You wouldn't do it Çeviri İspanyolca
1,098 parallel translation
But if you was boss, we wouldn't do it.
Pero si fueras el jefe, no asaltaríamos el tren.
Of course, it wouldn't do to let our boy know why you're leaving town.
Claro que no sería bueno permitir que él sepa por qué se va de la ciudad.
I don't know who told you, Mr. Williams. Betty wouldn't do it.
No sé quién habrá sido, pero ella no.
It wouldn't do you any harm someday.
Eso no le haría mal a usted algún día.
But you wouldn't do it for me.
Pero tú no lo hiciste por mí.
If I could make it up, like he'd never come between us, if I could prove to you I wasn't scheming to steal anything, so everything would be the same between us, if I could do it, you'd love me again, wouldn't you?
Si pudiera arreglarlo, como si nunca hubiera existido entre nosotros, si pudiera demostrarte que no tenía intención de robarte nada, si todo pudiera ser como antes entre nosotros, si pudiera hacerlo, ¿ me volverías a querer?
I wouldn't want to spoil it for you. I don't think I could do it well.
No quisiera estropear el juego sé que no lo haría bien.
I wouldn't do it like this and you know it.
No me gusta hacer eso y lo sabes.
If you'd inspected properly,..... it wouldn't need a warrant officer under here to show you how to do it.
Si has inspeccionado correctamente no debería ser necesario que un suboficial venga aquí para mostrarte cómo hacerlo.
You'd do it again if you thought you could get away with it, wouldn't you?
Lo harías de nuevo si pudieses salirte con la tuya, ¿ verdad?
Not that I think you wouldn't do it if you thought you could get away with it.
Creo que solo lo harías si pudieses escapar con él sin problemas.
I suppose it wouldn't do any good to show you ID cards a driver's license, things like that?
Supongo que es inútil mostrarle documentos de identidad... permiso de conducir, cosas así.
Even if it was you making that swim, I wouldn't... I couldn't do it any other way.
incluso si se tiene que nadar, ME wouldn't... yo no podría hacerlo de otro modo.
You're all right, Cartwright... but it wouldn't do for me to listen to you too long.
- Tienes la razón Cartwright. Pero no valdría la pena.
Why wouldn't you do it?
¿ Por qué?
El movimiento, ¿ quieres que te diga porque lo haces?
The boys at the Capitol think it wouldn't do any harm if you let this simmer down.
Los hombres del Capitolio piensan que no estaría mal que Ud. Espere a que la cuestión se calme un poco.
to save your daughter's life I could say I do it for science, but that wouldn't be strictly true I have no interest in your motives I ask only one thing of you :
salvar la vida de su hija. Podría decir que lo hago por la ciencia, pero no sería verdad. No me importan sus motivos.
- You wouldn't want me to do it!
- ¡ No querrá usted que lo haga yo!
You wouldn't do it.
Tú no querías.
One of the enemies soldiers was about to kill me but you held him and wouldn't let him do it.
Un soldado enemigo quería rematarme y tú se lo impediste, señor.
I don't think I will, but it wouldn't be fair to his memory, do you think?
No creo que lo haga, pero no haría justicia a su memoria, ¿ no crees?
Believe you me, if it didn't take men to make babies, I wouldn't have anything to do with any of you.
Puedes creerme, si se pudiera tener niños sin los hombres no tendría nada que ver con ninguno de vosotros.
Frau von Hartman said her character was barely strong enough... to do what she was doing right then. It wouldn't hold up if she had to talk to you about it.
Frau von Hartmann dijo que apenas tenía fuerza para hacer lo que estaba haciendo y que no aguantaría si lo hablaba con usted.
They wouldn't talk to you at the sanitarium. Want me to do it?
No te darían información en el sanatorio. ¿ Llamo yo?
You wouldn't think they'd pay 65 cents to come here and do it.
Cuesta creer que paguen 65 centavos para venir a hacerlo.
Today the burning memory of those embraces makes me tremble with anguish. I wouldn't do it, Kurt... even though you tried to kill me. I don't want to die!
Los momentos más morbosos de las pasiones más reprobables y deshonrosas, de las seducciones más vergonzosas, el recuerdo ardiente de esos momentos, me hacen sentir angustiosos escalofríos.
Wouldn't be better we do it after you finish mourning?
¿ No sería mejor que pasaras el periodo de luto?
If they were coming over here, it wouldn't do for you to be found here.
Si vinieran aquí, no nos convendría que te vieran.
