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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ W ] / Were you following me

Were you following me Çeviri İspanyolca

194 parallel translation
- Then why were you following me?
- Entonces, ¿ por qué me seguías?
Why were you following me?
¿ Por qué me sigues?
Why were you following me?
¿ Por qué me has seguido?
- Were you following me?
- ¿ Me estaba siguiendo?
Why? Were you following me?
¿ Estaba siguiéndome?
Were you following me in your car?
¿ Estaba siguiéndome en su automóvil?
Why were you following me from the airport?
¿ Por qué me siguió desde el aeropuerto?
Why were you following me?
¿ Por qué estás siguiéndome?
Were you following me a long time?
¿ Has estado siguiéndome mucho tiempo?
- Were you following me?
Debo comprender que me persigues...
So why were you following me?
¿ Entonces por qué me sigues?
- Why were you following me?
¿ Por qué me sigues?
Were you following me?
¿ Me estabas siguiendo?
- Why were you following me?
¿ Por qué me seguías?
- Why were you following me?
- ¿ Por qué me sigues?
Why were you following me?
- ¿ Por qué me estabas siguiendo?
Why were you following me?
¿ Por qué me seguías?
- God, it's you. Why were you following me?
- Eres tú. ¿ Por qué me seguías?
Were you following me, Kent?
¿ Me seguiste, Kent?
What were you following'me for?
¿ Y para qué me seguías?
I feel bad for you Senpei, you were just following your brother.
Me siento mal por ti, Senpei. Tú simplemente seguías a tu hermano. Yo sólo escuché de esto por mi hermano.
And I swore to myself that I wouldn't bother you... that I would let you go calmly, that I would say goodbye to you... as if we were going to see each other the following day.
Después me he jurado a mí misma que no te fastidiaría... que te dejaría ir tranquilo, que te diría adiós... como si nos fuésemos a ver al día siguiente. Sin embargo...
You were following me.
Estaba siguiéndome.
- Nemuri-sama, I knew that you were following me.
Nemuri. Sabía que me seguías.
That afternoon, with her coat on, You were following me!
¡ Con su abrigo, Vd. Me siguió a mí!
I knew you were following me...
Sabía que me seguías.
You were following me and I ain't leading you to my customers.
Me estás siguiendo y yo no te guiaré hasta mis clientes.
But I told myself, you were following your own path, and endured my loneliness.
Pero me dije a mí misma, que estabas siguiendo tu propio camino, y aguanté mi soledad.
I have been following you faithfully, since you were a child. Command me.
Te he seguido fielmente desde que eras un niño.
There were policemen following me. - I thought you'd gone.
Me venían siguiendo unos policías.
You were following me?
- ¿ Me estabas siguiendo?
You were following'me. why'd you follow me?
¿ Por qué me seguías?
So, tell me, Brenda, how did you detect this lump? With some friends. We were just following this article on how to test ourselves.
Si el problema es un bloqueo yo diría tómate dos aspirinas y llámame en la mañana.
I knew you were following me.
Sabía que estaba siguiéndome.
Let me tell you about another group of hate mongers that were following orders.
Déjadme que os cuente algo sobre otro grupo de cabrones que solo seguian órdenes. - ¿ Quiénes?
It seems like only yesterday, you were a little girl following your father and I around the kitchen. Back and forth.
Parece que fue ayer cuando no eras más que una mocosa... que me seguía a todas partes por la cocina... haciéndome preguntas y más preguntas, sin parar un solo momento.
I thought you were following me.
Pensé que me estaba siguiendo.
I didn't know you were following me but, after our last talk I suspected that you might be out there.
No sabía que me estabas siguiendo, pero tras nuestra última charla pensé que podrías estar por ahí.
Depends on how long you were following me!
- Depende de hace cuánto tiempo me venía siguiendo!
Were you really just following me?
¿ De veras sólo me seguías?
If I didn't know better, I'd say you were following me around, Mr. Bond.
Si no me equivoco, diría que me estuvo siguiendo.
How you were following after me.
Que tú estabas siguiéndome.
I thought you were following me.
Pensé que me estabas siguiendo.
- You were so following me!
- Claro que sí.
You're telling me the only reason you came back, was because you were following the say-so of some medicine man.
Me estás diciendo que la única razón por la que regresaste fue porque estabas siguiendo algo que dijo un médico.
- It was you who were following me.
Ustedes me seguían a mí.
And I can remember thinking, "that is really stupid, they would come and help you", and I think I persuaded myself that they were just following on, because they didn't want to embarass me'cause I peed myself and I was crying.
Y yo puedo recordar pensamiento "que es muy tonto, ellos vendrían y lo ayudarían", y yo pienso que yo me persuadí que ellos simplemente estaban siguiendo adelante, porque ellos no quisieron al embarass yo'la causa yo me oriné y yo estaba llorando.
You were following Trish, who was telling every one of us you and me are going to be the final two.
- Estabas siguiendo a Trish, que nos estaba diciendo a todos : - Estaba siguiendo una.. "tú yo vamos a ser los 2 finalistas".
You were following me?
¿ Me estabas siguiendo?
You were both plotting to catch me by following Mei.
Ustedes planeaban atraparme siguiendo a Mei.
I swear you were following me.
Juraría que me estás siguiendo.

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