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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ W ] / We'll go away

We'll go away Çeviri İspanyolca

437 parallel translation
Come on, we'll go away and rough it for six months forget all about this.
Vayámonos seis meses a cualquier sitio.
And as soon as the war is over, we'll go away to all the places that were made for lovers.
Y en cuanto se acabe la guerra, visitaremos todos los lugares que están hechos para los amantes.
Katy.. we'll go away.
Nos iremos. Olvidaremos.
You go back to Feri Ats and tell him the only way we'll get that flag is to take it away from him when he comes here tomorrow.
Vuelve con Feri Ats y dile que la única manera de que recuperemos la bandera es quitársela cuando venga aquí mañana.
Just you let me get this deal straightened out... and we'll go away for a grand holiday all by ourselves.
Sólo deja que arregle este negocio... y nos tomaremos unas vacaciones maravillosas solos.
When you're strong enough, we'll go away and forget this horrible experience.
Cuando te recuperes, nos iremos y olvidaremos esta experiencia.
We'll go down to the park for one glorious day.. And I hope it rains and washes the bridge and the roads away.
Iremos a la granja, y ojalá llueva, y se caiga el puente, la carretera, todo...
We'll go away for a while, you and I.
Haremos un viaje, tú y yo.
And away to his castle we'll go
Y lejos a su castilo nos iremos
Come on... let's go I'll tell them we're going right away
Les diré que nos marchamos inmediatamente.
We'll go away.
Nos iremos.
We'll go away.
Nos iremos de aquí.
Don't worry, we'll go away soon.
No temas, nos vamos enseguida.
We'll go away secretly.
Nos iremos sin decir nada.
We'll never have to go away, will we? ─ No, darling.
Nos quedaremos, ¿ verdad?
We'll get drunk, go fishing and stay away until she's gone.
Hasta que ella se vaya.
We'll go away for a while, you and I.
Nos iremos por un tiempo, tú y yo.
You go away from there or we'll call the police.
Fuera de ahí o llamamos a la policía.
Well, just unroll your magic carpet and away we'll go.
Ahora desenrollarás tu alfombra mágica y partiremos.
Just climb aboard my magic carpet, and away we'll go.
Tú súbete a mi alfombra mágica y nos iremos lejos de aquí.
Just climb aboard my magic carpet and away we'll go.
Tú súbete a mi alfombra mágica y nos iremos lejos de aquí.
We'll go away somewhere together.
Nos iremos a algún sitio juntas.
When it's all over, we'll go away, anywhere you want, and forget about all this.
Cuando esto termine, nos iremos donde tú quieras. Olvídate de todo esto.
If you think it's best for us to go away, why, that's what we'll do.
Si crees que es lo mejor para todos, nos iremos.
We'll go around, make an echelon right once over the field, then break away.
Daremos la vuelta por la derecha, - y una vez encima de la pista, nos separaremos.
After the wedding, we'll go away for a while and - -
We'll go someplace, someplace far away.
Nos iremos a alguna parte, algún lugar muy lejano.
Maybe if we go inside it'll go away.
Tal vez se vaya si entramos.
We'll get in a car and go away.
Cogeremos el coche y nos iremos lejos.
We'll go to Plum Point away from the crowds just by ourselves.
Iremos a Plum Point, lejos de la gente, solo nosotros...
We'll go to Plum Point, away from the crowds, just by ourselves.
"Iremos a Plum Point, lejos de la gente, solo nosotros."
Then we're agreed, and you'll go right away and leave us alone.
Entonces, estamos de acuerdo. Se irá enseguida y nos dejará en paz.
And then we ´ ll go away
Y luego nos iremos
We'll go away someplace. Build a new life for ourselves.
Todo va a funcionar, Partiremos de cero.
I'm going to salvage that boat and then we'll leave this place, you and I, and go far away.
Voy a recuperar ese barco y luego nos iremos de este lugar. Tú y yo, nos iremos lejos.
We'll go away.
Hay que irse. - Pero, ¿ a dónde?
Yes, we'll go away, we'll go away, where the sun is.
Sí, nos iremos a donde está el sol.
We'll go away some place and nobody will ever find us.
Nos iremos a algún lado y nadie podrá encontrarnos.
We'll go away and forget all about it.
Nos iremos y lo olvidaremos.
Oh, I think it'll be all right if we go out here where the wind'll blow it away.
Oh, creo que va a estar bien si salimos de aquí y el viento se lo lleve.
We'll go away now.
Nos iremos aquí.
Se irá si cree que no estamos en casa.
We'll leave together, go far away, and forget everything.
Nos iremos juntos. Nos iremos lejos. - Lo olvidaremos todo.
We'll go away together.
Nos iremos juntos.
We'll go away.
Nos marcharemos.
We'll go away from here and never come back.
Nos iremos de aquí y no volveremos.
We'll go away, we'll rid ourselves of this place and never come back!
Nos desharemos de este lugar y nunca volveremos.
When we get home, we'll go away for a trip.
Cuando lleguemos a casa, nos iremos de viaje.
We'll go right away. I shouldn't like her to hear the news from anyone else.
Nosotros iremos en seguida, no quisiera que se enterase por otro medio.
Of course we'll go away, in a few days.
Pues claro que iremos. Dentro de unos días.
- Darling, we'll go away.
- Querida, nos iremos.

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