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Two bullets Çeviri İspanyolca

445 parallel translation
It's a pity I didn't put two bullets into him and finish the job.
Lástima que no le metiera dos balas y acabara de una vez por todas.
These two bullets are so completely identical that they could only have been fired from the same gun.
Estas dos balas son tan completamente idénticas que sólo podían haber sido disparadas por el mismo arma.
With two bullets.
- Con 2 balas de revolver.
- Two bullets in chest.
- Dos balas en pecho.
La acusada deliberadamente mató a un hombre, el pianista Michael Michailow, disparando dos balas con un revólver.
In her apartment in a bureau drawer, with two bullets fired.
En su apartamento, en un cajón, con dos balas disparadas.
I shot those two bullets over a month ago when I was in the country working on my book.
Disparé esas dos balas hace un mes... cuando estaba en el campo escribiendo mi libro.
So I examined the rug - or the, uh, body... and found that death was caused by two bullets fired into his range -
Examiné la alfombra... o el cuerpo... y descubrí que lo mataron de dos balazos a la ropa -
I mean, two bullets fired at close range into his lead - uh, head.
Quiero decir, a quemarropa, en la "calveza"... cabeza.
One or two bullets. I was so busy shooting him.
Una o dos balas.Estaba tan ocupado disparándole.
Two bullets must still be stuck in my coat.
Dos balas que deben seguir en mi abrigo
I won't pretend that I can discuss lands and grooves with the authority of an expert, but to the untutored eye, even to the eye of an expert, these two bullets would seem identical.
No pretenderé que puedo hablar de surcos y ranuras... con la autoridad de los expertos... pero para el ojo inculto, y para el del experto... las balas parecen idénticas.
They all agreed that the two bullets were remarkably similar, but I have here their sworn statements that the two bullets could not have been fired from the same gun.
Todos concluyeron que las dos balas eran notablemente similares... pero aquí tengo sus declaraciones juradas... de que las balas no pudieron ser disparadas por la misma arma.
If Mr. Johnson, the police expert, still insists that these two bullets were fired from the same gun, the odds are five-to-one against him that they were not.
Si el Sr. Johnston, el experto de la policía... insiste en que las dos balas fueron disparadas por la misma arma... las probabilidades son 5 a 1 en su contra, de que se equivoca.
Deputy Sheriff Alan P. Janus was taken to the emergency hospital with two bullets in his thigh.
El jefe de policía fue llevado al hospital con dos balas en el muslo.
I took two bullets through the chest.
Dos balas me han atravesado el pecho.
I have only two bullets, Ned. Me, I lose anyone!
Me quedan dos balas, Ned.
There are two bullets left.
Quedan dos balas.
- Two bullets.
- Dos balas.
For example, it does not explain how a man can have two bullets inside his body and have them removed without a whimper. It does not explain how this man's pulse can be as strong and as steady as if there was nothing else wrong with him than a cold.
Por ejemplo, no explica como un hombre puede tener dos balas dentro de su cuerpo y dejar que se las extraigan sin quejarse.
-... my hostess. - l will, with two bullets.
- Descargaré dos balas sobre ella.
Like the other two bullets in the head fired with a silencer.
Lo mismo que los otros, dos balas en la cabeza disparadas con silenciador.
You'll find two bullets in him.
Encontrará dos balas.
There's two bullets left.
Quedan exactamente dos balas.
You will now have the honor of being the first recipient of two bullets from KAOS's new stereophonic pistol.
Ahora tendrá el honor de ser el primer destinatario de dos balas de la nueva pistola estereofónica de KAOS
Because he has two bullets in his body.
Porque tiene dos balas en el cuerpo.
With two bullets in the body, he is sure to be elected.
Con dos balas en el cuerpo, seguro que resulta elegido.
Pretty Smile has two bullets in his belly.
"Sonrisa bonita" tiene dos balas en su cuerpo.
Nice shooting, two bullets right in the heart.
Buen tiro, dos balas en el corazón.
The same for the two bullets taken from the body of Parmenter.
Y también las dos extraídas del cuerpo de Parmenter
There's only two bullets left in it.
Cierto, que quedan dos cartuchos.
Have Ballistics check the pistol against the two bullets they've got, then call me, understand?
Que Balística compare la pistola con las dos balas que tienen y luego me llamen. ¿ De acuerdo?
Also a.3 2-caliber, and also proven by Ballistics... to have been fired by the same weapon... that fired the first two bullets.
También calibre 32, y Balística también demostró que fue disparada por la misma arma que disparó las primeras dos.
- Also for you are two bullets in the brain if you resist
- Para vos o también dos balas en la cabeza si os seguís oponiendo
All this proves is that these two bullets came from barrels with a similar twist and width of rifling.
Esto sólo prueba que estas dos balas... proceden de cañones con un estriado de rosca parecido.
Well, all we've got is two bullets.
Sólo tenemos dos balas.
He was killed by two bullets in the neck.
Lo mataron con dos disparos a la nuca.
Watch it, I have two bullets in my head.
Atención eh! Tengo todavía dos balas en mi cabeza
Two bullets in the face...
Te disparo dos balazos en la cara...
One gun and I only have two bullets left.
Una pistola y sólo tienen dos balas izquierda.
Two bullets fired.
Dos balas disparadas.
He removes one of the spent cartridges, which he disposes of, and inserts a fresh one, thus indicating, should the gun be found, that only two bullets had been fired from it.
Retira uno de los cartuchos usados que desecha e introduce uno nuevo indicando, si el revólver se encuentra que solo se han disparado dos balas.
Two bullets in the belly...
Dos balas en el abdomen...
And make that document according to form, or there're 7 bullets in my gun and I'm ready to spoil two of them on you!
¡ Y hagan el documento de acuerdo con la regla, o de las 7 balas de mi fusil, dos serán para ustedes dos!
Two bullets in his heart. But he still lives.
Pero sigue vivo.
I've got two more bullets.
Y tengo dos balas más.
It's hard for me to talk about this, since I know very well those bullets were meant for me and not those two.
Es difícil para mi hablar sobre esto, lo siento mucho, estas balas eran para mi, no para ellos. Ahora, tengan coraje.
Two live bullets to set up the trick and one blank to complete it.
Dos balas de verdad para preparar el truco, y una de salva.
Two things go straight to a man's heart : bullets and gold.
Dos cosas van directas al corazón humano, balas y oro.
Two more bullets.
Aún me quedan dos balas.
- Two pair... bullets and jacks. - Ha-ha!
Dos parejas, ases y sotas.

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