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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ W ] / We say

We say Çeviri İspanyolca

42,730 parallel translation
Well, you know what we say in AA : you're as sick as your secrets.
En Alcohólicos Anónimos decimos que estamos tan mal como nuestros secretos.
Okay, what do we say?
¿ Qué decimos?
Didn't we say we'd go in the morning?
¿ No dijimos que iríamos en la mañana?
Didn't we say we wanted to barbecue?
¿ No dijimos que queríamos comer asado?
Well, even as we say this, after the accident, he may have thought he could get closer to Martha, but then Yuuki Byrnes comes along and reveals Martha likes Terashima.
Incluso ahora, después del accidente, él podría haber creído que podía acercarse a Martha. Pero luego Yuuki Byrnes llega y revela que a Martha le gusta Terashima.
Everybody else goes on vacation to say, "Can you imagine if we lived here?"
"? Imaginas si viviéramos aquí? ".
" As we New Yorkers say,'Forget about it.'"
" Como decimos los de Nueva York : 'Olvídenlo'".
They didn't just say, "We don't like Polish people," and vote to leave.
No sólo dijeron : "No nos gustan los polacos", y votan por abandonarla.
Well, it's just to say that sometimes we make the most out of our time when we have the least to spare.
Simplemente quería decir que a veces, aprovechamos la mayor parte de nuestro tiempo cuando no nos queda mucho.
Those are things that we think but don't say.
Esas son cosas que pensamos pero no decimos.
You say we're dealing with an identity thief, only I haven't come across any evidence of that.
Dice que estamos lidiando con un ladrón de identidad, pero no me he encontrado con ninguna evidencia de eso.
It's very difficult to say. And hopefully we'll know more once we've spoken to the family.
Es muy difícil saberlo.
We're gonna speak to her, too. Say you're right about the motive for the mom.
Digamos que tiene razón sobre el motivo de la madre.
Didn't he say there's nothing we can do?
No podemos hacer nada más.
A lot of people think he died, but I say we give him the benefit of the doubt.
Mucha gente cree que murió, pero yo prefiero darle el beneficio de la duda.
So, we could give you a little leeway here and say it's 51 years ahead of its time. - That's generous.
Podemos darte margen y decir que se adelantó 51 años a su época.
Okay, so let's say we wanna eke out as much performance as we possibly can.
Bien, digamos que queremos racionar el desempeño al máximo posible.
We'll see what Vendel has to say about this.
Veamos qué dice Vendel al respecto.
Say what we saw wasn't just an illusion and they really did move it.
Si lo vimos y luego se lo llevaron de allí,
What say we bore the audience with your acting.
Aburramos al público con tu actuación.
- Wait, did you just say "we"?
- ¿ Cómo?
Say you go through with the trade and Angor's free. - How can we trust him?
Si Angor es liberado, ¿ confiaremos en él?
I say we take the fight to him.
Propongo enfrentarlo.
We didn't say too much about it.
No hablamos mucho de eso.
We'd say, "Cow!" when we saw a cow.
Nosotras diríamos : "¡ Vaca!", al ver una vaca.
We only just decided this morning, so there wasn't time to say anything.
Lo decidimos esta mañana, así que no hubo tiempo de compartirlo.
It's easy to say, "Okay, we're done."
Es fácil decir : "Bien, terminamos".
You can say, "Then we don't match," and just end things if you're fine with that.
Puedes decir : "Entonces, no congeniamos", y terminar las cosas, si estás de acuerdo con eso.
We were gonna say it yesterday, but decided to wait for Arisa.
Íbamos a decirlo ayer, pero decidimos esperar a Arisa.
Even when we're all together, if I say something, he'll say, "That makes no sense".
Incluso cuando estamos todos juntos, si digo algo, él dice : "Eso no tiene sentido".
So, let's say we go to the museum.
Digamos que vamos al museo.
Sure, we'll say you put it together.
Claro, diremos que lo hiciste tú.
I won't go so far as to say that, but often it's like, "We're not like that."
Yo no diría eso, pero usualmente significa : "No somos eso".
- We should listen to what they say.
- Deberíamos oír lo que dicen.
They say we hold them back.
Dicen que los limitamos.
What do you say we get to my party?
¿ Qué dices si vamos a la fiesta?
We don't want to arrive in Sweden and have the world say, "Oh, there's Brazil."
No queremos llegar a Suecia y que el mundo diga, "Oh, ese es Brasil".
They say that we don't all play the same.
Dicen que no lo hacemos de la misma manera.
What do you say we stop.?
¿ Qué dices si paramos...?
What did I say? She said that we'd be ridiculous parents.
Dijo que seríamos unos padres ridículos.
My gut says there's some bad shit going on over there, and my balls say we need to go over there and check it out.
Mi instinto me dice que pasa algo malo, Y mis bolas me dicen que investiguemos.
Go ahead and say we're through.
? Adelante, di que terminamos?
Um, so, I've been meaning to say we're real impressed with your numbers this past year, Jim.
Te quería decir que tus cifras fueron impresionantes este último año, Jim.
Oh, but I didn't say when we was meeting.
Pero... No dije cuándo nos reuniríamos.
What can we possibly say good about Madoff when he sank so low as to steal from Elie Wiesel as if Wiesel hasn't already suffered enough in his lifetime.
¿ Qué podemos decir bueno acerca de Madoff Cuando se hundió tan bajo Como robar de Elie Wiesel
But while we're on the subject, you say you wanted to protect your family.
Pero mientras estamos en el tema, Usted dice que quería proteger a su familia.
Now, when you say we're going to take the castle, what does that mean?
Cuando dices que tomaremos el castillo ¿ a qué te refieres?
We got him on tape, and I don't know how you get into this storytelling thing but he's gonna say that's what he was doing there and that creates plausible deniability.
Lo tenemos grabado, y no sé cómo te metiste en esa cosa de contar historias, pero lo que dirá es que estaba haciendo eso, y eso crea una negación plausible.
We're gonna have Spider-Man swing in, say you guys are tight, and then I get... a fist bump for one of those half bro bumps.
Haremos que el Hombre Araña llegue, decimos que es tu amigo y me chocas el puño o me das un medio abrazo.
First, I say we put the glowy thing in the mass spectrometer.
Primero pondremos la cosa brillosa en el espectrómetro.
Can you imagine what the boss would say if he knew where we were?
¿ Te imaginas qué diría el jefe si supiera dónde estamos?

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