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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ W ] / We'll go

We'll go Çeviri İspanyolca

19,774 parallel translation
Okay, we'll all go out together.
Bien, saldremos todos juntos.
Look, even if we get this stick, he'll never let us go.
Miren, aun si conseguimos esto, él nunca nos dejara ir.
We'll go.
We'll go somewhere. We'll go anywhere.
Iremos a alguna parte.
You give me my cut, you make some money, then we'll go happily ever after into the sunset.
Me das mi parte, haces algo de dinero, y luego nos vamos felices para siempre después hacia el atardecer.
- Yeah, we'll go home.
Sí, nos vamos a casa.
We'll go and get help!
¡ Vamos por ayuda!
Let me talk to him for you, and we'll make all this go away.
Déjame hablar con él por ti, y vamos a hacer que todo esto desaparezca.
We'll all go?
¿ Vamos a ir todos?
Why don't you go get some frozen yogurt and, um, we'll go shopping and you can tell me all about your dad, and I'd love to hear all about Jeff,
¿ Por qué no vas a comprar yogurt helado? Y nosotras vamos de compras... y puedes contarme de tu papá... y me encantará oír de Jeff.
♪ We'll travel here and go to there
♪ Vamos a viajar aquí y vamos para allá
Once they finish these, we'll go from there.
Cuando terminemos, seguiremos desde ahí.
Just give her to me now and we'll go, we'll leave here and you'll never see or hear from us again.
Solo démela ahora, y nos iremos. Nos iremos de aquí, y nunca nos verá ni oirá de nuevo.
And only in the dark do we learn how far we'll go to survive.
Y sólo en la oscuridad, aprendemos hasta dónde vamos a ir para sobrevivir.
I think you oughta get on your fucking horse we'll go get some heads.
Pienso que deberías montar tu caballo y vayamos por unas cabezas.
Well, then, we'll go to the beach.
Bueno, entonces, iremos a la playa.
Finish this, and then we'll go meet some friends in Wazir Akbar Khan.
Termina esto, luego iremos a Io de unos amigos en Wazir Akbar Khan.
If she's not back by the morning we'll go look for her. - Okay?
Si no regresa por la mañana, irermos a buscarla. ¿ De acuerdo?
All right, you guys, uh, get settled in, then we'll go across the hall and say hi to everyone.
De acuerdo, chicos, arréglense, luego iremos al salón y saludaremos a todos.
Now, look, we get a few celebrities to tweet that out, we'll go viral in no time.
Mira, si un par de famosos lo tuitean seremos virales enseguida.
We'll follow the spine, so we can't go wrong.
Vamos a seguir la columna vertebral, así no erramos.
We'll watch this section, you can go down.
Nos hacemos cargo de la zona. Te puedes bajar.
Drop the money. Give it to him, then we'll go away.
Déselo a él, luego nos alejaremos.
I go to work. Until I can figure something out, we'll just leave her there.
Hasta que se me ocurra algo... sólo, la dejaremos allí.
We don't have time for introductions, it'll go off in 15 minutes.
No tenemos tiempo para presentaciones, tenemos que salir en 15 minutos
We'll make them go away forever.
Los haremos irse para siempre.
We'll go back and take another photo after the birth.
Volveremos a hacernos otra foto después del parto.
Please, Daddy, let's just go. We'll find another Hawaii.
Por favor, papá, simplemente vámonos Encontraremos otra Hawai.
We'll make sure you go free.
Nos aseguraremos de que quedes libre.
We'll go up the ridge and check it out.
Subiremos la cumbre y miraremos.
You can never even think about staying over with people that we don't know or you'll never be allowed to go again.
Ni se te ocurra pasar la noche con personas que no conocemos o no te dejaremos volver a ir.
We'll go one day.
- Un día iremos.
If Hawaii is something that we decide would be better for you, I'll go.
Si decidimos que... Hawái sería bueno para ti, iré.
The rocket will go up, we'll send our footage with them, and the astronauts will just beam it back to earth.
El cohete despegará, enviaremos nuestro filme con ellos, y los astronautas lo transmitirán a la Tierra.
Tomorrow we'll go get Linda and see him, face to face.
Mañana buscaremos a Linda y lo veremos cara a cara.
I'll tell you what. Why don't you get in my truck and we'll go look for him?
Te digo qué. ¿ Por qué no entras en mi camión y lo llamamos?
We'll go together.
Vamos juntos.
After we finish, we're gonna go to recording and then we'll go back on tour.
Cuando termine, vamos a grabar, y luego nos iremos de gira de nuevo.
We'll go to her house to look for it.
Iremos a su casa a buscarla
We'll go in there together and we'll tell them... Together.
Entraremos juntos y se los diremos... juntos.
We'll go stay in a hotel or something.
Nos quedaremos en un hotel o algo así.
- Luc, why don't you just go over there by the bushes, enjoy your coffee and we'll finish up here.
Luc, ¿ por qué no solamente te vas por ahí en los arbustos a disfrutar de tu café y vamos a terminar aquí.
I will call you and we'll go see a game together.
Te llamaré y vamos a ir a ver un partido juntos.
Sure, we'll go dancing.
Claro, vamos a bailar.
I'll just get some stuff in the study and we can go.
Tomaré algunas cosas del estudio y nos vamos.
Look, we'll make amends when we need to, but you need to let Geils go.
Mira, lo subsanaremos cuando sea necesario, pero tienes que dejar marchar a Geils.
Look, we'll go somewhere nice like the beach.
Mira, vamos a ir a algún lugar bonito como la playa.
So, we'll just go in and tell'em...
Así que, vamos a entrar y decirles...
We'll go with. Operate in support.
Vamos contigo, de apoyo.
We'll go with softball.
Puede ser sóftbol.
"Do we really wanna go through all this again knowing next time he'll have a real attorney defending him?"
"¿ Queremos repetir todo esto sabiendo que la próxima vez tendrá un verdadero abogado?"

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