Not to me Çeviri İspanyolca
76,657 parallel translation
Not to me!
No a mí.
Yeah, I love the idea of sending a message, but I'm not ready to talk about hiring associates right now.
Si, me encanta la idea de mandar un mensaje, pero no estoy listo para hablar sobre contratar asociados ahora.
So instead of picking a fight with me that I'm not in the mood to have, why don't you do what you said you were going to and hire a new class of associates?
Asi que en vez de querer pelearte conmigo lo cual no estoy con ganas de que hagamos, por que no haces lo que dijiste que deberiamos hacer y vas a coontratar una nueva clase de asociados?
It's Robert Zane, and before you try to talk me out of it, he just said that I'm not fit to lead right to my face.
La de Robert Zane, y antes de que me quieras convencer de que no lo haga, el acaba de decir en mi cara que no puedo liderar.
I'd ask you to join me for dinner, but I'm pretty sure that that's not what you came here for.
Te invitaria a que te unas en la cena, pero estoy bastante seguro que esa no es la razon de tu visita.
He's not been in there three months, and you want me to help him con more people?
Ni siquiera estuvo ni 3 meses en la carcel, y queres que lo ayude a estafar a mas personas?
You can believe whatever you want, but Harvey lashed out at me, and now he's not even man enough to come to me to ask me for help himself?
Puedes creer lo que quieras, pero Harvey me agredió verbalmente ¿ y ahora ni siquiera es tan hombre como para venir y pedirme ayuda él mismo?
I'm not gonna get tricked, so... if you don't mind, I'd like to meet with my client.
No me van a engañar, así que si no te importa, quisiera ver a mi clienta.
You said 3 : 00, so I called her in at 2 : 30 because I knew you wouldn't give me the chance to meet her, just like I know the other side is gonna approach her when you're not there.
Dijiste a las tres, así que le dije que viniera a las 2 : 30 porque sabía que no me darías la oportunidad de conocerla, tal como los otros la irán a ver cuando tú no estés.
But I was the one who brought the application to Nathan, and he told me not to tell anyone.
Pero yo fui quien le llevó la solicitud a Nathan y me dijo que no le dijera a nadie.
I don't know, but for what it's worth, I wouldn't have said anything whether Nathan told me to or not.
No sé, pero si de algo sirve, no habría dicho nada me lo hubiera pedido Nathan o no.
I want you to know that whether you want me in your life or not, you still have a mother that loves you and will always be there for you.
Quiero que sepas que me quieras o no en tu vida, sigues teniendo una madre que te ama y que siempre estará ahí para ti.
Not only was he willing to hire me, he was happy about it.
No solo deseaba contratarme, sino que lo hacía felizmente.
I figure that, because Benjamin updates everybody else's computers remotely, and once a quarter he's down here, pretending not to like my act, so unless you want me to focus my rapier-like wit on you,
Porque Benjamin actualiza las computadoras de todos los demás remotamente y cada trimestre viene aquí fingiendo que no le gusto, así que a menos que quieras que fije mi agudo ingenio en ti, te sugiero que regreses tu hermoso ser
Thank you, Harvey. And it shows growth on your part not to make light of the fact that I just admitted something that was... very difficult for me to admit.
Y demuestra madurez de tu parte que no te burles del hecho de que acabo de admitir algo que... me costaba mucho admitir.
Do you want me to fix Rachel's problem or not?
¿ Quieres que arregle el problema de Rachel o no?
He said it was some sort of mix-up, but when I asked Donna about it, she told me that you were the one who went to see that man for me, not Louis.
Dijo que fue una confusión, pero cuando le pregunté a Donna al respecto, me dijo que fuiste tú quien fue a ver al hombre, no Louis.
Jason, you are all that I care about, possibly because I did not have the capacity to care about anything before you.
Jason, eres todo lo que me importa, posiblemente porque no tenía la capacidad de importarme nada antes que tú.
Look, Levi told me to come here, and to get the money for him, and... and... and he insist that I not tell the cops,
Levi me pidió venir aquí y buscar su dinero. Insistió en que no avise a la policía.
After that, I passed out, but not before, I remember, making everybody promise to take turns riding up front so the rest of us could draft.
Después de eso, me desmayé, pero no sin antes, hacerles prometer a todos que tomaramos turnos en la delantera para que pudiéramos ir a la rueda.
You know, it's hard enough for me to do British taxes without you not bothering to save receipts.
Sabes, es bastante difícil para mí el hacer los impuestos británicos sin que tú... no te molestes en guardar los recibos.
What you offer the company is more important to me than whether or not you tried to fuck a very fuckable co-worker.
Lo que le ofreces a la compañía es más importante para... mí que si intentaste o no tirarte a una muy tirable compañera de trabajo.
If you're not gonna listen, at least go to the free clinic and get it checked out. No.
No me escuches a mí, pero ve a la clínica gratuita y hazte ver.
And Nancy Miller was my best friend until she tried to convince me that she introduced Josh Groban's music to me, which is not possible because she doesn't watch the Today show.
Nancy Miller fue mi amiga hasta que quiso convencerme de que me había presentado la música de Josh Groban era imposible porque ella no miraba The Today Show.
I'm a little worried about him, but not enough to step in.
Me preocupa un poco, pero no como para involucrarme.
