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They were wrong Çeviri İspanyolca

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They were wrong!
¡ Estaban equivocados!
And now I'll wait and see! They thought I was some jackass, you know, but they were wrong because I am a...
Vamos a ver ahora, que yo era para estos como un borrico, pero se equivocaron porque yo soy un...
- They were wrong.
- Estaban equivocados.
But They were wrong, weren't they?
Pero estaban equivocados, ¿ verdad?
They were wrong.
Estaban equivocados.
They were wrong.
Se han equivocado.
They were wrong! Black Flash lost.
Black Flash quedo segundo.
If they were wrong, yes.
Si se equivocaron, sí.
To show the stars they were wrong.
Para demostrarle a las estrellas que se han equivocado.
He's not like those types who want to hear they were wrong, that their wives are angels above suspicion.
¿ Tú crees que vá a pagar alguien para que le digan suposiciones? . que es sincera, que no le miente, que su mujer es un angel, que los cornudos son los otros
Well, they were wrong.
Pues, se equivocaban.
Well, delong proved they were wrong about me.
Bueno, Delong demostró que se equivocaron conmigo.
They were wrong then, and they're still wrong.
Estaban equivocados, y todavía lo están.
- They admitted they were wrong.
- Han reconocido su error.
And they were wrong.
Y en eso se equivocaron.
They were wrong not to. It might have done you some good.
Se han equivocado, podría haberle hecho bien.
What if they were wrong?
¿ Y si se han equivocado?
I told them they were wrong.
les dije que era un error.
Soon they'II realize they were wrong.
Pronto se darán cuenta de que están equivocados.
They were wrong. Wrong.
Estaba mal, mal.
- They were wrong.
- Se equivocaron.
I've told him he's welcome to teach Any of the great socialist thinkers Provided he makes it clear that they were wrong.
Ya le he dicho que puede enseñar los grandes pensadores socialistas... siempre que deje claro que estaban equivocados.
But this is where they were wrong.
Nada más lejos de la realidad.
- They were wrong.
- Se equivocaban.
But even then they were wrong.
Pero incluso entonces estaban equivocados.
I didn't take the overnight flight from Paris, full with Arabs, to tell you they were wrong to knock down a wall.
¿ No creerá que he venido de París en un vuelo nocturno lleno de árabes... para decirme que han echado un tabique al suelo?
- Well, they were wrong then, weren't they?
- Bueno, pues se equivocaron, ¿ no?
Once again they were wrong about me.
Una vez más se equivocaban conmigo.
And it's true that there was nothing organically wrong with those men, but they were sick just the same, sick with fear.
Y esos hombres no tenían ningún problema físico... pero igual estaban enfermos, enfermos de miedo.
I was wrong, Your Excellency, I know. If you'd have seen the faces of those children as they were struggling to breath. If you'd known there was a chance they might be saved.
Estaba equivocado, Excelencia, lo sé, pero si hubiese visto el rostro de esos niños moribundos, sabiendo que podía salvarles...
We're going back to where, no matter what people are... they don't try to stop people from laughing and having a good time... as if it were wrong.
Vamos a regresar a un lugar en el que seas quien seas... no intentan impedir que te rías y te diviertas como si eso estuviera mal.
But you were wrong to call the gendarmes. They'll pursue this to the end.
Pero los gendarmes van a seguir hasta el final.
No se equivocaron contigo, ¿ no?
Now you can do all the wonderful things you want to and prove how wrong they were.
Ahora puedes hacer todas esas cosas maravillosas que quieres y demostrar lo equivocados que estaban.
If anyone were to walk in, would they ever get the wrong idea.
Si alguien entrara, vaya impresión falsa se llevaría.
Well, everybody ventured an opinion and they were all dead wrong.
Cada uno dio su opinión y todos se equivocaban.
They never asked me if you were there the night of the murder... so I didn't think it was wrong not to tell them anything.
No me preguntaron si Ud. estaba la noche del asesinato... entonces pensé que sería correcto no decirles nada.
They were wrong.
Reconocieron su error.
Well... if they had seen the faces of these kids... they would have understood how wrong they were.
Bueno... si hubieran visto las caras de estos muchachos... hubieran comprendido cuán equivocados estaban.
- Well, they were both wrong.
- Ambos se equivocaron.
How wrong they were.
¡ Qué ingenuos!
They were beautiful and they could do no wrong.
Eran hermosos, no podían equivocarse.
I figured they were after me, but it appears I was wrong.
Me figuré que estaban tras de mí, pero parece que estaba equivocado.
It was wrong of our grandpas to make women their slaves so they were the only who could have all the fun
Fue error en nuestros abuelos esclavizar la mujer y ellos nada más tener junto al trabajo expansión,
Churchill and Roosevelt, but they were old and that's why everything's going wrong today.
¿ Cuándo te vas? Pronto. Voy en avión a Ciudad de México a las 5.
[In French] Is everything wrong'cause they were old?
tienes que ir por México.
You were wrong to disregard them, they are the most numerous and capable of the biggest crimes.
Cometiste un error al no tomarlos en cuenta... Son los más numerosos, y son capaces de los peores crímenes.
You're wrong. lf they were capable of committing the biggest crimes, they would be equally capable of doing the most good.
Te engañas. Si fueran capaces de los mayores crímenes, también serían capaces de hacer el mayor bien.
We told both children, Richard and Dagmar, as soon as they were consciously aware of their handicap, immediately whatwas wrong with them, how the chances are, so that they were able to learn quickly to live with their handicap.
Tenemos dos niños, Richard y Dagmar. En cuanto saben reconocer su minusvalía, lo que sienten, y cómo son las expectativas, deben aprender rápidamente a vivir con su discapacidad.
You beat up them kids down at the commune, they didn't do nothing to you, and you were wrong for that.
Ud. Les pega a los chicos en el departamento de policía, ellos no le hicieron nada, y en eso Ud. Se equivocó.
We called them "stomach divisions", because they were sort of my age, and all had things wrong with their tummies.
Los llamábamos "divisiones del estómago", porque eran una especie de mi edad, y todos tenían cosas mal con sus panzas.

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