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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ M ] / My beautiful wife

My beautiful wife Çeviri İspanyolca

431 parallel translation
And seeing my beautiful wife sitting there, and my daughter, looking such a tremendous young lady, it is really hard to believe when we first arrived here, how frightened we were and what a difference one helping of specially cooked cabbage made!
Y viendo a mi hermosa esposa sentada allí, y mi hija, viéndose tan tremenda joven, es realmente difícil de creer que cuando llegamos aquí, ¡ Cómo estábamos de asustados... y qué diferencia puede hacer una col cocinado especialmente!
I would say : I want a double room and bath for myself and my beautiful wife.
Yo diría, quiero una habitación doble con baño para mi y mi bella esposa.
This is my beautiful wife.
Esta es mi bella esposa.
Where's my beautiful wife?
¿ Y mi encantadora esposa?
You dare to inform me you had vulgar footpads in snap-brim fedoras... sluicing after my beautiful wife?
¿ Te atreves a informarme de que mandaste a unos sabuesos a husmear a mi mujer?
"What did I want with a holiday?"... I asked myself. A holiday away from my beautiful wife!
Me di cuenta de que no quería estar lejos de mi dedicada esposa.
And what was my beautiful wife's response to the bandit in front of her helpless husband?
Y, ¿ qué fue lo que mi bella mujer contestó al bandido delante de su indefenso marido?
If he wishes, he has my permission to laugh with my beautiful wife.
Si quiere, le doy permiso para reír con mi hermosa mujer.
And when we return... You will become my beautiful wife, forever more.
Cuando volvamos, te convertirás en mi bella esposa para siempre.
Then drink to the health of my beautiful wife.
Entonces beba por la salud de mi hermosa esposa.
My beautiful wife.
Mi bella esposa.
And here's my beautiful wife Harrie.
Y está es mi bella esposa Harrie.
Well, if he thinks that entitles him to bed privileges with my beautiful wife, he's got a surprise in store for him.
Si cree que le concede privilegios de cama con mi bella esposa le espera una sorpresa.
My beautiful wife here and I both thank you for a lovely morning.
Mi bella esposa aquí y yo les agradecemos por una hermosa mañana.
Your daughter, so soon to be my wife, how beautiful beyond words she is, so full of sincere kindness.
Vuestra hija, y pronto mi esposa, es tan inefablemente maravillosa, tan dulce y bella, tan profundamente bondadosa.
- Isn't my wife beautiful?
- Tienes razón. - Mi mujer es bella, ¿ eh?
You're more beautiful than my wife.
Eres más bonita que mi esposa.
My wife who is young and very beautiful.
Mi esposa que es muy joven y muy bella.
How beautiful is my wife how well she can cook and she's the best at sewing and ironing.
Qué bonita es mi mujer, qué bien sabe cocinar y es muy hacha pa'coser y pa'planchar.
My beautiful, mysterious Alraune, the wife of a doctor who prescribes a few drops.
Mi hermosa y misteriosa Mandrágora, la esposa de un médico que prescribe gotas medicinales.
My children are talented, well-educated, and I've got a beautiful wife.
Mis niños tienen talento, bien educados, y tengo una hermosa mujer.
To a camp in Africa with you... my rich, beautiful wife.
A un campamento en África... contigo, mi rica y hermosa esposa.
My wife is intelligent and beautiful.
Mi mujer es bella e inteligente.
- Beautiful girl. - If you want my advice... We're going to switch berths with your wife, OK?
Si me permite un consejo... sabe, son todas iguales.
My wife... you've always thought her beautiful.
Mi esposa- - Siempre la consideraste bonita.
Slide into some beautiful clothes, travel in first-class luxury be entertained in top-notch style pretend to be my wife
Vestirse con ropa bonita, viajar en primera clase actuar con mucho estilo, y fingir ser mi esposa.
You're young, rich and beautiful, and my wife is divorcing me.
Es joven, rica y hermosa, y yo me estoy divorciando.
All the young husband stand there like saying "look how beautiful is my wife"
Los jóvenes maridos siempre desean decir : "Miren lo guapa que es mi mujer."
No, my wife is very beautiful.
No, es guapísima.
My wife is beautiful too, isn't she, Rosalind?
Mi mujer también es deliciosa ¿ a que sí?
My wife is very beautiful.
Mi mujer es muy guapa.
She's from a good family, has the backing of my father in a few years she'll make a good wife, a wonderful bride, all in white in the beautiful white cathedral, with the blessing of the vicar, amen.
Con la venia de la familia, la protección de mi padre en unos años, será una esposa excelente esposa soberbia, de blanco, en la blanca y decorada catedral con la bendición episcopal.
And my wife spoke, and she spoke of her sister's new refrigerator, more beautiful than ours,
Y mi mujer hablaba y hablaba del nuevo frigorífico de su hermana, más bonito que el nuestro ;
And may I raise my glass to Signor Altabani and his most beautiful wife, to thank him for his hospitality?
¿ Y puedo levantar mi copa a la salud del Signor Altabani y su hermosa esposa, para agradecerles su hospitalidad?
You see, my new, beautiful wife is violently jealous.
Mi nueva y hermosa mujer es increíblemente celosa.
I would pay for so beautiful an addition to my household as your delicious wife.
Pagaría por una adquisición tan bella como su deliciosa esposa.
! Mimicking my wife's hard work and her beautiful appearance.
Tratando de imitar a mi mujer solo por su maravillosa apariencia
Who has beautiful wives can kiss my wife because it'll be easy to get even.
Quien tiene hermosa esposa puede besar a la mía porque será fácil estar en paz.
I let the men with beautiful wives kiss my wife so I kiss their wives. Is it alright?
Dejo a los hombres con hermosas esposas besar a la mía, para así yo besar a las suyas.
What does it mean that men with beautiful wives can kiss my wife and men with beautiful sisters-in-law can kiss my sister-in-law?
¿ Qué significa que los hombres con hermosas esposas pueden besar a la mía y hombres con hermosas cuñadas pueden besar a la mía?
My wife hides such beautiful friends from me.
Mi esposa me oculta sus amigas mas hermosas.
When my wife was young she was beautiful.
Cuando mi mujer era joven era una gran mujer. de óptima familia.
My wife is beautiful, isn ´ t she? Let me ask you a question :
Es hermosa mi mujer, ¿ verdad?
And my wife has given me a cute and beautiful baby.
Y mi esposa ha dado un lindo y hermoso bebé.
- My wife's beautiful.
- Mi mujer es guapa, ¿ eh?
I tell ya... my wife would give her eyeteeth for that. It's beautiful.
Mi esposa daría cualquier cosa por eso.
Look, I knew you'd get miffed about it... because of my wife and everything... but Tina's... she's beautiful.
Sabía que no te agradaría por lo de mi esposa y todo eso pero, Danny, Tina es lindísima.
Uh, my regards to your beautiful wife.
- Sí... Mis saludos a su encantadora esposa...
To my best salesman and his beautiful wife.
A mi mejor vendedor y su bella esposa.
I have a beautiful wife, two beautiful children, all because of my brother.
Tengo una bella esposa, dos hijos preciosos, todo gracias a mi hermano.
Do you think my wife is beautiful?
¿ Crees que mi esposa es bella?

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