Not them Çeviri İspanyolca
32,655 parallel translation
- It's not like they killing the sushi and putting them in the seed, bro.
- Sí, vale.. - No es que maten al sushi y lo pongan en la pipa, hermano.
If you didn't want me to kill them, kill me, not her!
¡ Si no querías que los matara, mátame a mí, no a ella!
I'm not going to take them to him.
Yo no se lo voy a llevar.
"If a man has a hundred sheep " and one of them has gone astray " does he not leave the 99 on the mountains
" Si un hombre tiene cien ovejas... y una de ellas se descarría... no deja a las otras 99 en el monte...?
You're not going to try and stop them?
¿ No vas a intentar detenerlos?
It seemed to me that they lied about the world I knew, and debased it, and certainly I did not know anybody like them, as far as I could tell.
Me parecía que mentían sobre el mundo que yo conocía, lo degradaban, y yo sin duda no conocía a nadie como ellos, al menos que yo supiera.
The root of the black man's hatred is rage, and he does not so much hate white men as simply wants them out of his way, and more than that, out of his children's way.
La raíz del odio de los negros es la ira, y no es que odie a los blancos, sino más bien que los quiere fuera de su camino y, por sobre todo, fuera del camino de sus hijos.
The black man jumps off the train in order to reassure white people, to make them know that they are not hated, that though they have made human errors, they done nothing for which to be hated.
El hombre negro salta del tren para tranquilizar a la gente blanca, para hacerles saber que no se los odia, que a pesar de sus errores humanos, no han hecho nada para ser odiados.
You might not think you can stop anything anymore, but you stopped them from taking her.
Puede que pienses que ya no puedes detener nada, pero impediste que se la llevaran.
One of them did an absolutely enormous wee and you, not knowing what it was, jumped right into it.
Uno de ellos hizo un montón de pipí y tú, si saber qué era eso, saltaste encima.
We chose not to correct them.
Elegimos no corregirles.
Not all of them, obviously, but yeah.
- Sí, no todos, obviamente.
It's an alien detection device that allows humans to find out who among them is not truly one of them.
Un dispositivo de detección alienígena que permite a los humanos averiguar quién de los que están entre ellos no es realmente uno de ellos.
It's not us against them.
Esto no es de nosotros contra ellos.
I'm just saying we need to start finding a way to walk in between the mines and not on them.
Sólo digo que tenemos que empezar encontrar una manera de caminar en medio de las minas y no en ellos.
Do not let them get into formation.
No dejes que entrar en formación.
We must not let them dig in.
No debemos dejar que les clavan.
What makes them great may not be lasting.
Lo que los hace grandes no puede ser duradera.
I will not pledge alliance to them.
No prometo Alianza a ellos.
I will not be taken alive by them.
Yo no se tendrán viva por ellos.
We do not have enough manpower to reinforce them.
No tenemos suficientes mano de obra para reforzarlos.
We should not have helped them.
No deberíamos haberlos ayudado.
But be aware, someone from the press may ask me if Alison Hawthorne-Price is being questioned in the Silver Bells murders, and I will be forced to tell them that you are not cooperating with the authorities.
Pero tenga en cuenta que puede que alguien de la prensa me pregunte si Alison Hawthorne-Price está siendo interrogada por los crímenes del Asesino de la Campanilla y me veré a obligada a contarles que no está cooperando con las autoridades.
Not text them "I love you."
No mandarles mensajes con un "Te quiero".
We're not getting out through any of them.
No podremos salir por ellas.
Because if you think about those sentences, not one of them makes any sense.
Porque si piensas en esas frases, ninguna de ellas tiene sentido.
Here's your chance not to be one of them.
Esta es su oportunidad de no ser uno de ellos.
The April who did those amazing things did them because she's April, not because she's a superhero.
April, la que hizo esas cosas increíbles, las hizo porque es April. No porque es una superheroína.
I'm not one of them.
No soy uno de ellos.
I am not letting them finance me.
No estoy dejando que me financien.
No, not by using them.
No, no usándolos.
I thought you were gonna die, but now you're not dead, and I can finally be honest and say that those boots are terrible and hideous and I hate them.
creí que ibas a morir pero no estás muerto y finalmente puedo ser honesto y decir que esas botas son horribles y espantosas y las odio.
No. Do not tell me that you made t-shirts that said... that and then sold them for a profit?
¿ No me digas que hiciste camisetas que decían "eso" y luego las vendiste para sacar una ganancia?
You're not going because of them?
¿ No irás por ellos?
I want to know how that cartel hit team got on this island, and I do not want them getting off.
Quiero saber como ese cartel consiguió formar un equipo en la isla, y no quiero que se larguen.
He just said "ship them," not "send them."
