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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ W ] / Were you

Were you Çeviri İspanyolca

366,906 parallel translation
What were you doing here last night?
¿ Qué hacías aquí anoche?
What were you doing?
¿ Qué haces?
He looked after you with your mum when you were young.
Cuidó de ti con tu madre cuando eras pequeño.
Were you aware that tomorrow's her last day?
No sé si sabe que deja su puesto.
Where were you, Lidia?
Pero ¿ dónde estabas, Lidia?
When were you going to tell us you were settling down and in a formal relationship?
¿ Y tú cuándo pensabas decirnos que has decidido sentar la cabeza y mantener una relación formal?
Mr. Wolf, you want us to prove you were the last one to own Frances?
Sr. Wolf, ¿ quiere que probemos que fue el último dueño de Frances?
You explained "six-packing" to Azoff as you were shooting him.
Le explicaba lo de la "ronda de seis" a Azoff mientras le disparaba.
Didn't sound like it when you were killing Azoff.
No parecía eso cuando estaba matando a Azoff.
Apparently, you and Jameel were quite close.
Aparentemente, Jameel y tú eran muy cercanos.
Right now we just want to know where you were last night.
Ahora mismo, solo queremos saber dónde estuvo anoche.
We were just sending that over when you got here.
Estábamos por enviarlo cuando llegaron.
- You were brilliant, by the way.
- Eres excelente, por cierto.
You told me you were going to a party.
Me dijiste que ibas a ir a una fiesta.
You sound like you were close to him.
Parece que eras cercano a él.
And you were in a car crash, a lorry came out of nowhere and hit you head on, and that's when you got your scar.
Y tuviste un accidente de coche, un camión salió de la nada y te golpeaste la cabeza y de ahí tu cicatriz.
You were.
Lo estabas.
You were on the ward all day?
¿ Estuviste en el pabellón todo el día?
- You were on the ward all day?
- But you were at his parole?
- Pero ¿ estabas en su condicional?
- She knew you were on her side.
- Sabía que estabas de su parte.
She always knew you were weak.
Siempre supo que eras débil.
She told me you were dead.
Me dijo que estabas muerto.
That's OK, you were small.
Está bien, eras pequeño.
Dad, she told me you were still in prison.
Papá, me dijo que todavía estabas en la cárcel.
You were on your uppers.
Estabas arruinado.
They don't even have to know you were here!
¡ Ni siquiera tienen que saber que estuviste aquí!
You were at her funeral, didn't you feel...
Fuiste a su funeral, ¿ no te sentiste...?
Is that why you were talking to Francisco this morning?
Pero... ¿ por eso estabas hablando con don Francisco - esta mañana en su despacho?
- I didn't know you were here.
Carlos. - No sabía que estabas aquí.
That's what your father said, and nine months later, you were born.
Eso me dijo tu padre y nueve meses después naciste tú.
I thought we were brothers... but now I see that you'd rather play the part of his son.
Pensaba que éramos hermanos... Pero ya veo que prefieres jugar a ser su hijo. Gracias.
You were right.
Tenías razón.
I made it up to find out if you and Carolina were still together, and now I see...
Me inventé lo del embarazo y se lo dije a Carolina para ver si seguíais juntos y ya veo que...
We were happy until you came along.
Nosotros éramos felices hasta que te has cruzado tú.
Didn't you say you were leaving?
¿ No has dicho que te ibas?
You were the one who- -
- Usted mismo lo instituyó.
I wanted to know how you were.
Quería saber qué tal estabas.
But if you were led by reason, you would surely run far away.
Si fuese la razón la que mandase, seguramente huirías lejos de allí.
You were kissing!
Pensaba que nos lo contábamos todo,
... new wounds open up, wounds you didn't know were there.
-... se abren - nuevas heridas. - ¡ Por favor!
Operator 47 or 57... to me, you were always you.
Pero ahora... 47 o 57... Para mí siempre eras tú.
What did you do? Were there any policemen around?
¿ Qué hizo usted, había un guardia cerca o...?
You were the star of the party.
Has sido el centro de la fiesta, ¿ te divierte?
Thirty minutes ago, you were the life of the party.
Hace 30 minutos eras el alma de la cena,
You asked me once what my dreams were.
Una vez me preguntaste que cuáles eran mis sueños.
I don't want excuses. You were warned.
No quiero excusas, estaba advertida.
Why did you say you were doing this for me?
¿ Qué querías decir anoche con eso de que hacías esto por mí?
You were recently promoted.
Usted ha sido ascendido recientemente.
You didn't say you had a girlfriend while you were flirting with me.
Lo has hecho ocultándome que tenías novia mientras flirteabas conmigo.
[Ángeles stutters] Mario, I thought you were going to work late.
[Ángeles] Ah, Mario, pensé que ibas a trabajar hasta tarde.

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