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They were there Çeviri İspanyolca

5,473 parallel translation
They thought they were there to participate in a flare mob ;
Pensaban que estaban ahí para participar en una flare-mob...
They were there an hour ago.
Estaban allí hace una hora.
They barely remember they were there.
Apenas y se acuerdan de que estuvieron ahí.
The nature of beauty and the substance of the stars, the laws of space and time... they were there all along, but we never saw them... until we devised a more powerful way of seeing.
La naturaleza de la belleza y la sustancia de las estrellas, las leyes del espacio y tiempo... estaban allí desde el principio, pero nunca las vimos... hasta que ideamos una forma de ver más potente.
But I'm glad they were there when you needed them.
Me alegra que estuvieran allí cuando los necesitaste.
They both had to remember that the reason they were there, the reason they'd been fighting all these years is that the family unit is more important to them than that individual need.
Brannagh : Ambos tenían que recordar que la razón por la que estaban allí, la razón por la que habían estado luchando todos estos años es que la unidad familiar es más importante para ellos que la necesidad individual.
There were even some people complaining that they were doing our songs.
Incluso había gente quejándose de que estaban haciendo nuestras canciones.
There were once millions of them, but now they're extremely endangered.
Había millones de ellos, pero ahora están en extremo peligro.
They found out you were there.
Descubrieron que estaba allí.
I don't know, they were gone by the time I got there. Oh. Who's they?
No lo sé, se habían ido antes de llegar yo. ¿ Quiénes son ellos?
Hetty, you were there when they invented the Internet?
Hetty, ¿ tú estuviste allí cuando inventaron Internet?
We were there when they called...
Estábamos ahí cuando llamaron...
They couldn't hear it unless there were parked right outside.
No podrían oírla a menos que estuvieran estacionados afuera.
If Glenn and Tara were still alive and there were no significant delays and they continued traveling at approximately three miles per hour and I timed it correctly in my head, they might be somewhere around here.
Si Glenn y Tara estaban todavía vivos y no hubo retrasos significativos y continuaron viajando a aproximadamente tres millas por hora y yo conté correctamente en mi cabeza, que podría estar en algún lugar por aquí.
They were just sitting there.
Estaban ahí solos.
There were some references to Iran on the Calamus reports, my guess is... they're trying to make it look like Iran's behind this.
Había algunas referencias a Irán en los informes de Calamus, así que lo que pienso es que están tratando de hacer parecer que Irán está detrás de esto.
What were they serving in there, Red?
¿ Qué han servido ahí, Red?
Well, they still haven't fixed the, uh, bathrooms... and they were supposed to put in a retaining wall by the lake... but there's just a couple of sandbags.
Bueno, todavía no han arreglado los baños, y se suponía que iban a poner un muro de contención junto al lago, pero solo hay un par de sacos de arena.
There used to be this show on TV about girls who, like, had no idea they were pregnant.
Solía haber este programa en televisión sobre chicas que no tenían ni idea de que estaban embarazadas.
Oh, there were soldiers on the island last year, and they had a missile launcher.
Oh, había soldados en la isla el año pasado, y tenían un lanzador de misiles.
They were just there to agree to terms.
Solo estaban allí para llegar a un acuerdo.
Growing up, I slowly had this process of realizing that all the things around me that people had told me were just the natural way things were, the way things always would be, they weren't natural at all, there were things that could be changed
Al crecer, ya sabes, poco a poco tuve este proceso de entender que todas las cosas que me rodean, lo que la gente me había dicho que era la forma natural en que las cosas serían no era en absoluto natural, había cosas que se podían cambiar
You know, he said to me one day, we were walking by the White House, and he said to me, "They don't let felons work there."
Sabes, un día me dice, mientras caminábamos frente a la Casa Blanca y me dijo : "Aquí no permiten que los criminales trabajen."
I didn't need immunity, I hadn't done anything, but they were really, really stringent that there was- - they did not want me meeting the prosecutor without immunity.
No necesitaba la inmunidad. Yo no había hecho nada pero estaban muy inflexibles de que hubo... no querían que me entrevistara el fiscal sin la inmunidad.
There were more than forty United States senators on that bill as co-sponsors, so they were already a long, long way to getting the sixty votes to have it clear all the procedural hoops.
