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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ W ] / Were you alone

Were you alone Çeviri İspanyolca

1,575 parallel translation
Were you alone?
- ¿ Estaba solo?
Were you alone in here?
¿ Estaba usted solo?
Were you alone on the road?
¿ Estaba solo?
- Were you alone here?
- ¿ Estábais solos aquí?
- What you'd do if you were left alone.
- ¿ Qué harías en su lugar?
I had to make sure you were both... alone.
Tenía que asegurarme que estabais los dos... solos
You say you were on a transport pod... alone?
¿ Dijiste que estabas en un Modulo de Transporte... solos?
You said you were alone!
¡ Dijiste que estabas solo!
You were alone in the room with him
Usted estaba a solas en el cuarto con él.
Do you know the last time my father and I were alone for any period of time?
¿ Sabes cuándo fue la última vez que mi padre y yo estuvimos solos?
You were here alone, at night, no witnesses.
Estaba aquí solo, de noche, sin testigos.
Come on, we both know that you deactivated yours the minute you were alone.
Vamos, ambas sabemos que desactivaste el tuyo en cuanto te quedaste sola.
The ladies were saying how sad and pathetic you are being all alone here without Stanley but I defended you
Unas señoras decían que era patético verte aquí sola, sin Stan. Pero yo te defendí.
Sorry to keep you waiting, but I had to make sure you were alone.
Disculpe que la haya hecho esperar, pero tenía que asegurarme de que viniera sola.
- I'm sorry, baby. Were you hoping for some alone time?
Lo siento cariño, ¿ esperabas un tiempo a solas?
And you believe me because it flatters your ego... to believe that alone, among all the billions of people... of the Twelve Colonies, you were chosen for my mission.
Y me crees porque eso hincha tu ego. Por creer que, entre los billones de personas que habitan las 12 colonias, tú fuiste elegido para mi misión.
You were there all alone, I wasn't with you?
¿ Estabas ahi solo? ¿ No estaba yo contigo?
You and you alone were responsible for proposing the descent vectors for the shuttle, correct?
Usted y solo usted es responsable por la decisión del aterrizaje de Shuttle ¿ cierto?
Last time I saw you, you were all alone on a godforsaken island, shrinking into the distance.
La última vez que te vi estabas solo... en una isla abandonada encogiéndote a la distancia.
For the first time in a long time, you were no longer alone.
Por primera vez, en mucho tiempo... ya no estábamos solos.
But you said you were alone and staying in this hotel?
Pero dijiste que estabas solo ¿ Y quedándote en este hotel?
All alone, yes, my darling grandma... because you were the only one who ever understood me.
Sola, así, mi abuelita querida. ¿ No era usted la única que me comprendió hasta hoy?
You were born for me alone
Tu naciste solo para mí
And you were here alone?
Y estaba aquí sola?
What if I were to say that you wouldn't have to go there alone?
¿ Y si te dijera que no tienes por qué entrar allí sola?
Were you sent here on this earth to die alone with your knitting needles or were you sent here to live a little?
¿ Te enviaron a este mundo a morir sola, con tus agujas de tejer? ¿ O te enviaron a Vivir un poco?
If you were there alone everyone laughing at you...
- Si estuvieras sentado solo...
Right. Like we were gonna leave you alone in the Watchtower.
No íbamos a dejarte solo en la torre de vigilancia.
I'm sure the 30 years you two spent together... were a hell of a lot better than the 20 years he spent alone.
Seguro que los que han pasado juntos han sido mejores - que sus 20 años de soledad.
You went to the hotel alone. You were found with the body.
- Intenta crear una duda razonable.
You two were up there all alone and you expect me...?
Estuvieron allí solos y esperas que me crea eso...
Crei que Michael y tu ibais a pasar una noche tranquila juntos a solas.
The night your husband was killed, you were home alone with him?
La noche que asesinaron a su esposo, ¿ estaba sola con él?
But if you were left alone, abandoned how do you think you'd turn out?
Y si tus padres te hubieran abandonado... -... ¿ cómo habrías crecido? - No estoy seguro.
You were skinny-dipping alone?
¿ Fuiste a nadar desnudo solo?
You were alone, I was alone.
Estabas sola, yo también.
You were all alone in that room
Estabas completamente solo en ese cuanto.
Sorry to interrupt, but I noticed we were both eating alone and I thought I could sit with you, maybe build a syrup Jacuzzi...
Siento interrumpirte, pero he notado que ambos estamos comiendo solos y pensé que me podría sentar contigo, quizás para construir un Jacuzzi...
He gets embarrassed talking about it. You see, we were both locals, and growing up, Ralph was this peculiar young man. Always alone, mysterious.
Mire, los dos éramos del pueblo, y al crecer, Ralph se convirtió en un joven especial siempre solo y misterioso.
I meant later, when you two took naps... when the two of you held each other... when you were 10 or 11, and she was eight or nine... when the two of you were all alone... completely alone in that big house.
Quiero decir más adelante, cuando ustedes dormían la siesta. Cuando ustedes se abrazaban. Cuando tú tenías diez u once, ella ocho o nueve.
I didn't want to say it in front of him, but you were alone.
No te lo quise decir frente a él, pero estabas solo.
- You were alone with him.
- Estabas a solas con él.
I alone have waited here for centuries, sensing, knowing you were destined to come.
Yo he esperado aquí hay siglos... sabiendo que usted estaba * predestinado a venir.
You were all alone in that room
Estuviste siempre solo en esa habitación.
My aunt said they were hypocrites you can't imagine how it was to be alone with such a split but to atone for sinful doubt I searched for truth, with all the passion of my youth
La tía les llamaba hipócritas. No sabes cómo era vivir en esa división ; para expiar mis dudas busqué la verdad con toda mi fuerza.
- That's right, they never do! And you were lucky, you were not alone.
Y fuiste afortunada no estabas sola.
I can take you back, when me and him were alone in my room, in 1981, listening to the new wave of British heavy-metal singles.
Puedo recordarte cuando él y yo estábamos solos en mi habitación, en 1981 escuchando singles de la NWOBHM.
Ever since you were a child, you have never been alone
Desde que eras un niño, nunca han estado solos
[Dandy Warhols - You Were The Last High] I am alone but adored By a hundred thousand more.
Estoy solo, pero me adoran cien mil más.
- What did you talk about when you were alone?
- ¿ De qué habéis hablado cuando estabais solos?
If you were like us and this poor dog, alone, without any shelter, who no one will take in, would you think that was fair?
¿ Deseas ser un mendigo y que nadie te deje entrar en sus casas? ¿ Quieres eso?

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