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You really shouldn't have Çeviri İspanyolca

280 parallel translation
You really shouldn't have cheated.
Realmente no debería haber hecho trampas
But you really shouldn't have.
No deberías haberlo hecho.
I shouldn't have asked you, really. But you know how broke I am and you're rolling.
En realidad no te lo tendría que haber pedido, pero sabes que estoy sin blanca y tú estás forrado.
But you really shouldn't have put yourself out.
Pero no tenía que molestarse.
Yes, but really, shouldn't you have sent them to a museum?
Sí, ¿ pero no debió enviarlas a un museo?
You're a lovely, generous, good-hearted man, really a woman's ideal. - Only you shouldn't have sung last night.
Eres un hombre bueno, encantador y generoso... el hombre ideal para una mujer, pero no debiste cantarme anoche.
You really shouldn't have done it.
No deberías haberlo hecho.
- You shouldn't have. Really. No.
No deberías haberte molestado.
Hello, pat. You really shouldn't have bothered to come down here to meet me.
No debiste molestarte en venir a esperarme.
Tony, you really shouldn't have worried me like this.
Tony, no deberías haberme preocupado así.
My dear Don Raffaele, you really shouldn't have.
Queridísimo don Raffaele, esto no debía hacerlo.
Now, that's most awfully kind of you and you shouldn't have troubled, really.
Es usted muy amable, ¿ por qué se ha molestado?
Well, I really shouldn't have asked, but... I'll do anything I can for you, Father.
Bueno, realmente no debiera haber preguntado, pero... Haré todo lo que pueda por usted, Padre.
I really shouldn't have pulled a thing like that on a fella like you.
No debería hacerle algo así a un tipo como tú.
But, really, you shouldn't have been so extravagant.
no deberías haber sido tan extravagante.
Oh, you shouldn't have brought me tea, really!
No tenías porqué molestarte.
You know, Nan, you really shouldn't have.
Nan, no deberías molestarte.
You really shouldn't have.
No deberíais haberos molestado.
That is really nice. You shouldn't have.
Es muy amable, no tenía por qué.
You shouldn't have. Really.
No debería haberse molestado.
You know, really, I shouldn't have come up here so early but we've been, sort of, drinking.
En serio, no debí haber venido tan temprano pero hemos estado bebiendo.
- Oh, you really shouldn't have...
- Ah, no debió molestarse...
You shouldn't have done that to his car. You really shouldn't have. - But you've knocked my tooth out.
- ¡ No tenias que haberlo hecho!
You really shouldn't have done it.
No debiera haberlo hecho.
You really shouldn't have, Pepe.
De verdad no deberías haber dicho eso, Pepe.
You really shouldn't have fucked with my money.
No debiste jugar con mi dinero.
That's very kind of you, but really you shouldn't have.
Muy amables, pero no era necesario.
You really shouldn't have, Grandma!
¡ No tenías que hacerlo, Abuela!
I mean, if you really wanted to be... with women, I mean... shouldn't you have done it when you were in college... like everyone else?
Digo, si en realidad quieres estar con mujeres, ¿ no debiste hacerlo cuando estabas en la universidad como todas las demás?
You really shouldn't have gone all night... without eating, Harold.
No debiste pasar toda la noche sin comer.
You know you, you really shouldn't have to go out tonight if you don't have to.
No debiste salir de la casa tu sola.
I guess I really shouldn't have done it, but I'll tell you something.
Creo que realmente no debería lo han hecho, pero le diré algo.
Aw, you really shouldn't have.
No debió molestarse.
Though, really, you shouldn't have bothered.
De verdad que no tenías que haberte molestado.
- You really shouldn't have any visitors.
No debería tener visitas.
Oh, Dad, really! You shouldn't have!
¡ No deberías haberte molestado!
- Ann, you shouldn't have, really.
- Ann, no tenías que hacerlo, en serio.
Sam, you don't really think Miss Howe would do anything she shouldn't have to get a good review, do you?
Sam, realmente no creo que la señorita Howe haría cualquier cosa que no debería tener que conseguir una buena crítica, ¿ verdad?
You really shouldn't have said that.
Realmente no deberías haber dicho eso.
You should have some respect. You really shouldn't have touched it. Sometimes you are such a creep, Bob.
deberías tener más respeto, no debias de haberla tocado a veces eres tan imbecil, bob talvez no crezcas.. hombre!
If you really didn't want this to happen, then you shouldn't have fucked me.
Si no querías que ocurriera esto, no haber follado conmigo.
You really shouldn't have...
No debiste hacerlo.
These are really pretty. You shouldn't have.
No debiste molestarte en traerlas.
You really shouldn't have done this to her.
No debería haberle hecho esto.
As a concerned parent, as an educated woman and as a member of the generation that barely survived the sexual revolution, I'm tired of kids being told, "Well, you really shouldn't have sex, but if you do, nod, nod, wink, wink, here's a condom, go have fun."
Como una madre preocupada que apenas sobrevivió a la revolución sexual estoy cansada de que les digan a los chicos : "No deberías tener sexo pero si lo haces, guiño mediante, toma un condón, diviértete".
You really shouldn't have.
No debiste.
Oh, Roz, you really shouldn't have.
Roz, de veras no debiste.
You really shouldn't have done that.
Realmente no debiste haber hecho eso.
You really shouldn't have.
No te hubieras molestado.
You really shouldn't have.
Realmente no hubieras debido.
You know, Niles, you shouldn't have any kind of gun, really. Come to think of it, now that Mr. Sunshine's home during the day maybe I shouldn't either!
Niles, no deberías tener ningún tipo de arma de fuego... y Ahora que "don simpatia", esta en casa durante el día yo tampoco deberia!

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