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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ T ] / They were right here

They were right here Çeviri İspanyolca

204 parallel translation
Well, they were right here.
- Sí, eso es.
They were right here being honoured by Big Brother.
¡ Estaban aquí, recibiendo los honores del Gran Hermano!
But they were right here!
¡ Pero si estaban aquí!
Has anybody seen my stockings, they were right here on the sink.
¿ Alguien ha visto mis medias? Estaban en el lavabo.
I know they were right here in the north side of the meadow.
Sé que estaban justo aquí en el lado norte del prado.
They were right here.
Estaban aquí mismo.
- Damn, they Were right here.
- ¡ Hostia puta, tendrían que estar aquí!
They were right here in this spot!
Ellos estaban en este lugar!
" They were right here and I usually... usually I'll put them in here.
" Estaban ahí, y usualmente... usualmente las pondría ahí.
They were right here on your desk.
Estaban aquí, en su escritorio.
They were right here. Where did they go?
Aquí estaban. ¿ A dónde se metieron?
They were right here.
Estaban aquí.
They were right here.
Estaban justo aquí.
- They were right here.
- Estaban aquí exactamente.
They were right here.
Estaban en este lugar.
Because I don't know that I'd have accepted him. Are you trying to tell me that because he comes here and they see her with him, driving and all that, they think that they were right in saying that she was... she was in love with him before... before my father died?
¿ Dices que porque él la visita, y porque les ven pasear, creen tener derecho a decir que ella ya le amaba antes de que muriera mi padre?
They were expecting you, so they're not here. All right!
¡ Cojan un carruaje, una calesa, lo que sea y al ferry!
Right here. I got it last night, when they were all asleep.
Aquí. Lo tomé anoche, cuando todos dormían.
That's right, but only today they were here. I was afraid for my life.
Así fue, pero el día que volvieron temí por mi vida.
We were just out here, under the trees... when suddenly two men — I could swear they were Castilians — came right through the wall of the temple — and not a door in sight.
Estábamos bajo los árboles cuando vimos a dos hombres que parecían castellanos que atravesaron la pared del templo, no había puerta.
They were in Crailsheim, right near here, but they've gone.
Estaban en Crailsheim, muy cerca de aquí, pero se fueron.
A few hours ago, right here in this house, you told my aunt that a doctor's business was saving lives no matter whose they were.
Hace apenas unas horas aquí mismo le decías a mi tía que el trabajo de un médico es salvar vidas, sin importar quienes sean.
They sent me up here to see if you were all right.
Me enviaron a ver si estaba bien.
Well, they were here all right.
Pasaron toda la noche aquí.
They were shot right here.
Aquí mismo fue que los fusilaron.
I only wish Howard and Cathy were here because they believed in you right from the start.
Y siento que Howard y cathy no estén. Sé que ellos tuvieron fe en usted desde el principio.
As far as I'm concerned, they were people who were here... who tried to help in their own way. - Right?
Allí hubo gente... que a su modo intentó ayudar.
I was giving them water all along the road here, right up on the bridge and they were not on pot!
Les he dado agua todo el día y no vi a nadie fumando.
It don't seem right, turning'em loose to do the very things they were put in here for doing in the first place.
No me parece bien soltarlos para que hagan lo mismo que hizo que acabasen en la cárcel.
For anyone who's ever seen an Andy Hardy movie well, this is where they were all shot, right here.
Para quien haya visto una película de Andy Hardy... pues, aquí es donde fueron filmadas todas ellas.
Well, we were right here and they were right over there across the river.
Bueno, estábamos justo aquí y ellos estaban allí, al otro lado del río.
They were right to send me here.
Hicieron bien en encarcelarme.
They were told, "Come here and do your thing." Now, in front of him, in front of Harold, about 150 meters down the hill, arranged also along left to right, were the troops of William the Conqueror.
Bien, enfrente de él, de Harold, unos 150 metros colina abajo, dispuestos también de izquierda a derecha, estaban las tropas de William el Conquistador.
You see, back in those days, there were regular shipments of ice down here to the southern states from Boston, where they used to hack it out of the frozen rivers and ponds during the winter, and store it for shipment right through the summer ;
Verán, allá por esos días, había cargamentos regulares de hielo por aquí a los estados del sur desde Boston, donde solían cortarlo de los ríos helados y estanques durante el verano, y lo almacenaban para embarcarlos durante el verano ;
Sam, Sam, they were just right here.
Sam, Sam, estaban aquí.
You're right, that's why I wanted to come. But they were in here.
Tiene razón, por eso quería venir, pero estaban aquí.
They were all right here just hours ago.
Hace unas horas, estaban aquí.
Every calculator, every electronic kids'game... they were all born right here.
Todas las calculadoras... y todos los juegos electrónicos infantiles nacieron aquí.
You were right They were here
Tenías razón. Han estado aquí.
I'll probably never walk right again, and all because they were chasing Sam Spade here... up and down the stairs with machine guns.
Probablemente nunca caminar bien otra vez, y todo porque estaban persiguiendo a Sam Spade aquí... subir y bajar las escaleras con ametralladoras.
Maybe they were right about us. Maybe we don't belong up here.
Quizá tenían razón y no deberíamos estar aquí.
Oh, they were here anyways, crawling all over the Esperanza story, so they got it right on the fucking news.
Estaban ya aquí por lo de Esperanza así que estamos en primera plana.
- That's right. - Were they here Saturday?
- ¿ Vinieron el sábado?
They were here, all right.
. Estuvieron aquí.
They were marching right down this street, right past here.
Marcharon derecho por las calles lo hicieron bien aquí.
They were here all right. But I can't tell which direction they went.
Sé que estuvieron aquí, pero no sé hacia dónde fueron.
- They were just here, right? - I'm not sure about Duchess, but Dad's...
Duquesa no sé, pero mi padre...
The first airplane... The first airplanes that I ever saw in my life, they came right over here. They were fighters.
Los primeros aviones que vi venían de aquí, eran aviones de caza.
And they were young, and they were hard, and they had all their hair, even right here.
Y eran jóvenes, duros y tenían todo el cabello.
Right here on Earth, for instance... we have the cargo cult, which saw airplanes during the 20th century... and assumed they and their pilots were gods.
Aquí mismo en la Tierra, por ejemplo... tenemos el culto del cargo, que vio los aviones en el siglo XX... y consideraban dioses a pilotos y aviones.
They were right here -
Estaban aquí mismo.

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