As a mother Çeviri Fransızca
2,417 parallel translation
And her job as a mother... that's another story.
Puis, sa job de mère, ça, c ´ est une autre histoire.
It was also very upsetting as a mother,'cause Freddy curses.
C'était très ennuyeux comme une mère, parce Freddy maudit.
As a mother, this is not even the most stressful thing I've done today.
En tant que mère, ce n'est même pas le moment le plus stressant de ma journée.
Don't you see? I've already hurt him enough by giving him me as a mother.
Je lui ai déjà fait assez de mal comme ça en étant sa mère.
Yes, Gabrielle had learned many things as a mother.
Oui, Gabrielle avait appris beaucoup de choses en tant que mère.
I say if any of us win, we give it to Shirley as a Mother's Day gift. Absolutely.
Si l'un de nous gagne, offrons-le en cadeau à Shirley.
Hollis, you're my brother and I love you, but if you presume to judge my fitness as a wife or mother I will count you a stranger for the rest of my life.
Hollis, tu es mon frère et je t'aime, mais si tu te permets de juger mes aptitudes en tant qu'épouse et mère, je te considérerai comme un étranger le restant de mes jours.
Bickering with the echoes of the soul, rocking and rolling in the midnight solitude-bench dolmen-realms of love, dream of life a nightmare, bodies turned to stone as heavy as the moon, with mother finally fucked, and the last fantastic book
Se querellant avec l'écho de l'esprit, dansant le rock and roll dans les royaumes dolmens blancs de solitude de minuit de l'amour, rêve de vie un cauchemar, corps transformés en pierre aussi lourde que la lune,
You always said you were a terrible mother.
Tu as toujours dit être une horrible mère.
You never gave a shit about your mother anyway.
T'en as jamais rien eu à foutre de ta mère, de toute façon.
- Don't get your panties up in a bunch... because I use the M word as a adjective? Mother fucker?
- Then why do you have a new mother?
Pourquoi tu as une nouvelle mère?
Having lost his mother as a child, he did his first spirit writing in his youth... - Camera 1, on him.
Il a perdu sa mère encore enfant, et a psychographié pour la première fois encore jeune...
As your grandfather, the Marquis of Montezelos, had said to your father, your mother is poor.
Comme a dit votre grand-père, le Marquis de Montezelos, à votre père, votre mère est pauvre.
Everything he had told me was more than convincing, as it corresponded point by point to what I already knew from Father Dinis'intervention to save my life to the role played by Alberto himself in defending the reputation of my mother against her slanderers...
Tout ce qu'il m'a raconté était non seulement convaincant mais correspondait point par point à ce que je savais déjà. Depuis l'intervention du Père Dinis pour me sauver la vie jusqu'au rôle joué par Alberto lui-même dans la défense de la réputation de ma mère, contre ses calomniateurs.
As much as I love Brady and I do love him more than words being a mother is not enough.
J'ai beau aimer Brady et je l'aime au-delà des mots, être mère ne me suffit pas.
Remember when he told you that he was going to peel your skin off and dry it in the sun and use it as a condom and fuck your mother?
Tu te souviens quand il a dit qu'il allait te dépecer, sécher ta peau et en faire une capote pour baiser ta mère?
You're a twenty-five year old mother.
Tu as 25 ans et tu es mère.
I know you see me as having left you, but when your mother and I split up, I was in a lot of pain.
Je sais que tu as l'impression que je t'ai abandonné, Mais quand ta mère et moi avons divorcé, j'ai beaucoup souffert.
You ever see my mother without a cigarette in her hand?
T'as jamais vu ma mère sans une cigarette à la main?
Born to a mother, who him dressed as the perfect entertainment.
Né d'une mère, qui l'habillé comme un divertissement.
You ever seen a baby calf taken away from its mother?
Tu as déja vu un veau enlevé à sa mère?
Your mother begged to be killed as well. But the officer said :
Ta mère les a suppliés de la tuer aussi, mais l'officier lui a dit :
But seeing as one of you was clearly raised by a mother of a fiercely hideous countenance, I am affected by a rare blush of...
Mais... voyant que l'un de vous a clairement été élevé par une mère affublée d'une hideuse contenance, je suis affecté par une rare poussée de... de compassion.
Listen, I hope you don't mind. But your mother informs me that you have a girlfriend.
Ne m'en veux pas, mais ta mère m'informe que tu as une petite amie.
Uh, well, my mother vacationed here as a child. Okay. Yeah.
Avant de mourir, elle parlait en bien de cet endroit.
As I remember the overwhelming sensation that I experienced When my dear mother exposed me to the wonders of live action.
Je me souviens de ce que j'ai ressenti quand ma tendre mère m'a montré les merveilles du cinéma.
As soon as your mother's back was turned I was pipes was your father.
Dés que ta mére avait le dos tourné Je faisais des pipes a ton pére.
I waited 16 1 / 2 years for you to be able to drive a car, And you went to get your license with your mother and not me?
J'ai attendu 16 ans ½ pour que tu puisses conduire, et tu as passé ton permis avec ta mère et pas moi?
Working on this film as a little girl, was a really terrifying experience, to say the least. ( laughing ) This is supposed to be my father and he's, you know, brutally murdering my mother, banging her head against the house.
