Tap out Çeviri İspanyolca
366 parallel translation
Tomorrow, instead of sending straight signals... maybe you better tap out some kind of a message like :
Mañana, en vez de enviar esas señales... Trataremos de cambiar el mensaje.
If something doesn't happen pretty soon, we're gonna tap out.
Pero a menos que ocurra algo, nos entregamos.
Meaning you can't tap out if you ain't got enough to bet.
Significa que no puede apostar todo lo que tiene si no es bastante para cubrir la apuesta.
This rule about not being able to tap out of the game.
La regla de no poder apostar restado.
If I had an estate in the country I would lay it and tap out on the Lakers.
Si tuviera un campo lo apostaría esta noche a los Lakers.
He'll go to the back gate and tap out the signal.
Irá a la puerta de atrás y nos hará la señal.
And we've also put a tap out to the FBI. They also drew a blank.
También dimos el dato al FBI.
I'll tap out a couple cc's and do the test myself.
Voy a sacarle un poquito y haré la prueba yo mismo.
( with Russian accent ) If you open tap here, out comes hot water.
Cuando se abre este grifo, de aquí sale agua caliente.
- Out to collect new data, to tap the sources of slang, the major sources.
- Afuera a recolectar nuevos datos... a buscar las fuentes del argot, las fuentes principales.
# A knife, a fork and a spoon # Will beat out a happy tune # You'll all feel chummy as you fill your tummy
Un cuchillo, un tenedor y una cuchara... tocamos una alegre melodía... todos os sentís amigos mientras llenáis la tripa... con un cuchillo, un tenedor y una cuchara... empieza a "tap-tap" un plato... tendrás tu deseo favorito.
I didn't go out and tap some poor grimy guy on the shoulder and make him talk.
No le di una palmada a un pobre tipo para que hablara.
If I tap on the canvas, come out shooting.
Si doy golpes en la lona, salid disparando.
Mr Angelo... today it is possible for a man to tap keys... Write what he thinks and it comes out on paper.
Señor Angelo, hoy día es posible tocar una tecla y escribir las palabras en un papel.
The tank is hemispherical it has a diameter of 2.6 meters and the water comes out of the tap at 6.27 liters per minute.
El grifo mana 6,27 litros por minuto. ¿ Entendido?
Every morning she arrived early, her pencils sharpened... her paper out, her secretary on tap... then she'd sit there for eight hours trying to think of something to do.
Llegaba temprano cada mañana, con los lápices afilados... el papel preparado, su secretaria a punto... y se sentaba allí 8 horas intentando pensar algo que hacer.
Living, gambling, flying, I tap myself out.
Viviendo, jugando, volando, me supero a mí mismo.
- There's cold water coming out the hot tap.
Sale agua fría en vez de caliente.
Plenty of action on tap. The ref's got his work cut out.
Un combate de gigantes donde hasta el árbitro puede dejarse la piel.
Here is the next clue : hunt the key to fit the door that leads out on the dancing floor ; then escape the rhythmic beat, or you'll forever tap your feet.
luego escapad del golpe rítmico, o para siempre dareis golpecitos con los pies. "
The clue goes : "Hunt the key to fit the door, that leads out on the dancing floor ; then escape the rhythmic beat, or you'll forever tap your feet."
La pista dice : "Busca la llave que entre en la puerta que conduce a la pista de baile ; luego escapad del golpe rítmico, o para siempre dareis golpecitos con los pies."
Here is the next clue : "Hunt the key to fit the door that leads out on the dancing floor ; then escape the rhythmic beat, or you'll forever tap your feet."
He aquí la siguiente pista : "Busca la llave que entre en la puerta que conduce a la pista de baile ; luego escapad del golpe rítmico, o para siempre dareis golpecitos con los pies."
I said, "Now, Ralph... all you gotta do when we get out... just sneak up behind him... and you just tap him... and then just claim somebody jumped us from the bushes."
Dije : "Ahora, Ralph... Io único que tienes que hacer cuando bajes... es salirle por detrás... golpearlo... y luego decir que alguien salió de entre los arbustos y nos atacó".
Soon our dear old friend the red, red vino on tap the same in all places like it's put out by the same firm began to flow.
Pronto nuestro querido viejo amigo el vino rojo, rojo de barril igual dondequiera... ¡ Era hermoso!
Well Adelita, it's not my fault, that's how the water comes out from the tap!
Bueno, Adelita, pues yo no tengo la culpa, ¡ si así sale el agua de la llave!