Había más de 40 senadores estadounidenses como patrocinadores de esa ley por lo que ya habían recorrido un largo camino para alcanzar los 60 votos y tener todos los procedimientos en regla.
The government came forward with an indictment based on what crimes they thought were committed, just as a purely lawyer's matter, looking at the precedents, looking at the statute, looking at the history, looking at the cases that are out there so far,
El gobierno avanzó con una acusación basada en crímenes que pensaban habían sido cometidos tal como un asunto puramente de abogados, viendo los precedentes, leyendo los estatutos mirando la historia y los casos que hay hasta ahora.
If there were more FBI around, they'd be here by now, wouldn't they?
Si hubiera más del FBI cerca, ya estarían aquí, ¿ o no?
There are multiple case files here- - photos of the victims while they were sedated, genetic breakdowns, medical and dental records- - probably all from old clients.
Acá hay múltiples expedientes de casos fotos de las víctimas mientras eran sedadas análisis genéticos registros médicos y dentales, todo probablemente de clientes antiguos.
But even if there were some way to get to them, they wouldn't remember us.
Pero aunque hubiera una forma de ir con ellos, no nos recordarían.
They knew the chance they were taking being there.
Sabían la oportunidad tomaban estar allí.
Swedish House Mafia announced in June 2012 that it would stop at they wanted one last time on tour within a week there were a million tickets sold... 50 shows the world
But they knew. They knew for a fact there were kids on those 767s they flew into the Twin Towers.
Pero ellos sabían, de hecho... que había niños en los 767 que metieron en las Torres Gemelas.
So, I waited till they were all there
Así que... esperé. A que llegaran todos.
Javier-Javier said they were headed there, that the Metas wanted to deliver the drugs themselves, for me to stay clear.
Javier... Javier dijo que iban hacia allá, que los Metas querían entregar las drogas en persona, para que yo estuviera limpio.
- They would if you were there.
- Lo harían si estuvieras allí.
You know, they looked like they were having a lot of fun out there, aside from when we ran onto the court and... shamed them.
Sabes, parece como que tuvieran mucha diversión ahí afuera, aparte desde que corrimos a la cancha y... los avergonzamos.
It's the only lead that we have ; Whatever they were on to, it's in there somewhere.
Fuera en lo que fuera que estaban metidos, está ahí en algún sitio.
Their mother died days before they were attacked, and there was no sign of any forced entry at the house.
Su madre murió días antes de que fueran atacadas, y no había signos de que la cerradura fuese forzada.
They were all shot through the head. There was nothing to work on.
Les dispararon en la cabeza, no había nada que hacer.
So while they were down there, I was like,
Así que mientas estaban ahí abajo, dije,
There you are. How were they?
Ahí estás. ¿ Cómo están?
Long ago there were three sisters and they were all magic but only one survived because she could control the dead.
Hace mucho tiempo había tres hermanas y todas eran mágicas, pero solo una sobrevivió porque podía controlar a los muertos.
If there were any, they would have been declined.
Si hubo alguna solicitud, fue rechazada.
They were the only doughnuts there.
Eran los únicos donas allí.
But they were hold, in there they died a, an lamentable death.
Pero eran espera, allí murieron a, una muerte lamentable.
In'74, they joint-published a paper on recombinant DNA, and there were several more papers that they published after that, until the last one, in'76. Is that when they started Project LEDA?
En el 74 publicaron conjuntamente un artículo sobre ADN recombinante, y hay montones de artículos más que publicaron después de eso, el último fue en el 76.
Because if you were there... [chuckles] they would never forgive you.
Porque si estuviste allí... no te lo perdonarían nunca.
There were two vectors in the ducts and they didn't attack me.
Habían dos infectados en los conductos y no me atacaron.
Maybe they once were, but something's gone sour there, and... and betty is done with helen.
Quizá lo fueran pero algo se ha agriado y... Betty ha terminado con Helen.
And how can they say there was a fight when there were people there the whole time and no one saw nothing like that?
¿ Y cómo pueden decir que hubo una pelea cuando había gente allí todo el tiempo y nadie vio nada de eso?
There were, obviously, some very important hurdles that they had to cross together.
Había, obviamente, algunos obstáculos muy importantes que tenían que cruzar juntos.

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