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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ W ] / Were you followed

Were you followed Çeviri İspanyolca

355 parallel translation
Were you followed here?
¿ Te han seguido hasta aquí?
Were you followed? Do you know?
¿ Sabes si te ha seguido alguien?
Have you been followed? Were you followed here?
- ¿ Te han seguido?
- Were you followed?
- ¿ Te siguieron?
Were you followed?
Y a vos, ¿ os han seguido?
Were you followed?
- ¿ Te han seguido?
- Were you followed?
- ¿ Te han seguido?
- Were you followed?
- ¿ Os persiguen?
Were you followed to the airport? I don't know.
- ¿ Te siguieron al aeropuerto?
You don't think you were followed?
- ¿ Te han seguido?
But, you were in the café. We followed you.
- Pero, ustedes estaban en el café.
You know Jeanne, we were followed in the train today.
Es urgente, han detenido a alguien en el tren.
Alicia, were you really followed by a policeman?
Alicia, ¿ de veras te seguía un policía?
- You were followed here?
- ¿ Te han seguido?
Ladies and gentlemen, the murder which you witnessed took place on a particularly dark night, and the events which followed were both unexpected and swift.
Damas y caballeros... el asesinato que presenciaron sucedió en una noche muy oscura... y todo lo que ocurrió después fue inesperado y repentino.
I followed your instructions, said you were... William Burton, a young writer from America.
Dije que eras William Burton, un escritor estadounidense.
He had you followed because he thought you were going to meet me.
Te hizo seguir porque creyó que te reunirías conmigo.
Were you followed?
- ¿ La han seguido?
You were seen in Vegas.. They could've followed you.
Puede que te hayan seguido desde Las Vegas.
Monsieur, did you ever know that you were being followed?
Monsieur, ¿ alguna vez supo que lo seguían?
You went back to Rue Etoile because you were being followed.
Regresó a la Calle Etoile porque la seguían.
You followed the holy cause when you were hiding in the district.
¿ Cómo respetabas tú esa unión? Apalancado en retaguardia, ¿ no?
And everywhere you went, you were followed.
Y a todas partes hice que le siguieran.
He left a week after you were born, and a month later your mother followed.
Se largó una semana después de nacer Ud. y un mes después, su madre también.
If you remember Pearl Harbor... you'll recall that in the year that followed... the Japanese were almost invincible.
Si recuerdan Pearl Harbor... se acordarán que en el año que siguió... los Japoneses eran casi invencibles.
Sorry for the brutality, you were followed.
Perdón por la brusquedad, pero te seguían.
- Were you followed?
¿ La siguieron?
- You weren't followed, were you?
- No te habrán seguido, ¿ verdad?
You escaped and were followed by Ascalone.
Se escapo y fue seguido por Ascalone.
Did you get the feeling that we were followed on the road?
¿ No tuviste la sensación de que nos seguían en la carretera?
I know this villain's treachery... and hearing that you were looking for him, I followed you.
Conozco está vil traición... y como escuché que lo estabas buscando, te seguí.
You laughed, but you should have shouted at him to shut up... for Ramon is dead and his shadow has entered your life... the shadow of death which has followed you since the day you were born.
Te reíste, pero deberías haberle gritado que se callase porque Ramón está muerto, y es su sombra la que adentró en tu vida,... la sombra de la muerte te ha seguido desde el día que naciste.
I remember the day you were drunk and followed me and pestered me with all your deep remarks.
¡ no era así!
You were probably followed.
Seguramente lo hayan seguido.
Do you know why we were followed?
¿ Sabes por qué nos estaban siguiendo?
You said to come back here, which we did, but I'm sure we were followed.
Dijiste que volviésemos aquí, lo que hicimos, pero estoy seguro de que nos siguieron.
Marc, we were told that yesterday in your lecture hall, you read aloud a case history of one of your current patients, and in the discussions that followed, you indicated that one possible explanation...
Marc, hemos sabido que ayer en su aula leyó en voz alta el historial de uno de sus pacientes y que en el debate posterior usted dio a entender que una posible explicación...
You were followed. You went to see Grant and I told you not to see him.
Te siguieron. ¡ Fuiste a ver al Abogado de Su Majestad cuando te dije que no fueras!
You were followed to Metebelis by two Earth spies.
Os han seguido hasta Metebelis dos espías de la Tierra.
Were you followed?
¿ Os han seguido?
I think you were followed down, sir.
Creo que le han seguido, señor.
Those Riders you followed, who rescued Merry and Pippin they were led by Theoden's nephew, Eomer.
Esos Jinetes que os seguían, que rescataron a Merry y Pippin, estaban dirigidos por el sobrino de Theoden, Eomer.
You were followed again.
Han vuelto a seguirte.
Are you sure you were followed?
¿ Seguro que la iban siguiendo?
Yes, it was I who followed you to your door, just to make sure that you really were the celebrated Mr. Sherlock Holmes.
Sí, fui yo quién le siguió hasta la puerta, precisamente para asegurarme... de que realmente fuese usted el famoso Mr. Sherlock Holmes.
You were being followed?
- ¿ Te siguieron?
As a matter of fact, you know, even, uh... even the complicated currency procedures were followed in much the same way as with any other transaction, if borders had to be crossed, and that was very frequent.
¿ Era de verdad la misma agencia? ¡ Absolutamente, la agencia de viajes oficial!
You were followed!
Te siguieron!
This is the man who got into the outer garage... The night you brought the car in, the night you were followed.
Este es el hombre que entró en el garaje exterior... la noche que trajiste el coche.
After I adopted you you were so obedient and followed our family creed
Después de adoptarte... eras muy obediente... y seguías las creencias de nuestra familia.
So you were fully prepared for the events which followed, even though you did not welcome them?
¿ O sea que estaba preparado para lo sucedido... aunque no le agradara?

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