- He pulled the tap. We're out of it.
Ha quitado el micro de su teléfono.
Tap dancing on the linoleum floor with that pink thing sticking out.
Bailando zapateo americano sobre el linóleo con esa cosa rosa al aire.
And what comes out of this tap?
¿ Y qué es lo que sale de este grifo?
- Get out your white suit, tap shoes and tails
Saca tu traje blanco y tus zapatos...
Get out your white suit, your tap shoes and tails
Saca tu traje blanco, Tus zapatos de tap y polainas
I started out with tap and stuff.
Empecé con claque y todo eso.
The tap let the bad thoughts out.
Era el grifo el que hacía salir los malos pensamientos.
When I think you got rid of your well for tap water I want to crawl out of my pants in reverse!
Cuando yo pienso que usted se deshizo de su pozo por agua de grifo ¡ Quisiera arrastrarme sin mis pantalones marcha atrás!
Or to make it easier on Coach, rip out his heart and do a tap-dance on it.
O más fácil para el entrenador, arrancar su corazón y hacer Tap sobre el.
And, Begum Sahiba, I beg you once more not to drink water out of a tap.
Begum sahiba, le ruego una vez más que no beba agua del grifo.
A glass of whatever comes out of that tap.
Un vaso de lo que sale de ese grifo.
Listen, this system of yours could be on fire, and I couldn't turn on a kitchen tap without filling out a 27B / 6.
Escuche, si el sistema se pusiera a arder, yo no podría ni abrir el grifo sin rellenar un 27B / 6.
If the judges tap you, you're out.
Si los jueces se toca, estás fuera.
It turns out mexican customs had a wire tap on both of these guys.
Resulta que la policía mexicana tenía intervenido su teléfono.
You mean to tell me if I turn on the water tap, a killer slug is gonna come out and get me?
¿ Quiere decir que si intento abrir el grifo... saldrá una babosa asesina... y tratará de atraparme?
I did a proper sort of wet liberal tap, just got it out the way.
Venimos a salvarte.
I say we tap her phone, her house, her bedroom. Stake her out.
Controlemos su teléfono, su casa y su dormitorio.
He's gone crazy! - A dog. That goddamned cat smashed the bulb and when I tried to catch the bastard by the legs, I wrenched out the tap, and now I can't find it!
¡ Ese gato asqueroso rompió la lamparilla iba a atraparlo, a ese granuja, pero abrió un grifo y ahora no lo encuentro!
I either tap, or I'm out of school.
Oh, vamos.
We cannot let her turn out like this. Peg, if she doesn't tap, she's out of school. Then she'll be home all day with you.
Si, solo que un... hombre frito y con algo de pescado en barra.
What am I doing? I'm not a tap dancer. I mean, let's face it, they're gonna throw me out of school no matter what.
Oh, hay algunos pelajes de hamburguesa ahí dentro.
Well, not after we had the waiter kick you out.
Steve baila tap. Sammy Davis Jr.
There was a big cistern behind the house. He just had to turn on the tap over the sink to see the clear water flow out.
Una gran cisterna fue acoplada a la casa, y era suficiente abrir el grifo para ver para fluir un agua limpia y fresca.
You can drink out of the tap.
Puedes beber del grifo.
- It's like the manager coming out and asking you for the ball. - The tap is tough.
- La palmadita es dura.
Well, I think ever since Spinal Tap came out... I mean, they were, like, pointing the finger at... bloated, overly commercialized, diluted bands... And we just looked at ourselves and said...
bueno creo que desde que Spinal Tap salió... quiero decir, estabamos, siempre apuntando con el dedo... del medio, a lo comercial, de las bandas anteriores... y ahora nos miramos y decimos...
outside 883
outer 19
outfit 21
outsiders 26
outrageous 90
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outs 110
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out now 39
out of curiosity 82
outer 19
outfit 21
outsiders 26
outrageous 90
outlaw 21
outs 110
out of context 16
out now 39
out of curiosity 82
out of my mind 17
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out of the blue 171
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out of town 49
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out of nowhere 149
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outside of work 17
out of my sight 38
out of order 40
out of the blue 171
out of sight 112
out of town 49
out of interest 20
out of nowhere 149
outstanding 214
outside of work 17
out of my sight 38
out like a light 17
out of respect 50
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out of mind 55
out of my house 22
out of love 16
out of time 18
out of the way 896
out here 191
out of respect 50
out of 299
out loud 97
out of mind 55
out of my house 22
out of love 16
out of time 18
out of the way 896
out here 191