That just happened Çeviri İspanyolca
2,519 parallel translation
Well, that just happened.
Bueno, acaba de pasar.
The Friday the 13th sequel that just happened?
¿ Acabamos di vivir la secuela de Viernes 13?
After what happened yesterday, it's not enough saying you just followed the rules, because the company are now saying that's not true.
Después de lo que pasó ayer, no basta con decir que siguió las normas, porque ahora la empresa dice que no es así.
The fact that they just happened to cite every vehicle owned by a Two-Trey, skipped all the rest - - that part's a little weird.
El hecho es que sólo han multado a cada vehículo propiedad de Two-Trey, pasando del resto... Eso si que es raro.
After everything that happened at your place, I'm just worried.
Después de todo lo que pasó en tu casa, solo estoy preocupada.
But here's the thing, uh, my partner and I were just talking about this whole World War III thing that happened over at your car wash the other day.
Pero esto es lo que ocurre, mi compañero y yo estábamos hablando sobre esta tercera guerra mundial completa que sucedió en tu lavadero de coches el otro día.
I guess it was just a lapse of memory that you happened to forget... ( Zip opens ) .. that plugging Lane Hole was actually your idea...
Supongo que fue un lapsus de memoria que olvidaste que encargarse de Lane Hole fue en realidad tu idea...
Given what's happened, it's understandable that your opinion would color your testimony. But I just want to know what you said, what you did and what you were thinking at the time.
Dado lo que sucedió, es comprensible que su opinión influiría en su testimonio pero solamente quiero saber lo que usted dijo, lo que hizo y lo que estaba pensando en ese momento.
Now that happened either because Dr. House has established that that's okay in his world. Or his prank war distracted you. Or House makes medicine a game and you just wanted to beat him.
Eso sucedió porque el Dr. House ha dejado claro que eso es correcto en su mundo o porque su guerra de bromas lo distrajo o porque House hace un juego de la medicina y usted solamente quiso ganarle.
Yeah, I was thinking it would be less awkward for all of us if we could just pretend that never happened.
Sí, creí que sería menos incómodo para todos fingir que no había pasado.
If this was just us, if this was all something to help you cope with everything that's happened, then fine.
Si solo estabamos nosotros, si todo esto era algo para ayudarte a lidiar con todo lo que les está ocurriendo, entonces está bien.
The places that Eve took me were moments from her past, just moments that hadn't happened to us.
Los lugares a los que Eve me llevó eran momentos de su pasado, momentos que no nos han pasado a nosotros.
It doesn't change anything that happened.. so I'll just tell you.
Eso no cambia nada de lo que ha pasado asi que se los voy a contar.
I just think that Ali is like... Holding all of our brains hostage, and we won't be able to sleep until we find out what really happened to her.
Solo digo que Ali es... tiene nuestras mentes como rehenes, y no seremos capaces de dormir hasta que averigüemos qué le pasó.
What actually happened that Reistad own Buntunya perform operations on the intestine in emergency situations... Winter she is just alone here?
¿ Es verdad que Reistad se operó a sí mismo del apéndice... cuando se quedó solo aquí en invierno?
" We know that all of this could have happened in the space of just 20 minutes.
" Sabemos que todo pudo suceder en un intervalo de 20 minutos.
You just... happened to have that with you?
Lo... ¿ Los llevabas contigo?
It's crazy that you just happened to walk in and see me doing it.
Es de locos que tú entrases y me vieses hacerlo.
You know, for the record, I just want you to know that when we were together, well, nothing ever happened with her, you know, as far as - - Oh, God, Nate.
Sabes, para que conste, solo quería que supieras que cuando estábamos juntos, bien, no pasó nunca nada con ella, ya sabes, hasta...
The SEC has opened an investigation linking Jack Latimer to a mysterious series of trades that happened just before the company suffered financial losses and, often, just before the CEOs were fired.
" El SEC ha abierto una investigación relacionando a a Jack Latimer con una serie de misteriosos hechos que ocurrieron justo antes de que la compañía sufriera perdidas financieras y, a menudo, justo antes se despidieron a los directivos.
We're just trying to sort out what happened that night.
Solo intentamos averiguar qué pasó esa noche.
So... you know... that's everything that happens so it was just what happened.
Así que... ya sabes... eso es todo lo que sucede así fue lo que ocurrió.
- It's probably best if I just have this as my own private way of dealing with everything that's happened.
- Probablemente sea mejor mantenerlo como mi forma privada de lidiar con todo lo que ha pasado.
So... after everything that's happened to us, being here in 2012, you think it was just a coincidence we ran into him on the tour last month?
Entonces, después de todo lo que nos ha pasado, estar aquí en 2012, ¿ piensas que fue solo una coincidencia que nos topemos con él en el tour el pasado mes?
Just to have a chance to rebuild our lives, just to make some sense out of everything that's happened... to Ben.
Solo para tener la oportunidad de reconstruir nuestras vidas, solo para dar un poco de sentido a todo lo que paso... a Ben.
You're not allowed to do that and there's a million Neo-Nazis out there, but he started picking on our dude so we had to go to our dude's fucking defence and it just so happened that he was a Neo-Nazi so
Usted no tiene permiso para hacer eso y hay un millón de neonazis por ahí, pero empezó a meterse con nosotros así que tuvimos que ir por el, la defensa de nuestro tipo de y la casualidad de que era un modo Neo Nazi
The thing that happened was something completely different, hundreds and hundreds of people from every city, just.. swarmed the streets.
Lo que sucedió fue algo completamente diferente, cientos y cientos de personas de todas las ciudades, sólo.. invadieron las calles.
