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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ A ] / And be careful

And be careful Çeviri Fransızca

1,268 parallel translation
Be sure to put on your warm underclothes when the weather gets chilly. Yes, and be careful of your health, whatever you do. - And you let us hear from you when you've settled.
je suis fiancé à sa fille, Christine et on doit se marier, cet été!
And be careful from the walls.
Et attention aux murs.
And be careful.
Sois prudent.
Let's go one at a time, and be careful.
Allons-y un par un, et fais attention.
- Mick, do what they say and be careful.
Fais ce qu'il te dit. Sois prudent!
And be careful.
Et sois prudent.
Go, get busy and be careful.
- Allez-y, et soyez prudents.
And be careful!
Et soyez prudents!
- And be careful.
- Et fais attention.
And be careful driving.
Et soyez prudents sur la route.
And be careful not to hurt yourself.
Et puis fais attention de ne pas te faire mal.
And be careful. These guys are good.
Ces gars ne sont pas des débutants.
And be careful.
Et soyez prudent.
And be careful, Al.
Et fais attention, Al.
And be careful next time.
Et sois prudente la prochaine fois.
Take care, Jack, and be careful. I will.
Soyez prudent!
Please, put the table over there by the boxes and be careful you do not bang the legs.
C'est gentil, de me porter les cartons. Attention aux pattes.
Do that. And be careful.
Fais-le et fais gaffe.
And be careful, it's the only working prototype from our lab in Chicago.
Et attention! C'est le seul prototype de notre labo de Chicago.
The Raree Show's the thing for all the lads and the lasses, but be careful, thou young titches, not to breathe on the glasses.
Le spectacle convient À la famille entière Mais prenez garde À ne pas souffler sur les verres!
And while we're getting ready, let's remind all you drivers to be extra careful.
Et pendant qu'on se prépare, rappelons à tous les conducteurs d'être extrêmement prudents.
And... be careful, Number One.
Soyez prudent, Numéro Un.
Alert Carina and Maggie to be careful selling flowers
Dis à Carina et Maggie d'être prudentes en vendant des fleurs.
And glass, so be careful.
Et du verre, alors faites gaffe.
You'd better be very careful when you go to the sea... it's where the tempests are born... and the snowflakes have their cradle.
Vous feriez bien d'être prudent, quand vous atteindrez la mer : c'est là que les tempêtes sont nées, et les flocons de neige y ont leur berceau.
All I have to do Is be careful and patient.
Tout ce que j'ai à faire c'est d'être prudent et patient.
Be careful and be quiet.
Soyez prudents, pas de bruit.
Be careful, and get over there as soon as you can.
Rejoignez-moi vite!
And be very careful with the pump.
Attention avec la pompe.
And Matt, be very careful when you're putting her in.
Matt! Fais très attention en la mettant.
And will you be careful, too, please?
Fais attention à toi, d'accord?
Oh, and be very careful.
Et faites très attention.
Be careful! ... You are bending my foot and...
Attention, attention tu m'écrases le pied...!
And, Marty, be careful around that Griff character.
sois prudent avec Griff.
Everyone, stay alert and be extra careful.
Ouvrez l'œil.
And if you're careful to stay out of this heat you might live to be that old yourself.
Evitez la chaleur, vous vivrez aussi vieux qu'elle.
Sounds like some bash, son. But be careful on the drinking and driving.
Tu vas bien t'amuser, fiston, mais soit tu bois soit tu conduis.
And just you be careful and hold her hand.
Faites attention et tenez-la par la main.
You Bila, and you Noraogo, be careful...
Toi Bila, et toi Noraogo prenez garde...
I'll go in and get a luggage cart. - Be careful
l'entre et j'obtiennent un Chariot à bagages. - sois prudent
- Viens me faire câlin, Maman.
Warn him to be careful and stay indoors
Ces jours-ci qu'il ne sorte pas. Qu'il soit prudent.
Please be careful in stepping in and out, and have a powerful day.
Entrez et sortez avec prudence. Et que votre journée soit puissante!
We live in dangerous times, boys and girls. I want you to be careful.
Nous vivons des temps difficiles, et je veux que vous soyez prudents.
I will take him down and that is a sacred vow. You have to be careful.
Je vais le tuer, je le jure.
Why would a fella be so careful to put on gloves when he strangled the victim and then leave his fingerprints all over the bottle? Lieutenant, please.
Pourquoi porter des gants pour commettre un meurtre et laisser ses empreintes sur une bouteille?
And when you see the queen tomorrow, tell the old girl to be careful.
Et quand vous verrez Ia reine, recommandez-Iui d'être prudente.
This time, I'll be careful... and I'll hide you better, so that he'll never find you.
Je vous cacherai mieux, il ne vous trouvera jamais!
For your safety and security... do not leave your baggage unattended. Be careful with that, will you?
Faites attention.
A lot of people go in and out, so you should be careful.
Il y a beaucoup de gens qui passent dans cet immeuble.
My dear sir, it is painful for me to discuss it but I can say that all of this is done with most careful consideration and if the money is not paid on the 14th then there certainly will be no marriage on the 1 8th.
Cher monsieur, cela me fend le cœur... mais je peux vous dire que j'ai procédé à de minutieux calculs. Si je n'ai pas mon argent le 14, il n'y aura pas de mariage le 18.

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