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They were killed Çeviri İspanyolca

1,204 parallel translation
They were killed in a car crash when I was five.
Ellos murieron en un accidente de autos, cuando yo tenía cinco años.
And you named the victims before they were killed.
Y además nos dijistes quiénes iban a ser las víctimas.
Two tried to leave - they were killed.
Dos lo intentaron y fueron asesinados.
They were killed by the Cardassians.
Los mataron los cardassianos.
They were killed in their staterooms, apparently as they slept.
Creemos que los asesinaron en los camarotes mientras dormían.
It wasn't right that they were killed.
No fue justo que murieran.
They were killed, and the killing went on and on!
¡ Fueron asesinados, y la matanza continuó!
They were killed in exactly the same way.
Fueron asesinados de la misma manera.
At the Academy, you told me they were killed when I was very young.
Ud. me dijo que los habían matado a todos.
They were killed.
Los han matado.
They were killed in a skirmish in the Troodos Mountains above Spilia.
Los mataron en algún tipo de escaramuza en las montañas Troodos... -... más arriba de la aldea de Spilia.
They were killed by some kind of plague or infectious disease... that was brought onto the station by your people.
Todos murieron a causa de una plaga o enfermedad infecciosa... que su gente trajo a la estación.
They were killed, too.
Ellos también fueron asesinados.
They were killed by Xena, the Warrior Princess.
Los mató Xena, la Princesa Guerrera.
They were killed by their father.
Asesinaron a su padre y a su madre.
You saved 25,000 Y an prisoners... but they were killed at the Great Wall... because another stone was f ound... and on it were the same etchings.
Salvaste a 25,000 prisioneros Yan pero fueron asesinados en la Gran Muralla porque se halló otra roca y en ella había el mismo gravado.
And the way they were killed is very revealing.
Y la forma en que las mató es muy reveladora...
He knew there'd be no questions asked if they were killed resisting arrest.
Sab � a que nadie cuestionar � a nada si hubieran muerto resisti � ndose al arresto.
They were both killed by a.38.
A ambos los mataron con una.38.
That's how I presented it, that you were suffering from post-traumatic stress and that they were going to be on the hook if you killed yourself.
Así lo presenté, que Ud. Sufre de stress postraumático y que ellos iban a ser responsables si se suicidaba.
The retainers who were killed had gorged themselves with gold they secretly dug out of a hidden mine.
Los seguidores que fueron acecinados habνan estado obsesionados con el oro tenνan una mina secretamente escondida bajo tierra.
They were all killed by the plague.
A todos los mato la plaga.
They were three calls made to Kathy the day she was killed.
Tres de ellas fueron hechas a Kathy el día del crimen.
I tried to tell them what had happened, but they were convinced that I had killed Zarale in some kind of savage struggle, which is what they insisted on telling every Bajoran we met.
Intenté contarles lo que había ocurrido pero estaban convencidos de que había matado a Zarale en una especie de lucha salvaje y se lo contaron a todos los bajoranos que encontramos.
They were stripped naked and killed in front of their families.
Los desnudaron y los mataron delante de su familia.
All those innocent contractors brought in to do the job were killed. Casualties of a war they had nothing to do with.
- Esos obreros inocentes son asesinados... víctimas de guerra, no tenían nada que ver.
Luther and others were killed because they were the last link in Wannsee.
Luther y los otros fueron asesinados porque eran la última conexión con Wannsee.
I think someone killed my parents While they were having sex, o.K.?
Creo que alguien mató a mis padres al tener relaciones sexuales, ¿ de acuerdo?
They were machine-gunned before being killed.
Primero les dispararon y luego los decapitó un Inmortal.
They were machine-gunned before being killed.
Primero les dispararon y luego fueron decapitados por un Inmortal.
They killed him because they were afraid of him, but he saved us from sickness.
Le mataron porque tenían miedo de él, pero nos salvó de la enfermedad.
If you were chased, you would have been killed. Those men are trained for that and they are trained well.
