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Strip him Çeviri İspanyolca

262 parallel translation
Strip him down.
If they don't strip him here, they strip him there, savages all nude!
Si no lo desvalijan aquí, lo hacen allá. Los salvajes siempre van desnudos.
Strip him of everything we can use!
Quitenle todo lo que podamos usar.
Jonesy, strip him of everything we can use.
Quitale lo que podamos usar.
Strip him of everything we can use.
Quitenle todo lo que nos sirva.
Strip him of his clothes.
Quitadle la ropa.
You'll strip him naked, poor parrot.
Vas a dejarlo desplumado al pobre.
No court-martial would do more than strip him of his rank for such misconduct.
Una corte marcial lo destituiría de su rango por mala conducta.
- Do we strip him?
- ¿ Le desnudamos?
They want to strip him of.
Quieren hacerlo trizas.
I wanted to strip him too of that fool Laura... too beautiful for him.
También quería despojarlo de esa idiota de Laura demasiado bella para él.
We could strip him down and grease him with soap.
Podemos desnudarle y untarle de jabón.
Strip him!
¡ Desnudadlo!
Strip him off.
¡ Quítenle la ropa!
Strip him of his rank!
¡ Despojadlo de su rango!
Strip him.
Quítale la ropita.
Okay, strip him down, look in his eyes, look in his ears, look in his nose... and have him bend over and touch his toes and look up there.
Bueno, desvístanlo, revisen sus ojos, sus orejas, su nariz... y que se doble hasta tocar sus pies y revisen ahí también.
We beat him up, strip him, take his money and put him on a bus.
Le pegamos, lo desplumamos y lo metemos en un autobús.
Strip him!
Strip him, you wenches.
Mujeres, desnudadle.
And if he ever tries, I will strip him to his shorts.
Y si alguna vez lo intenta, lo dejaré en calzoncillos.
Take him in the back, strip him.
Llévalo atrás. Desnúdalo.
Strip him.
Quítenle la ropa.
Strip him.
- Because when I get back I want to strip him of every ounce of human dignity.
- Porque cuando regrese Quiero despojarlo de todo vestigio de dignidad humana.
To strip him of his bachelorhood?
No le dejaremos continuar siendo abogado?
El calabozo te enfriará un poco.
Phillips had a strip of skin torn upward from his stomach. They hung him from a tree while still alive.
A Phillips le abrieron el vientre y le colgaron de un árbol hasta que murió.
Benny didn't strip his M1 fast enough for Stryker, so he turned him in.
- Nada. Eddie no preparó su arma como le gusta a Stryker... así que lo reportó al capitán y cancelaron su licencia.
Strip this man to the waist and tie him to a wagon wheel.
Desnúdalo hasta la cintura y átalo a la rueda de una carreta.
I was going to tear him off the strip myself, but it's not the right treatment.
Iba a degradarlo yo mismo, pero ése no es el tratamiento correcto.
Tore a strip off him.
Lo reprendí.
I met him at a nightclub on the Strip. He came in alone.
Le conocí en un club nocturno, en Strip y estaba solo.
Travis, boy, take this old pony down to the corn crib and strip the saddle gear off him.
Travis, llévate a este viejo pony junto al campo de maíz y suelta esas riendas.
I told him I wanted to see all the strip-teasers in the joint.
Le dije que quería ver a todas las chicas del club.
I never got a chance to meet him. Joe, if my father knew I was I was going to work with a stripper, he'd chop me like a ripe banana. Me, Hidaka, doing an act with Sugar Torch!
- No llegué a conocerlo Joe, si mi padre se entera de que trabajo con una bailarina de strip-tease...
You call it a little fresh getting young girls to strip in front of him?
¿ Llama alguna confianza a hacer desnudar a la niñas delante de él?
You did strip in full view of Frank with a deliberate intention of exciting him, didn't you?
Pero se desnudó ante Frank con la intención deliberada de excitarlo, ¿ cierto?
I shan't half tear him off a strip.
Cuando le pille me va a oír.
We'll drag the chief guard into the cell, gag him and strip all his clothes.
Meteremos al jefe de guardia en la celda, lo desnudaremos y lo amordazaremos.
Let's strip him off.
¿ Lo dejamos limpio?
Let's wait for him at the landing strip.
Esperémosle en la pista de aterrizaje.
I'm also to strip Livia's apartments of their valuables and send them to him by road.
También debo despojar el palacio de Livia de cuanto contenga de valor y enviárselo por tierra.
- They tore a strip off him.
Ha venido una inspección.
talked to Edison about his moving horse pictures and Edison then asked Eastman if he would make him a long strip of this celluloid :
le habló a Edison acerca de sus fotos de caballos en movimiento y Edison luego consultó a Eastman si podía hacerle una larga tira de su celuloide :
Really tore him off a strip because of your economies-honours scheme.
Le echó una bronca por su idea de condicionar los títulos.
Wanted to strip-search the boat, but I talked him out of it.
Buscaba pelear y revisar el barco, pero ya lo convencí.
All right. As soon as we're finished here, I want him taken to the safe house, strip-searched again and locked up, and then I don't want anyone within ten feet of him.
Muy bien, en cuanto terminen aquí llévenlo al piso franco, regístrenlo una vez más y enciérrenlo.
I'd be happy to strip-search him.
Me haría feliz desnudarlo y registrarlo.
We'll give him a full-body strip search.
Le haremos un registro físico.
Within a few years, he had... every casino on The Strip trying to copy off of him.
En unos pocos años, tenía a todos los casinos del Strip intentando copiarle.

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