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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ T ] / They were like

They were like Çeviri İspanyolca

5,322 parallel translation
They were like, "blah, blah, blah."
Eran como...
They were like an old couple in a senior center.
Eran como una vieja pareja en un centro para personas mayores.
Okay, because I called, and they were like, "it's on back order"...
Vale, porque llamé, y me dijeron : "pedido pendiente"...
I mean, they were like all the kids around here.
Digo, eran como todos los chicos de por aquí.
They were like Yin and Yang.
Eran como el Yin y el Yang.
And they were like "You guys'chemistry is really strong".
Y ellos decían : la "química" entre ustedes es muy fuerte.
Those times... they were like... tremors.
Esas veces fue como si fuesen... temblores.
Yeah, they were like really mean.
Sí, fueron realmente malvados.
The one time I bought some, I got nervous because they were locked in a cabinet and the pharmacist asked me which kind I liked and I panicked so then she gave me these ones that were all... greasy and they smelled like banana.
- La única vez que compré unos, me puse nervioso porque se quedaron bloqueados en la vitrina y el farmacéutico me preguntó cuáles me gustaban y entré en pánico y entonces me dio estos que eran todos... grasientos y olían a plátano.
Sounds like they were really great parents.
Parece que eran unos padres estupendos.
Time was you cared for them like they were gifts from Chloris herself.
Hubo un tiempo en que las cuidabas... como si fuesen regalos de la propia Cloris.
"Wow, they're really going at it," and you were like,
" Wow, lo van a hacer, y tu estabas como
Looks like they were torturing you.
Parece que te estuvieron torturando.
And from what he wrote, I got the impression that these monsters were somehow inside people, like they're possessed.
Y por lo que estaba escrito, tengo la impresión que estos monstruos estaban de alguna forma dentro de las personas, como poseyéndolos.
Now, according to the story, some of these fatalities were first-time users and, like Justin, they disappeared for a couple of days before their bodies were found.
Ahora, de acuerdo con la historia, algunas de estas muertes fueron adictos primerizos y, como Justin, desparecieron un par de días antes que sus cuerpos fuesen encontrados.
They were going at it, like a soldier returning home to his wife... in a porno.
Estaban muy juntos, como un soldado al regresar a casa con su esposa... en porno.
They were, like, folding these towels.
Estaban, como, doblando unas toallas.
We were desperate. It seemed like they could handle her.
Parecía que podían manejarla.
They were nothing like that.
Eran nada de eso.
The... the shorts that the women were wearing were so small I felt like they were growing right out from their asshole.
los pantaloncillos que vestían las mujeres eran tan pequeños que sentí como si crecieran directo de su trasero.
If they were, they wouldn't be using weapons like this.
Si lo fueran, no estarían usando armas como esta.
Like they were living under a cloud.
- Como si vivieran bajo una nube.
It seemed like... they were sleeping together.
Parece ser que... - se estaban acostando. - No sabes si se estaban acostando.
They were, like, obsessed with that whole world.
Estaban obsesionados con todo ese mundo.
I wish just once along the line the bosses would've talked to us like they actually gave a hoot, and not like they were bucking for an acre on the op-ed page.
Ojalá que alguna vez en nuestra carrera los jefes nos hubieran hablado como si de verdad les importáramos un comino, y no como si quisieran comprar una hectárea en las páginas editoriales.
I thought college guys were supposed to be so much cooler, but they're just like high-school guys, plus 2 years and 20 pounds.
Pensaba que los chicos de la universidad serían más guays, pero son como los del instituto, solo que con dos años y diez kilos más.
It looked like they were letting him go.
Parecía que lo estaban dejando ir.
Your mom's been popping pills like they were Tic Tacs.
Tu madre ha estado tomado pastillas como si fueran caramelos.
that we wanted to follow up on what the defectors'lives were like once they actually arrive in South Korea.
que queríamos hacer un seguimiento sobre cómo eran las vidas de los desertores una vez que realmente llegan a Corea del Sur.
But they were both dressed like clowns?
