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Search him Çeviri İspanyolca

859 parallel translation
Why don't you search him, too?
¿ Porque no lo registramos también?
¡ Regístrenlo!
Esta bien. Registradle.
Rasputin : How well did you search him?
¿ Qué tan bien buscaron?
- Well, search him some of you brass-brained lubbers.
- Registradlo pedazo de gandules.
Search him.
Search him for a pair of scissors.
Busquen unas tijeras.
Better search him first.
Lo registraremos a él primero.
- Let's search him.
- Registrémoslo.
- Search him.
- Revísenlo.
I'll search him before he comes to.
Le registraré antes de que vuelva en sí.
Search him!
¡ Regístrenlo!
Did they search him?
- ¿ Le registraron? - Si.
Search him, men.
Registradlo, podría estar armado.
- ¿ Por qué no lo registras?
- Search him.
- Regístrelo.
Search him.
Search him.
I forgot to search him before I put him in the cabinet.
Olvidé comprobar un pequeño dato antes de meterlo.
Go ahead and search him.
- He wants someone else to search him.
- Quiere que le cachee otro.
Go ahead and search him.
Vamos, cachéale.
I will search him out and have a fight with him. If and when I come across the Samoto brothers...
Tengo la idea de ofrecer una estatua de buda hecha a mano..... en Consuelo al espíritu de Lord Masatsura.
Did you search him, Bates?
¿ Le ha registrado, Bates?
Search him!
- Regístrenle.
Why don't you search him?
Porqué no lo registran?
Alphonse, Hannibal, search him.
Alphonse, Hannibal, registradle.
- I'll search him myself.
Le registraré yo.
They might search him.
Podrían registrarlo.
Search for him!
Impresionante, impresionante.
didn't you search for him?
¿ No lo habéis buscado?
I'll search for him, anywhere.
Lo buscaré, donde se encuentre.
In giving him those pearls and sending him off to search the world for five identical ones, the pope surely thought he was rid of Spanelli forever.
Dándole aquellas perlas y enviándolo por el mundo en busca de otras cinco, el papa seguramente pensó que se deshacía de Spanelli.
I sent him a fake invitation so that he'd leave his room, and I could search it.
Le envié una invitación falsa para que pudiera registrar su habitación.
- Search him.
Search him
Vamos, no perdamos tiempo.
We figured you'd want to form a posse and search for him before his trail gets cold.
Pensamos que querría reunir una partida y perseguirlo antes de perder su rastro.
I'll look for him right away. Durga you search in there.
Lo buscaremos de inmediato Durga tu busca por allá
In your search, did you learn anything about him?
¿ Averiguaste algo sobre él durante la búsqueda?
Asked me to lend him 3,000 francs to conclude his search.
Y me pidió que le prestase 3000 francos para concluir su búsqueda.
The spirit as a prominent fighter will drive him... to desperately search for us.
El espíritu como combatiente prominente lo conducirá... a buscarnos desesperadamente.
If they catch him, they'll take him and the clock before Mr. Gage has a chance to search it.
Si lo capturan van a quitarle el reloj antes que el Sr. Gage tenga la oportunidad de revisarlo.
Then you go search for the one with the trumpet, and if you find him, he has to pay a forfeit.
Luego van a buscar al que tiene la trompeta, y si lo encuentran, él tiene que pagar una multa.
made him appear useless the search for spiritual support.
le hacía parecer inútil la búsqueda de sustento en el campo espiritual.
Search every bar, dive and sewer in the city until you find him.
Revisen cada sitio de la ciudad.
Search every house and street in Madrid until you find him.
Registrad cada casa y cada calle hasta encontrarle.
Search him.
- Who was he working for? - Search me. Why don't you ask him?
- No se, ¿ por qué no se lo pregunta a él?
Search him.
We heard of the greatness of my lord Bayan and came in search of him.
Oímos hablar de la grandeza de mi señor Bayan y fuimos en su búsqueda.
Why do they choose tonight to search for him?
¿ por qué han esperado hasta esa noche para entrar a buscarlo?

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