No, no, what's happened is that he's just disappointed, son.
No, no, lo que pasa es que esta decepcionado, hijo.
It's just that I'm a little shaken with what happened yesterday.
Es solo que estoy un poco conmocionada por lo que pasó ayer.
Just tell me what happened at the Contessa's that night.
Solo cuéntame lo que pasó en la casa de la Condesa esa noche.
Well, I just figured that after all that happened, you wouldn't be interested.
Bueno, supuse que después de todo lo ocurrido no te interesaría.
He actually thinks that we can just forget everything that happened.
Él de hecho piensa que simplmente podemos olvidar todo lo que pasó.
You know, Rachel and Nora got fired because somebody in management found out that they were a couple, and, look, she just wants to understand how that happened.
Sabes, Rachel y Nora han sido despedidas porque alguien de dirección descubrió que eran pareja, y, mira, solo quiere comprender cómo pasó.
If anybody wants to know what happened to Delroy, you just say that he stopped paying and they best not go down the same road.
Si alguien quiere saber qué le pasó a Delroy dile que dejó de pagar y que no piensen hacer lo mismo.
Um... Look, I just wanted to make sure, after all that's happened between us, um...
Mira, solo quería asegurarme, después de todo lo que ha pasado entre nosotras,
Just how this could have happened is something that Peter, Conor and the other scientists on the LHCb experiment are trying to understand.
Cómo puede haber sucedido esto es algo que Peter, Conor y otros físicos del experimento LHCb tratan de entender.
And if there's anyone here thinks grassing is wrong, I'd remind you Sue's son was murdered just around the corner from here and when that happened, everything changed.
Y si hay alguien aquí que piense que delatar está mal, le recordaré que el hijo de Sue fue asesinado justo aquí al lado y que cuando eso ocurrió todo cambió.
What would have happened if I had just let Jeff roll the die that night?
¿ Qué hubiera pasado si hubiera dejado a Jeff tirar el dado esa noche?
We just have to find out how you got in the car and where you went, and we'll be that much closer to figuring out what happened that night.
Sólo tenemos que averiguar cómo subiste al coche y a dónde fuiste, y estaremos mucho más cerca de descubrir lo que pasó esa noche.
We just have to find out what happened that night.
Tenemos que averiguar qué pasó esa noche.
And that's where a life log can really help you to identify the truth about what's happened in the past, not just your memory's version of it, which we know, from research, that we'll have inaccuracies - - we'll have flaws in that memory.
Y es ahí donde realmente un registro de vida puede ayudarte a identificar la verdad sobre lo que sucedió en el pasado, no solo en la versión de ella de tu recuerdo, en el cual sabemos, por la investigación, que vamos a tener inexactitudes... vamos a tener fallas en ese recuerdo.
Oh. So I suppose we're just lucky that you happened to take this photograph at this exact time?
¿ Entonces fuimos afortunados que tomara esta fotografía en este momento exacto?
It's just that I feel so bad... We all felt so bad about what happened here at your house you share with your not-wife, who is lovely, by the way.
Es solo que me siento tan mal... todos nos hemos sentido tan mal por lo que sucedió aquí en su casa que comparte con su compañera, que es amorosa, por cierto.
I know that we've had our issues over the years, but, Fran, when I heard what happened to your marriage, my heart just broke.
Sé que hemos tenido nuestros problemas en los aos, pero Fran, cuando me enteré lo que le sucedió a tu matrimonio, se quebró mi corazón.
But, um, most fathers who had just found out that their daughter had been switched might look for her first, instead of hooking up with a 25-year-old nurse in the hospital where it happened.
Pero, la mayoría de los padres que descubren que su hija ha sido intercambiada pensarían en ella primero, en lugar de follar con una enfermera de 25 años en el hospital donde ocurrió.
I just got so tired of letting this horrible thing that happened consume my entire life.
Estaba tan cansada de dejar que esta horrible cosa consumiera mi vida entera.
What happened is your boyfriend just fired me, that's what happened.
Lo que ha pasado es que tu novio acaba de despedirme, eso es lo que ha pasado.
Given everything that's happened, I think it's best if we just slow everything down.
Dado todo lo que ocurrió, creo que es mejor si si solo ralentizamos todo.
It was just... it was just something that happened.
Solo fue... Solo fue algo que pasó.
Just reminds me of my own wedding..... that never happened.
Me recuerda a mi propia boda... que nunca se celebró.
So why don't we just forget everything that happened and start over, okay?
Así que por qué no olvidamos todo lo que pasó y empezamos de nuevo.
that just 27
just happened 24
happened 142
that all started with a big bang 89
that doesn't seem fair 27
that is 2872
that is so lame 16
that is the question 108
that is not 75
that is awesome 117
just happened 24
happened 142
that all started with a big bang 89
that doesn't seem fair 27
that is 2872
that is so lame 16
that is the question 108
that is not 75
that is awesome 117
that means a lot coming from you 16
that means a lot to me 54
that was close 355
that is not fair 93
that sounds good 394
that sounds fun 130
that one over there 16
that sounds great 436
that is so sweet 227
that is weird 91
that means a lot to me 54
that was close 355
that is not fair 93
that sounds good 394
that sounds fun 130
that one over there 16
that sounds great 436
that is so sweet 227
that is weird 91
that is not the point 62
that is not true 434
that is good 189
that was stupid 112
that is all 319
that way 1811
that is right 117
that was quick 252
that is an order 68
that is so cool 125
that is not true 434
that is good 189
that was stupid 112
that is all 319
that way 1811
that is right 117
that was quick 252
that is an order 68
that is so cool 125