Acaba de decir embarco, no envío.
We're still in the process of figuring out where those lava tubes are and mapping them is not a trivial thing.
Todavía estamos en el proceso de averiguar dónde están esos tubos de lava y mapearlos no es algo trivial.
Did you know sometimes I feel as if people are not really looking at me as I pass them in the hall?
¿ Sabes? A veces siento que la gente no me mira mientras los paso en el pasillo.
Not in the same way as they are present in the mind when it experiences them, but in a quite different way.
No de la misma forma que están presentes en la mente cuando esta los experimenta, pero sí de un modo diferente.
They sealed the crew in the chamber and isolated them so you couldn't have social contact, and then they held the crew to not only the time delays, but to a full simulated mission to Mars so there was a
Sellaron a la tripulación en una cámara y los aislaron para que no pudieran tener contactos sociales y entonces sometieron a la tripulación no solo al retardo temporal, sino a todos los detalles simulados de una misión completa a Marte, hubo un
An unmanned resupply mission may not seem that impressive in the scheme of things, but by having the private sector take over the routine maintenance of the space station and satellites and everything else NASA's looking after now, it frees them up to go even further into our solar system. Love :
Una misión no tripulada no parece ser impresionante, pero que los privados hagan el mantenimiento... de estaciones y satélites... y todo lo que ahora hace la NASA, la libera para explorar más el sistema solar.
They had not had any opportunities to use facilities, so most of them were wearing diapers.
No habían podido usar un baño, así que la mayoría tenía pañales.
Now Mike's been playing chicken with them, and if he doesn't drop it, they're not gonna let him out.
Ahora Mike ha estado jugando a la gallina con ellos, y si no deja de hacerlo, no van a dejarlo salir.
You're damn right I didn't, because I was doing it to put guys like Gallo away, not let them wander around at night hoping some fat guy with a Polaroid is gonna keep him from murdering somebody else.
Tienes toda la razón, porque lo estaba haciendo para encerrar a tipos como Gallo, no dejándolos vagar por las noches con la esperanza de que un gordo con una cámara va a impedirle asesinar a alguien más.
It'll get'em to stop asking questions. - No, I am not going to have sex with someone to get them to stop talking to me!
No, no voy a tener sexo con alguien ¡ para hacer que dejen de hablarme!
Buffalo Wild Wings in Jacksonville, but the nice one, not the one above the gas station, I ate 50 of them in two minutes.
Buffalo Wild Wings en Jacksonville, pero el lindo, no el que está sobre la estación de servicio, comí 50 en dos minutos.
You can summon every evil creature you have, every weapon in your arsenal, every four-headed flying bear... they have them down there... but we are not giving up.
Puedes invocar al cada criatura malvada que tengas, cada arma de tu arsenal, a cada oso volador de cuatro cabezas... los tienen allí abajo... pero no nos rendiremos.
Calling them "detention facility" doesn't make them not a prison.
Con decirles centros de detención no dejan de ser prisiones.
I'm not saying I didn't make some mistakes or maybe even commit a few crimes, but killing those kids was not one of them.
No estoy diciendo que no cometí algunos errores o quizá hasta cometí algunos crímenes, pero matar a esos niños no fue uno de ellos.
No, I had to turn them down, because he's not the only one involved.
No, tuve que hacerlo porque él no era el único involucrado.
Not if you get them to give Jill immunity first.
No si haces que le den inmunidad a Jill primero.
theme 39
them 588
themselves 24
theme song 16
themed 19
theme music playing 79
them's the rules 20
theme music 17
them too 26
theme song playing 16
them 588
themselves 24
theme song 16
themed 19
theme music playing 79
them's the rules 20
theme music 17
them too 26
theme song playing 16
not tonight 725
not today 1108
not too shabby 64
not tomorrow 85
not too bright 16
not this week 36
not to my knowledge 80
not too bad 203
not that i know of 367
not too long ago 36
not today 1108
not too shabby 64
not tomorrow 85
not too bright 16
not this week 36
not to my knowledge 80
not too bad 203
not that i know of 367
not too long ago 36
not too late 30
not theirs 49
not this time 741
not the other way around 149
not that much 88
not the whole time 20
not the car 19
not that i'm aware of 114
not too much 153
not the same 35
not theirs 49
not this time 741
not the other way around 149
not that much 88
not the whole time 20
not the car 19
not that i'm aware of 114
not too much 153
not the same 35
not that way 143
not that guy 21
not too many 25
not too fast 55
not too hot 19
not that bad 52
not the time 34
not totally 25
not too good 62
not this guy 31
not that guy 21
not too many 25
not too fast 55
not too hot 19
not that bad 52
not the time 34
not totally 25
not too good 62
not this guy 31