Travailler sur ce film comme une petite fille était vraiment une expérience effrayante, pour dire le moins. ( Rires ) on suppose qu'il est mon père et que a brutalement tué ma mère cogner la tête contre la maison.
I've always conceived this to be a little bit hypocritical. Like constantly quoting Erich Fromm and cite "Steps" from Hermann Hesse as favourite poem, this Cheer up-Pamphlet for remorseless carrying on, on which interestingly enough all Germans can agree, that's because, as my mother readily said to underpin her good taste,
Un tantinet prétentieux, tout comme sa manie de citer Erich Fromm et de dire que les "Gradins" de Hesse était son poème préféré, cet hommage à la persévérance adorée par tous les Allemands.
Your struggles as a single mother...
Votre combat de mère...
A 12th grader getting picked up by his mother? Hello?
Tu as déjà vu un terminale partir avec sa mère?
No, Mother shall have her party as planned.
Non, mère a droit à sa fête, comme prévu.
When he finds out that your mother is a cheating whore.
Tu l'as abandonnée dans une carcasse.
After all this time of thinking your mother is gone, now you have a second chance.
Tu n'as plus à culpabiliser. Tu as une seconde chance.
Now I have no idea what he did, but I know that it was really bad, because when I tell you that my mother is spinning like a top... did you tell'em about your appointment?
Maintenant, je ne sais pas ce qu'il faisait mais je sais que c'était grave car si je te dis que que ma mère nous a baratiné un max... Tu lui as parlé de ton rendez-vous?
Well, I love cooking, cleaning, ironing's a doddle, babies need a mother, so do young boys. ) Thanks, love.
Oh, je me demande où tu as entendu ça!
I'm not really interested in a long drawn-out anything, except to say that I am executive of my mother's estate and, as such, it would mean the world if I could set up a college fund for the girls,
J'irai droit au but. Je suis l'exécutrice testamentaire de ma mère, et en tant que telle, j'adorerais pouvoir... financer les études de tes filles, au moins pour raisons fiscales.
And I love your father, so as long as he thinks that nasty lady is a loving mother, I'll play along.
Et j'aime ton père, donc tant qu'il pensera que cette méchante femme est une mère aimante, je jouerai le jeu.
You've never been a mother to me.
Tu n'as jamais été une mère pour moi.
As you know, I'm a single mother.
Comme vous savez, je suis une mère célibataire.
Jenna, honey, I don't know if you remember, but when you were 11, we were supposed to sing together at a mother-daughter talent pageant.
Jenna, tu as peut-être oublié, mais l'année de tes 11 ans, on devait chanter ensemble dans un concours mère-fille.
I assume because your mother forced you to pose as a gay man, in hopes of catching me in a, how you say pot of honey.
- Votre mère vous a forcé à vous faire passer pour un gay pour me piéger - dans un pot de miel.
Like when you told everyone at the mother - daughter dance we're getting remarried, just because you felt pressured by a bunch of girls.
Comme quand tu as dit au Bal Mère / Fille qu'on allait se remarier, car tu t'es sentie obligée.
You're a really good mother.
Tu es une très bonne mère. Tu as un grand cœur.
You've been so focused on being a good mother that you've totally ignored yourself.
Tu as été si absorbée par ton devoir de mère... que tu t'es complètement oubliée.
Because I've learned in my life that as much as I want to tell my sister that she's not as clever and special as she thinks she is or tell my aunt that she's a pathological narcissist or tell my dad to wake up because my mother's disease is gonna bury us all,
Parce que j'ai appris au cours de ma vie que plutôt que de dire à ma soeur qu'elle n'est pas aussi intelligente et spéciale qu'elle le pense, ou de dire à ma tante qu'elle est une narcissique pathologique ou de dire à mon père de se réveiller parce que la maladie de ma mère va tous nous étouffer,
Given that the mother, kayla lindy, isn't in pain And wouldn't suffer an undue burden As a result of remaining on life support- -
Étant donné que la mère, Kayla Lindy, ne souffre pas et qu'elle n'aimerait pas être accablée comme le prouve le dossier...
You went to Mexico with another man, he talked about his mother in bed, and you didn't have sex with him.
Tu es allée au Mexique avec un autre. Au lit, il t'a parlé de sa mère, et tu n'as pas couché avec.
- I see. It was mother's wish as well.
Maman m'a donné sa bénédiction.
as always 696
as a matter of fact 1864
as a result 233
as a reward 26
as a rule 74
as a friend 236
as a man 62
as a team 51
as a spy 29
as agreed 52
as a matter of fact 1864
as a result 233
as a reward 26
as a rule 74
as a friend 236
as a man 62
as a team 51
as a spy 29
as agreed 52
as a couple 32
as a child 135
as an adult 26
as a 74
as am i 139
as a parent 25
as a woman 81
as are we 19
as a family 98
as a gift 25
as a child 135
as an adult 26
as a 74
as am i 139
as a parent 25
as a woman 81
as are we 19
as a family 98
as a gift 25
as an actor 22
as an artist 17
as are you 63
as a boy 50
as a joke 40
as a cop 35
as a precaution 31
as a person 27
as a father 46
as a scientist 41
as an artist 17
as are you 63
as a boy 50
as a joke 40
as a cop 35
as a precaution 31
as a person 27
as a father 46
as a scientist 41