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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ T ] / They were fighting

They were fighting Çeviri İspanyolca

445 parallel translation
Carolina sort of- - she couldn't say much, but she said that she was- - they were fighting- - her and Johnny were fighting.
Carolina de alguna manera... no pudo decir mucho, pero dijo que estaba... estaban peleando... ella y Johnny estaban peleando.
They were fighting.
Hubo una pelea.
I could never make out what it was they were fighting about.
Nunca he logrado entender por qué luchaban.
- They were fighting over that girl in a saloon!
- Peleaban por esa chica en un bar.
Captain Stafford, Neal Evans, they were fighting fools, too.
El capitán Stafford, Neal Evans, ellos no han dudado en luchar.
Crowley le iba a matar. Yo tenía la pistola y le disparé.
If ever soldiers knew what they were fighting for, it was these, giving freedom and honour back to their brothers.
Si en algún momento los soldados supieron por lo que luchaban, fue en aquellos, en los que devolvían la libertad y el honor a sus hermanos.
They were fighting yesterday.
Ayer discutieron
Mr. Twitchell evidently thought they were fighting.
El Sr.. Twitchell evidentemente pensó que estaban peleando.
They were fighting last night.
Anoche estuvieron peleándose.
The men whose names are inscribed here knew what they were fighting for.
Aquellos cuyos nombres están aquí inscritos. sabían por lo que luchaban.
They were fighting over me. For my life.
Luchaban por mí, luchaban por mi vida.
She was with a man. They were fighting.
Estaba con un hombre y estaban discutiendo.
They were fighting.
Ellos lucharon entre ellos.
If they were fighting... they've already made up.
Si antes estaban discutiendo,...
The way they were fighting, there won't be many of them left.
Por cómo están luchando, no quedarán muchos después.
Here is that house where they were fighting, where this poor guy has died.
Esta es la casa donde se pegaron, donde este pobre hombre murió.
But now it's going to be different, man But now I'm not going to stay at home and do nothing like when they were fighting Batista.
Pero ahora va a ser distinto, mi hermano, no voy a quedarme en mi casa otra vez con los brazos cruzados como cuando la lucha contra Batista.
They were fighting.
Estaban peleándose.
Well, what the hell do you think they were fighting with?
Pues según su opinión, ¿ qué demonios buscaban?
If they were fighting or eating their children they wouldn't have time to reproduce.
Si se estuvieran peleando o se comieran a sus hijos no tendrían tiempo para reproducirse.
All I can tell you for sure is that they were fighting in Bezanika.
De lo único que estoy seguro, es que hace poco estuvieron combatiendo por Bezanika.
They've been working on it since wwii when they were fighting the Japanese.
Trabajan en él desde la Segunda Guerra Mundial cuando luchaban contra Japón.
Looks like they were fighting among themselves.
Parece que estuvieron peleando entre ellos.
They were fighting over final victory by any means necessary.
Sólo quedaban dos para disputarse la victoria final, sirviéndose de cualquier medio, incluso del más desleal.
- They were fighting.
- Estaban peleando.
What I want to know is who says they were drunk in my café and fighting.
Quiero saber quién dice que estaban borrachos peIeándose en mi bar.
They were people who were fighting it out and not complaining.
Eran personas que luchaban sin quejarse nunca.
For me, anyone who has an aristocratic name is a traitor! If only they were content with fighting frankly on the other side.
¡ Si al menos luchasen noblemente al otro lado!
He said once they were the only causes worth fighting for.
Una vez dijo que eran las únicas por las que merecía la pena luchar.
- Were they fighting over you?
- ¿ Se peleaban por ti?
They were just fighting sheep, like any cattleman.
Ellos solo lucharon contra las ovejas como cualquier ganadero.
They were scattered all over. Meandering around, and fighting with other regiments, just like you.
Se esparcieron en el bosque... y pelearon con otros regimientos, así como tú.
They say that the girls were fighting among themselves.
Dicen que las muchachas empezaron a discutir...
They were always fighting me.
Siempre se me oponían.
For him, I forgot... and betrayed all the people that were fighting.. trying to achieve... what they've been dreaming for so long.
Por él, había olvidado... y traicionado a todos los que en aquel momento luchaban... intentando realizar... lo que soñaron durante tanto tiempo.
Fighting for something I believed in! Burn houses, abuse, others, steal and kill, No matter if they were, North or South.
Quemando casas, abusando de otros, robando, matando, sin importar si fueran del Norte o del Sur.
They want us to, to see the land we were fighting for.
Para viajar por los países donde estuvimos luchando.
- What were they fighting about?
- ¿ Por qué se peleaban?
Well, they were either fighting something, or the death throes were violent.
Bueno, o se pelearon contra algo o los espasmos fueron violentos.
We merely showed them the meaning of what they were fighting for.
Sólo les mostramos el significado de su lucha.
The army ranks generally viewed us as dangerous people, who were prepared to shed blood for reasons they felt inadequate. We were surprised by London's insistence that we join together in fighting for the Resistance.
Nos sorprendió la insistencia de Londres de que nos uniéramos para pelear por la Resistencia.
Furthermore, soldiers felt they were the guardians of the right wing. In February 1934, which was an important date in the history of pre-war political fighting in France,
En Febrero de 1934, que fué una fecha importante en la historia de la pre-guerra política en Francia,
It is vital that they continue to believe that they're living their own lives on the planet Earth and fighting the wars from which they were taken.
Es de vital importancia que sigan creyendo... que están viviendo sus propias vidas en el planeta Tierra... y luchando en las guerras de los que fueron tomados.
That was one of the reasons they were always fighting.
Esa era una de las razones de las peleas constantes.
- Why were they fighting?
- ¿ Por qué se pelearon?
Seven weeks, Your Majesty. But they seemed like an eternity for those who were fighting.
Siete semanas, una eternidad en el frente.
In Spain, they were still fighting.
En los campos de arroz se dilucida la batalla. La lucha todavía continuaba.
Who were they fighting, and why?
¿ Con quién peleaban y porqué?
60 years after Hastings, anybody who was anybody, was fighting from horseback, wearing more armor to protect themselves, so they were heavier.
60 años después Hastings, cualquiera que fuera alguien, peleaba a lomo de caballo, vistiendo armaduras para protegerse, por lo que pesaban más.
But, behind all this chicanery and disty tricks, there were two very good reasons for these affairs, and they both had to do with fighting on horseback.
Pero, detrás de toda esta trapacería y trucos sucios, hubieron dos muy buenas razones para estos asuntos, y ambas tenían que ver con el combate a caballo.

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