Right. Just remind me to call Shane and tell him that I'm alive, and I'm not gonna be able to meet up with them on tour,
Recuérdame llamar a Shane y decirle que estoy viva y que no podré reunirme con ellos en la gira...
Did not take him long to tell me that either.
Tampoco tardó tanto en decírmelo.
So, you're telling me that the entire time I'm in Tinseltown, not only am I not helping Britney, but there's a chance I won't even get to meet Katie Holmes and learn the secrets of her side smile?
Entonces, dices que todo el tiempo que pasaré en Tinseltown, no solo no ayudaré a Britney, sino que es posible que ni siquiera conozca a Katie Holmes ni aprenda cómo pone su media sonrisa.
You're gonna tell me you're not using this as a stepping stone to get back to your old firm?
¿ Me vas a decir que no estás usando esto como trampolín para regresar a tu antiguo bufete?
And how exactly would you have done that when you told me not to counter?
¿ Y cómo lo habrías hecho si me dijiste que no argumentara?
I mean, hope he's not expecting me to save his ass.
Quiero decir, espero que no está esperando que yo le salve el culo.
You can't tell me not to tell my husband I can't find his son.
No puedes decirme que no le diga que no encuentro a su hijo.
He will not be able to function, and I need him to function to help me get him out of there.
No será capaz de funcionar y necesito que funcione para ayudarme a sacarlo de ahí.
Why am I not surprised to see you?
¿ Por qué no me sorprende verlo?
You'll sit second chair to me and we'll make sure Angela's not a dis... traction.
Serás mi asistente y nos aseguraremos de que Angela no sea una distracción.
Because you see, me, if I was in your situation, if some moppet had their hands on my girl... And I'm not ashamed to admit it, I don't think I'd be very restrained at all.
Que yo, si estuviera en tu lugar si algún mierda le tocara un pelo a mi chica y no me avergüenza admitirlo no creo que me contuviera en absoluto.
In reality, I would not be subjected to the ridiculous claims of a woman who died in my arms!
En realidad, ¡ no me sometería a las demandas ridículas de una mujer que murió en mis brazos!
Elijah, this is me not worrying that you were supposed to be here 20 minutes ago.
Elijah, soy yo no preocupándome porque se supone que deberías haber llegado hace 20 minutos.
I can't just not say anything to my parents when I know they're lying right to my face.
No puedo quedarme callada cuando me mienten en la cara.
- No, it's fine. I was just trying to prove my point. Because you're not into me.
Quería probar lo que estaba diciendo, porque no te gusto, pero mentiste para no lastimarme, como están haciendo tus padres.
But you just lied to protect me so I wouldn't get hurt, like your parents are doing to you. And I'm not hurt, because this was all a rhetorical exercise to make a point.
No me lastimaste porque era un ejercicio retórico para demostrarlo.
So, Kimmy, I feel terrible about what happened to your sister, but I'm not gonna lie to you.
Bien, Kimmy, me siento terrible con lo que le sucedió a tu hermana, pero no te voy a mentir.
I can't tell if you're trying to trap me or not.
No puedo saber si tratas de ponerme una trampa o no.
I'm not ashamed to admit it.
No me da vergüenza admitirlo.
Your duty, darling, is not to your brother, it is to glamor and beauty and me!
Tu deber, cariño, no es con tu hermano, es con el encanto y la belleza... ¡ y conmigo!
Believe me, the King does not love me for my ability to bear children, let alone look after them.
Créeme, el rey no me ama por mi habilidad para tener hijos y dejada sola para cuidar de ellos.
You're not listening to me, Eric.
Usted no está escuchando a mí, Eric.
Laurie... I will not allow you to make the same mistake that Uber, Palantir, Zenefits, and, in my earlier years, Chipotle made by not hiring me.
Laurie, no te permitiré cometer el mismo error que Uber, Palantir, Zenefits, y, cuando estaba empezando, Chipotle, cometieron al no contratarme.
Yeah, a lot of these guys aren't man enough to work for an all-female led VC firm, but not me.
Algunos no son bastante hombre como para trabajar en una empresa de mujeres, pero yo sí.
- Well, I know you know that we're not supposed to be talking about this, but unofficially, her history of addiction makes her very high risk.
Solo estaba tratando de ayudar. Me humillaste allá adentro. Natalie, lo siento.
I was so focused on her risk factors that I was blind to the one personality trait that my late brother did not have.
Siento como si te hubiera usado. Me diste la ilusión de que mi vida estaba arreglada y completa.
not to mention 295
not tonight 725
not today 1108
not too shabby 64
not tomorrow 85
not too bright 16
not to my knowledge 80
not too bad 203
not too long ago 36
not too late 30
not tonight 725
not today 1108
not too shabby 64
not tomorrow 85
not too bright 16
not to my knowledge 80
not too bad 203
not too long ago 36
not too late 30
not too much 153
not too many 25
not too fast 55
not too hot 19
not totally 25
not too good 62
not too far 44
not too tight 35
not too close 43
not to be rude 21
not too many 25
not too fast 55
not too hot 19
not totally 25
not too good 62
not too far 44
not too tight 35
not too close 43
not to be rude 21
not too 17
not too hard 45
not too well 25
not too long 47
not to worry 456
not to brag 31
not to anyone 33
not to you 139
not to 38
not to him 34
not too hard 45
not too well 25
not too long 47
not to worry 456
not to brag 31
not to anyone 33
not to you 139
not to 38
not to him 34