Pero, ¿ iban vestidos de payasos?
They were eating my leg right in front of me, like it was nothing, all prou like they ha it all figure out.
Se estaban comiendo mi pierna justo frente de mí. Como si no fuera nada. Orgullosos, como si tuvieran todo resuelto.
Like they were her dolls.
Como si fueran sus muñecas.
When I heard that a judge was thinking of reopening this case, I felt like they were being murdered all over again.
Cuando oí que estaban pensando en reabrir el caso... sentí como si los estuviesen asesinando de nuevo.
I tried to ask them some questions, but, like typical teenagers, they wouldn't tell me what the hell they were doing out here.
Traté de hacerles algunas preguntas, pero, al igual que los adolescentes típicos, ellos no me dijeron ¿ qué diablos estaban haciendo aquí.
The idea that they had so many of these things, and they were so unable to sell them, give them away, Whatever, they literally had to drive them out into the middle of the desert, and bury them like a gangster.
La idea de que tuvieran tantos, y en vez de venderlos o regalarlos, prefirieran enterrarlos en el desierto como a un mafioso muerto...
No, I just heard they were gonna throw you, like, a ticker tape parade.
No, solo me enteré que te harán algo, como, un festival.
God wiped away all the tears from their eyes, for when they were redeemed from the earth they are like angels that are in heaven.
Dios limpió todas las lágrimas de sus ojos, para cuando fueran redimidos de la tierra sean como los ángeles del cielo.
Seemed to me like they were having an argument.
Parecía que estaban discutiendo.
I mean, it was, like, they were pulling the trigger the same time the bullets hit.
Es decir, fue como, si estuviesen presionando el gatillo al mismo tiempo que impactaban las balas.
The Incredible String Band, sit-ins, wigwams, the acceptance of yoghurt and all the rest of it, but they were also the innocent victims of a dubious 1930s German practice that followed the Beetle around like a bad smell.
Sus "sentadas" de protesta, sus chozas, la aceptación del yogurt... Y todo el resto, pero también fueron las víctimas inocentes... De una dudosa práctica de la Alemania de los años 30...
And they were taken out of the factory on an elaborate rubber boat that left via the sewers and then sailed off down the River Volga, rather like the fast pirate boat the car was named after in the first place -
Y se sacaban de la fábrica en un elaborado bote de goma... Que salía a través de las alcantarillas para dirigirse hacia el río Volga Como el velero pirata del que proviene el nombre de la firma en primer lugar
Many affordable three wheeled models were available over the years, but sales were poor for two main reasons - they made you look like a berk, and this tended to happen...
Muchos económicos modelos de tres ruedas se ofrecieron a lo largo del tiempo Pero las ventas fueron bajas, por dos razones principales Te hacían ver como un imbécil, y esto tendía a pasar
I mean, were they like...
Eran como...
Looks like they found what they were digging for.
Parece que encontraron lo que estaban buscando. - ¿ Qué es?
Like, they were...
¿ Estaban...?
If you were attempting to predict what customers would order in a restaurant like the Picadilly, if you began observing customer patterns, how many people, what hours of the day, what days of the week, then you can begin looking at what they order
Si estabas intentando predecir lo que ordenarán los clientes en un restaurante como el Picadilly, si comienzas a observar sus patrones, cuánta gente, a qué horas del día, qué días de la semana, a continuación puedes comenzar a mirar lo que ordenan
Well, the Chinese were very receptive, like we knew they would be.
Bueno, los chinos fueron muy receptivos, como sabíamos que sería.
They used to like going to the Mumbai Symphony, but last year my mom thought they were phoning it in.
Les gustaba ir a la Sinfónica de Bombay, pero el año pasado mi madre pensó que estaban telefoneando en.
Just like they did when they were alive.
¡ ¿ Alguien lo puso en Youtube? !
It was like they were kissing without actually kissing.
Era como si se estuvieran besando pero sin besarse en realidad.
This place... it doesn't look like they were trying to hit many people.
Este sitio... no parece que estuvieran intentando herir a demasiada gente.

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