Esos hombres están entrenados para eso y los entrenan bien.
" The women, as they were fleeing with their babies, were killed together shot right through.
" A las mujeres que trataban de huir con sus bebés, les dispararon.
Why were they killed?
¿ Por qué los asesinaron?
I know the women you killed were prostitutes, or you thought they were.
Sé que las mujeres que mató eran prostitutas o pensó que lo eran.
They should have killed you the day you were born.
Debieron matarte el día en que naciste.
And since cats were supposed to be the devil's familiars, they were all killed.
Y como se suponía que los gatos eran familiares del demonio, los mataron a todos.
But were they all killed?
¿ Pero mataron a todos?
She told Ren they were finished the same day he was killed.
Ella le dijo a Ren que habían terminado el mismo día que fue asesinado.
If I hadn't come along, were you just going to waste away in that prison camp until they killed you for your body parts?
Si me hubiese demorado más... ¿ Donde te iban a llevar en ese campo de prisioneros antes que te mataran por tus órganos?
When I was coming up back home, there was a guy about four or five years older than me named Bill Watley, and Bill's folks both got killed by lightning at the same time, the same stroke, while they were clearing,
Cuando era pequeño, había un tipo unos cuatro o cinco años mayor que yo. Se llamaba Bill Watley. Un rayo había matado a sus padres.
killing the boys in a different location, because there's no mosquito bites on'em, so we know that after the boys were killed, and during, they weren't outside.
Todas las piezas encajan si alguien hubiera matado a los críos en otro lugar. Ninguno tiene picaduras de mosquito. Después de que fueran asesinados, y durante el acto, no estaban en el exterior.
So that means they were carried from a death scene someplace, unconscious, and brought down to the river, and they had to be killed shortly before they were brought down there, because they all died within a short period of time.
Eso significa que los trasladaron desde el lugar del crimen, inconscientes, hasta el río. Tenían que haberlos matado poco antes de llevarlos allí, porque todos murieron en un corto espacio de tiempo.
So, then, Father, if the two defendants were with you at 8 : 25, the night of the murder, they couldn't have shot and killed Sean Nokes, as the prosecution contends. Isn't that correct?
Entonces, Padre, si los dos acusados estaban con Ud. a las 8 : 25, la noche del crimen no pudieron haber matado a Sean Nokes, como dice el fiscal. ¿ Cierto?
Detectives have been combing the scene all morning. They're looking for clues and trying to establish... if the victims were killed here... or killed at another location and their bodies dumped here.
Los detectives están tratando de establecer... si las víctimas fueron asesinadas aquí... o en otra localidad y luego trasladadas.
All three of them were there. And they killed him before they went to Stratford.
Las tres estaban allí, y lo mataron antes de irse a Stratford.
- But this crazy couple broke him out killed him and used his death machine to kidnap me and hold me prisoner to lure Superman to their museum where they were gonna keep us trapped for all time?
- Pero una pareja loca lo sacó lo mató y usó su máquina de la muerte para capturarme atraer a Superman a su museo donde nos tendrían prisioneros siempre?
They continue to deny us access to the surface, and they've yet to confirm whether our crewmen were killed in the bombing.
Nos han denegado el acceso a la superficie y no quieren confirmar si nuestros hombres han muerto.
He was saying stuff about how they were gonna sacrifice the baby because it hadn't been christened yet, and how they were gonna bury it in a mass grave on the outskirts of town with all the other babies that they'd killed.
Decía cosas sobre cómo sacrificarían al bebé porque no había sido bautizado todavía, y que lo enterrarían en una fosa común fuera de la ciudad con todos los otros bebés que habían matado.
The three you found were killed out of sequence. They weren't even among the first abducted.
Las tres que hallaron no fueron las primeras en ser raptadas.
Some of our men were killed by this worm when they were diving in the melt water around the meteorite on our last expedition.
"Algunos de nuestros hombres fueron matados por ella... " cuando buceaban en el agua del deshielo... " cerca del meteorito en la última expedición.

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