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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ P ] / Put it back on

Put it back on Çeviri İspanyolca

920 parallel translation
Put it back on!
Vuelve a poner el canal de antes.
They cut off his head, but Gogol put it back on.
Le cortaron la cabeza... pero Gogol se la volvió a colocar.
You'll go up to your room, sit at your typewriter, mess around with some words, thrown them away, lie on your bed, put the light out, then put it back on again, go back to your desk.
En tu habitación te sentarás ante la máquina de escribir. Escribirás algo, lo tirarás a la papelera. Te acostarás.
Well, put it back on.
Volvedlo a poner.
I'll put it back on.
- Volveré a ponérmela.
Put it back on the treadmill for another thousand miles...
Lo pondré en la rueda durante otros 1600 km para probarlo.
Put it back on. We'll get them later.
Da la corriente, les cogeremos más lejos.
Just put it back on and get out!
vuelve a ponértelo y sal de aquí.
Well, you can put it back on your list.
Bien, usted puede ponerlo de nuevo en su lista.
Well, do me a favor and put it back on her.
Bueno, ahora hágame el favor de volver a ponérselo.
You'll have to put it back on, or I'll have to do another portrait.
O engordas o tendré que rehacer tu retrato.
I've taken this collar off and I'm not going to put it back on.
Me quité este alzacuellos y no volveré a ponérmelo.
All right, put it back on.
Muy bien, vuelve a encenderla.
Sheriff, I'd sure appreciate it if you'd get my money out of there, wipe it off and put it back on the bar.
Sheriff, le agradecería que sacara mi dinero de ahí, lo limpiase y lo volviese a poner sobre la barra.
If it overturns, we won't be able to put it back on its wheels.
Si volcara, no podríamos levantarlo.
I forgot to put it back on after I made a phone call.
Sí,... olvidé ponérmelo después de llamar por teléfono.
Oh, I'll put it back on before he wakes up.
Oh, lo pondré de nuevo antes que despierte.
Put it back on.
- Put it back on!
- Póngasela.
It would be better if you put it back on the table.
- Déjela en la mesa, por favor. - Es que resulta que...
A while ago it seemed you hurt your back. I'll put a patch on it.
Creo que antes se hizo daño en la espalda.
" It's too big to put on the back of the cart.
" Es demasiado grande para ponerlo en la parte de atrás de la carreta.
If you set foot on it again, I'll put you in irons and land you at St. Charles on my way back.
Si vuelve a subir a bordo, le pondré grilletes... y lo bajaré a tierra en St. Charles al regresar.
Things kept going from bad to worse, but we all put our shoulders to the wheel, and it wasn't long before I was flat on my back again.
Las cosas iban de mal en peor, pero todos arrimamos el hombro, y no tardé mucho en volver a estar por los suelos.
Put it on and see if he notices when he comes back.
Póntelo. A ver si lo nota cuando vuelva.
- Well, go on then. Put your back into it.
- Hazlo entonces.
- When you put your foot on stage it'll come back.
Cuando hayas pisado el escenario, lo recordarás como por arte de magia.
If I beat it, they'll put the cops on my trail. If I stay here, I'll probably get Jock's knife in my back.
No parece que tenga mucha elección en este asunto, ¿ no?
Well, you take this and put it on the back of that car.
Coge esto y ponlo en la trasera de ese coche.
It was either them or us, and now the range grass will grow back, and some day, the cattlemen will put up a statue of me out there on the street, and they'll write on it,
Era ellos o nosotros, y ahora volverán a crecer las pasturas, y un día los ganaderos me levantarán una estatua en la calle y escribirán en ella,
I put food on the sink, left the room, when I come back it was gone. No.
Dejé algo de comida en el fregadero... y cuando volví, ya no estaba.
He put his hand on me head... and it yanked me back to life as sudden as a rope around me body.
Me ha puesto la mano en la frente... y me ha traído de vuelta a la vida como si hubiera tirado de mí.
Thanks for now, I'II be back later to put some lace on it.
De momento gracias. Volveré para agradecértelo mejor.
Oh, I guess it really wasn't much but after a while he put his head back on my shoulder and looked at all the men waiting their turns and said :
En realidad no fue gran cosa pero al rato apoyó su cabeza en mi hombro y miró a los que esperaban su turno, y dijo :
To conquer something back again is more difficult that to stay put on it
Reconquistar algo es siempre más difícil que conservarlo.
When you get back, put it on the fire with the rest - unopened.
Cuando vuelva, échela al fuego con las demás,... sin abrir.
- Come on, put it back.
- Vuelve a ponerla.
- Put it right back on again. - No.
- Pues vuelve a ponértelo.
Son, that trigger's tied back with rawhide and if you don't know how to fan a gun, don't put it on.
Muchacho, el gatillo está atado con cuero crudo y si no sabe cómo usar un revólver no se lo ponga.
I'll put the cover right back on it, Mr. Garvin.
La volveré a tapar, Sr. Garvin.
That lie about my wanting him to get it back means he'll put it on that island.
Esa mentira del encendedor significa que lo pondrá en la isla.
Look, you just take the pill, you put it on the back of your tongue, flush it down with water and it's all over.
¡ Mira! Sólo tienes que tomar de este modo la pastilla, la pones al final de la garganta, dejas fluir el agua, y eso es todo.
It suddenly put a sheen back on his cheeks.
De repente sus mejillas recuperaron el brillo.
I'm listening to you, but I warn you, if you came to tell me to put my gloves back on, it's not worth the trouble.
Le escucho, pero si ha venido a que le devuelva los guantes, pierde el tiempo.
Did it ever occur to you, Harry that the prince looked everywhere for Cinderella just so that he could put the shoe back on her foot?
Se te ha ocurrido nunca, Harry que el príncipe busca a la Cenicienta por todos lados solo para poder devolverle el zapato?
Then you tie the sack up, put it on top of the cart and push it right back here.
cierra la bolsa, la pone sobre el carro y lo trae de vuelta aquí.
You've put on a little weight. I'll lose some of it now that you're back on our hands.
Perderé un poco ahora que vuelves a estar en nuestras manos.
Put it on his pack so he'll find it when he gets back.
Ponlos en su morral para cuando regrese.
If it's still the same paper... then you better put this back on his desk.
Si sigue siendo el mismo periódico, será mejor que vuelva a dejarlo en su mesa.
You can put them back on, if it's more comfortable for you.
Puede volver a ponérselas, si se siente más cómoda.
Well, put the boot back on and lace it up tight.
Ponme la bota y átala fuerte.

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