Eso es por las medicinas, pero podría resultar engañoso.
To look at them, you'd think a packet of Batchelor's Savoury Rice wouldn't melt in their Vosene Medicated, but they've no savvy.
Cuando los ves, piensas que un paquete de Arroz Batchelors Savoury no se mezclaría con un shampoo Vosene, pero no tienen inteligencia.
He's heavily medicated, among other things.
Toma muchas medicinas, entre otras cosas.
Your Honor, my client is in a heavily medicated, mentally agitated state.
Mi cliente está en un estado muy medicado y muy agitado.
His problem is he's under-medicated.
Su problema es que esta bajo medicamento.
We are informed he has sustained minor injuries... which will require his being medicated for some time...
Nos informan que sufre heridas de poca importancia... que requerirán un pequeño tratamiento...
He's sacked out in Curtain 3, having self-medicated with Valium.
Está tumbado en la 3. Se ha automedicado con Valium.
Medicated, lying in a hospital bed.
Medicada, viviendo en una cama de hospital
50 million people medicated.
50 millones de personas medicadas.
He has been medicated, has received shock therapy, _ _ _ _.and has been diagnosed with ego-dystonic obsessive-compulsive disorder, _ _ _ _.which would explain the switching of the rings.
Ha recibido medicación, terapia de choque, y le han diagnosticado trastorno egodistónico obsesivo compulsivo, lo que explicaría el cambio de los anillos.
Nurse Harper is medicated.
La enfermera Harper está medicada.
Are you jumping or am I on under-medicated?
¿ Estás saltando, o no tomé mis pastillas?
- Your mother's heavily medicated.
- Su madre está muy medicada.
Of course, I'm medicated, but...
Por supuesto, estoy medicado. Pero...
The over-medicated Private Cleaves.
Suele excederse con la medicación.
This just isn't fair. The man is heavily medicated.
No es justo, el hombre está muy medicado...
He won't speak or sleep even when he's medicated.
No habla ni duerme, ni cuando está medicado.
Usually I perform after the patients have been medicated.
Normalmente actúo después de que los pacientes se han medicado.
If I need Mr. Nash for trial, he's medicated.
Necesito que Nash testifique estando medicado.
Oh, Mom, I'm fully medicated.
Ay, mamá, estoy completamente medicado.
You can fly down once she's medicated.
Puedes verla una vez que esté medicada.
I'm medicated, I'm monitored.
Estoy medicada y monitorizada.
The whole town should be medicated... and put in a rec room with Ping-Pong tables and hand puppets.
Deberían medicar al pueblo entero... y poner un centro de recreación con mesas de ping-pong y marionetas.
That was the latest ad for Stridex Pads, medicated.
Ése fue el último anuncio para toallas higiénicas Stridex.
Look, Billy's bipolar. He's medicated.
Billy es bipolar, toma medicinas.
You've medicated Soprano and helped him gain what insight he's able to absorb.
Medicaste a Soprano y lo ayudaste a aumentar su comprensión.
I've been heavily medicated lately and the last thing that I remember is my dad dropping me off at school.
Estuve muy medicado últimamente y lo último que recuerdo es a mi papá dejándome en el colegio.
I've medicated her, but we have to move her up to Maternity immediately.
La mediqué, pero debemos moverla de inmediato a Maternidad.
When all you had to do from the start was take a medicated pad... and smother it.
Ylo único que tenías que hacer era tomar un cojinete impregnado... y sofocarla.
Have you heard, "You need to be medicated"?
¿ Has oído : "Necesita que la mediquen"?
I just pre-medicated with the antiemetic, ondansetron.
Acabo de medicarlo con un antiemético, Ondansetron.
He needs to be evaluated and medicated now.
Necesita ser evaluado y medicado.
You know if you don't stay medicated, it can get bad.
Si no te medicas, te pondrás mal.
- He needs to stay medicated.
- Tiene que medicarse.
If it's all the same to you... the last thing I need right now is to be medicated.
Si todo es lo mismo para ti... lo último que necesito en este momento es ser medicado.
- Sing Gold Bond Medicated Powder!
¡ Canta la de talco medicinal Gold Bond!
They consented to being medicated. In fact, they were begging for it.
Aceptaron ser medicados.
- It's a stressful job. - He had therapy but wasn't medicated.
- Es un trabajo estresante.
medical 88
medicine 187
medic 237
medicinal 21
medication 58
medics 19
medically 65
medications 23
medical emergency 31
medical school 19
medicine 187
medic 237
medicinal 21
medication 58
medics 19
medically 65
medications 23
medical emergency 31
medical school 19