It wouldn't surprise me if you couldn't do even better..... provided Shannon there didn't drink up your share of the profits.
No me sorprendería que no hicieran más siempre que Shannon no se beba las ganancias.
And then you laugh when I say that you young people are like martians. Do you realise that the thing you just tried to make happen it's something that a proper wife wouldn't even dream of!
¿ Te das cuenta de que la cosa que acaba de intentar hacer que sucediera... Es algo que una adecuada esposa ni siquiera se le ocurriría!
Darrin, I promised I wouldn't do this but it's important. I've got to talk to you privately.
Darrin, prometí no hacer esto pero es importante.
How do you know I wouldn't miss it?
¿ Cómo sabes que no lo echaré de menos?
It wouldn't be fair to marry you now, do you see?
No sería justo casarme contigo ahora, ¿ no lo ves?
Of course I did, I wouldn't ask you to do it otherwise.
Por supuesto que sí, yo no le pido que hacerlo de otra manera.
Everyone says you have a bad temper, but I do not think so if it were true you wouldn't have done the house of the apostle a porch so pretty.
Todo el mundo dice que tienes mal genio, pero yo no lo creo, si fuera cierto no le harías a la casa del apóstol un pórtico tan bonito.
You wouldn't do it anyway.
De todas formas, no lo haría.
But then you would be as wise as I, and that wouldn't do at all, would it?
Pero entonces sería tan sabio como yo, y no serviría de nada, ¿ verdad?
Only I wouldn't do it if I were you.
Pero no lo haría si fuese tú.
You're so used to emotion, you wouldn't know what to do without it.
Individuos emocionales, un gran planeta feliz.
If you saw somebody ready to drop a bomb you'd do something about it, wouldn't you?
- No es mi responsabilidad. Haría algo para detener a un terrorista, ¿ no?
Do you think I enjoyed it alone in that old house with Father who wouldn't speak to me?
¿ Crees que lo pasé bien... sola en aquel caserón con mi padre, que no me hablaba?
- I wouldn't attempt to name it. But you seem to do with your mind what we do with tools.
- No me atrevería a llamarla pero ustedes hacen con la mente lo que nosotros con instrumentos.
Well, if it really bugged you, Johnny, you wouldn't do it.
Si te molesta, Johnny, no lo hagas.
I don't know whether you're dressing or undressing your friend... but I do wish you wouldn't do it in the public library!
Pero no lo haga en una biblioteca pública!
You didn't do it, buddy. I knew you wouldn't do it, I knew.
Tú no estabas, hombre.
- That you wouldn't do it.
- Que no lo harías.
- You wouldn't do it anyway.
- Usted no lo haría sin embargo.
Wouldn't you know he'd do it with a client instead of a friend?
¿ Quién iba a pensar que sería una clienta en vez de una amiga?
It wouldn't do anything for you.
No significaría nada para usted.
Mind you, it wouldn't do you any harm to be a little more serious, my sweet.
No te haría ningún daño... comportarte con algo más de seriedad, cariñito.
you wouldn't understand 308
you wouldn't get it 22
you wouldn't like it 33
you wouldn't dare 115
you wouldn't 511
you wouldn't know it 28
you wouldn't believe me 53
you wouldn't be here 60
you wouldn't mind 19
you wouldn't know 44
you wouldn't get it 22
you wouldn't like it 33
you wouldn't dare 115
you wouldn't 511
you wouldn't know it 28
you wouldn't believe me 53
you wouldn't be here 60
you wouldn't mind 19
you wouldn't know 44
you wouldn't have 36
you wouldn't believe it 76
you wouldn't believe 17
you wouldn't listen 18
you wouldn't do that 83
you wouldn't be interested 16
you wouldn't be 24
do it 5363
do it anyway 19
do it for yourself 17
you wouldn't believe it 76
you wouldn't believe 17
you wouldn't listen 18
you wouldn't do that 83
you wouldn't be interested 16
you wouldn't be 24
do it 5363
do it anyway 19
do it for yourself 17
do it for me 171
do it right now 27
do it later 23
do it up 17
do it tomorrow 16
do it right 79
do it again 594
do it to me 21
do it today 16
do it now 637
do it right now 27
do it later 23
do it up 17
do it tomorrow 16
do it right 79
do it again 594
do it to me 21
do it today 16
do it now 637
do it yourself 113
do it fast 39
do it quickly 49
do it quick 22
do it properly 26
do it then 24
do it quietly 27
do it fast 39
do it quickly 49
do it quick 22
do it properly 26
do it then 24
do it quietly 27