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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ Y ] / You haven't seen it

You haven't seen it Çeviri İspanyolca

633 parallel translation
You've seen it around, haven't you?
Te han visto rondando por ahí, ¿ no?
Haven't you ever seen it?
¿ No lo conocías?
Vienna and the wine, Vienna and the wine - pleased to see you you haven't seen anything like it on earth, it's so heavenly
Viena y el vino, Viena y el vino. Es un honor. No fue ideada para la Tierra,
you haven't seen anything like it on earth, it's so heavenly when one sits with a glass of wine in Vienna, and not alone, one realizes that must be a part of heaven, Vienna and the wine, Vienna and the wine
Viena y el vino, Viena y el vino. No es una cosa de esta Tierra, pues está hecha a imagen del cielo. Si te sientas a beber vino en la idílica Viena, y no estás solo, ya lo verás.
Haven't you ever seen it on the map?
¿ Nunca la has visto en un mapa?
You know, it's fun showing you things you haven't seen before.
- Es divertido enseñarte cosas.
- You haven't even seen it in 15 years.
- Hace 15 años que no lo ves.
You sure you haven't seen it?
¿ Seguro que no lo ha visto?
- Haven't you seen it?
- ¿ No la ha visto?
It doesn't seem possible I haven't seen you in that length of time.
No sé cómo pasé tanto tiempo sin verte.
Haven't you seen a mother risk her life to save her child then spanks it soundly for getting itself into danger?
¿ Has visto cómo una madre arriesga la vida por su hijo y luego le da una paliza por meterse en peligro?
I've seen men jump out of windows for less, but I'm going to fool you, Anthony because I've suddenly realised I haven't lost a thing that I never gained one moment's happiness out of it.
He visto a hombres tirarse por la ventana por menos, pero no te daré ese gusto, porque de repente me he dado cuenta de que no he perdido nada, de que con esto no obtuve ni un momento de felicidad.
Oh, forget it I haven't seen you and you haven't seen me
- No te preocupes. No te he visto y tampoco tú a mí.
Miss Saunders, you've collected $ 10,000, but to date we haven't seen a penny of it.
Srta. Saunders, ha reunido 10.000 dólares, pero hasta la fecha no hemos visto un centavo.
It doesn't seem to matter to you that your sister whom you haven't seen is coming home.
No parece importarte que tu hermana a la que no has visto vuelva a casa.
Unless it's my mother. Then you haven't seen me.
Si es mi madre, tú no me has visto.
My darling daughter, it is terrifying to think that so many years have passed and we still haven't seen each other but Mother misses you, and...
Mi querida hija : Aterroriza el pensar que pasaron tantos años sin que pudiéramos vernos pero madre te extraña y...
I haven't seen it yet, but they tell me you can't miss it.
No lo he visto todavía, pero me han dicho que no se lo puede dejar escapar.
- Have... Haven't you ever seen it before?
¿ No lo habías visto antes?
I haven't seen you for... well, ages, it seems.
Hace tiempo que no le veía.
- It's only a week that you haven't seen me, and yet I'd no idea Papa's little girl loved Papa so much.
Sólo he estado fuera una semana... pero ya veo cuánto me quieres.
I haven't seen you in an age. What is it?
Hace siglos que no te veo.
But you haven't even seen it. It's really something.
Pero si todavía no lo has visto, es estupendo.
Bueno, no la veo desde hace... mañana hará 6 semanas.
You've seen it, haven't you, Mr. Shanway?
¿ La ha visto, verdad, Sr. Shanway?
You sure you haven't seen it?
- ¿ Seguro que no lo has visto?
Well, you've seen it now, haven't you?
- Bueno, ya lo ha visto, ¿ no?
For a movie you haven't seen? Well, that's the way it was one Sunday afternoon
Pues así me encontraba yo un domingo por la tarde en Los Angeles.
Lydia, how can you say it's a silly idea when you haven't seen the place?
Cecilia... ¿ cómo puedes decir que es una idea tonta si ni siquiera has visto el lugar?
You haven't seen it work, have you? But you will. You'll be in it.
Aún no lo ha visto funcionar, pero ahora lo verá de cerca.
I can tell you that and I haven't even seen it!
Se lo digo sin haberlos visto.
- I thought it was you. We haven't seen you for a long time.
Me pareció que era Ud. Hace tiempo que no lo veía.
I know we haven't met, it's just that I've seen you someplace.
Sé que no nos conocemos, pero la he visto en algún sitio.
Hasn't it struck you as odd that we haven't seen any children?
¿ No te ha parecido raro que no hayamos visto a ningún niño?
How is it I haven't seen you before?
¿ Cómo es que nunca la había visto?
You haven't seen it anywhere?
¿ No lo habíais visto ya?
Haven't you seen it before carved on walls in a dozen countries?
Estás aún más hermosa que cuando te vi ganar las nacionales en Minneapolis.
You can't go by me. Haven't seen it.
Todavía no lo he visto.
Haven't you seen it?
¿ No lo has visto?
It's just that... I haven't seen you for so long.
Es que hace mucho que no te veo.
Haven't you seen enough gladiators in the arena... to see how easy it is to die?
¿ No has visto luchar a los gladiadores... y descubierto lo fácil que es morir?
You haven't even seen the worst of it.
Oh, aquí viene Casey, él es el pitcher.
Podemos terminar con toda la sangrienta letanía si así lo prefieres, si eso te ayuda a refrescar la memoria.
Haven't you ever seen a doctor about it?
¿ Alguna vez ha consultado a un médico?
I suppose you'll tell me you haven't seen it!
- ¡ Y ahora me dirás que no lo has visto!
You haven't even seen what it is yet.
Todavía no has visto lo que es.
- You mean you haven't seen it?
- ¿ Es que no lo habéis visto?
No, it's just that I haven't seen you for a long time, and it seems to me, the last time I saw you, your hair was a little darker, no?
No, es solo que no te he visto en mucho tiempo... y me parece que la última vez que te vi... tenías el cabello más oscuro, ¿ no?
Haven't you ever seen it? - Oh, don't be absurd, Samantha. - Well, it's every exciting.
El lema. "Barker está tan bueno, que le fastidiará dárselo a su hijo".
It's a game people play. Haven't you ever seen it?
Es un juego. ¿ No lo has visto nunca?
Well, I know it's been a long time since you've seen me, but you haven't forgotten what your wife looks like, have you?
Bueno, ya sé que ha sido mucho tiempo desde que nos vimos, pero no te haz olvidado como es tu mujer, ¿ o, si?

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