Get her out Çeviri Fransızca
4,967 parallel translation
I'm gonna get her out.
Je vais la faire sortir.
They had to call the paramedics to get her out.
Ils ont du appeler les infirmiers pour le faire sortir.
Diggle, get her out of here.
Diggle, sors la d'ici.
- Get her out of here.
Sortez-la d'ici.
Miller, get her out of here.
Miller, fais-la sortir.
Fine, get her out of here.
Faites-la sortir.
Get her out of here!
Sors-là d'ici!
Can we get her out of here please?
On peut la sortir d'ici s'il vous plaît?
Get her out of here.
Faites-la sortir de là.
Get her out of your head.
C'est fini. Oublie-la.
Where? - Get her out!
- Harris, où?
Max, get her out of here.
Max, fais-la sortir de là. Quoi?
I'll put Gertie in the shed, get her out of your way.
Je mets Gertie dans l'abri, qu'elle ne t'embête pas.
- Get her out of here.
- Expulsez-la.
Well, get her out here!
Alors fais-le sortir!
Nice. Now get her out of here.
Maintenant sors-la d'ici.
Get her out of here. Get her out of here.
Fais-la sortir de là.
We need to unlock the door, get her out.
On a besoin de déverrouiller la porte, la faire sortir.
Yes. You need to get her out the back entrance right now.
Tu dois la faire sortir par l'entrée de derrière.
Finley, we can't let her get out of here.
On ne peut la laisser sortir d'ici.
You should get Emery out of the Sector before a guard sees her.
Tu devrais faire sortir Emery du Secteur avant qu'un garde ne la voit.
I couldn't get out of it... some get-together with her and her brother.
Je n'ai pas pu m'en dépêtrer... Un certain rendez-vous avec son frère et elle.
While my dad had to suck it up and get me a gift, I was about to hurt my mom worse than having all her leg hair yanked out by an Epilady.
Tandis que mon père devait se bouger et m'acheter un cadeau, j'étais sur le point de faire encore plus de mal à ma mère que son épilation avec son Epiladay.
It would be a shame for your daughter to find out that you were trying to get her into college.
Ce serait une honte pour ta fille de découvrir que tu essayais de la mettre dans une université.
Just get me out of here, I'll talk to her in person.
Sors-moi juste de là, je lui dirai en personne.
- How the hell did she get out? - He has her.
- Comment est-elle sortie?
We kill their witch, destroy her spell book, and get the hell out...
Nous tuons sa sorcière, détruisons son livre de sorts et foutons le camp...
Let's bury her and get out of here.
Enterrons-là et barrons-nous d'ici.
Teenage girl carrying a hot bowl of ramen wipes out while walking down a set of cement community-college stairs, and you have to get her brains back into her skull,
Une ado qui porte un bol bouillant de nouilles et qui s'écrase en descendant les escaliers en ciment de l'école, et vous devez lui remettre la cervelle dans le crâne,
The sooner we get her and the baby out of there, the better.
Plus vite elle et son bébé seront partis, mieux ce sera.
Then we'll find her, and we'll get out of this, or die trying.
Alors on ira la chercher, on sortira d'ici, ou on mourra en essayant.
I told her to get out.
Je lui ai dit de dégager.
Um... the night you kicked Dani out of the house, she came back to get her stuff, and I I had a few beers.
La nuit où tu as jeté Dani dehors, elle est revenue pour prendre ses affaires, et j'avais bu quelques bières.
- But I just can't get her out of my... - No. - I got the painting.
J'arrive pas à me la sortir...
I was waiting outside while the doctor was working on her, and then I saw him run out and get in his car.
J'attendais dehors pendant que le docteur travaillait et je l'ai vu courir dehors et prendre sa voiture.
I'm gonna jab her if I can get it in and then she'll be out, he'll be weakened, right?
Je vais lui sauter dessus. Et là elle sera sous contrôle.
She shorted out her bracelets, dug these implants they gave her out of her, and somehow used Mattoo's handprint to get herself out of here.
Elle a coupé ses menottes, arraché ses implants et utilisé les empreintes de Mattoo, pour partir.
Cyril, shut your pouthole, accept the fact that Lana was so far out of your league that impregnating her would've basically been interspecies breeding, and get on with your life!
- Cyril, tais - toi, Accepte que Lana étant tellement mieux que toi l'engrosser équivaut à de la reproduction inter espèces. Et reprends ta vie en main.
I'm trying to get the nerve to ask her out.
- Ouaip. J'essaye d'avoir le cran de l'inviter.
I got a pregnant woman who can't get out of bed and probably never will again, because you knocked her out and killed her baby all for a freaking laugh!
Une femme enceinte est clouée au lit et n'aura peut-être plus d'enfant parce que tu l'as agressée et tué son bébé, juste pour une blague pourrie!
You don't want her to get her hopes up in case it doesn't pan out.
Tu ne veux pas qu'elle s'emballe au cas où ça tourne mal.
You're scared that if anybody finds out what's going on, you might never get her back, so you keep lying to yourself, hoping it'll get better.
Tu as peur que si quelqu'un le découvre, tu pourrais ne plus la revoir, donc tu te mens à toi-même, en espérant que ça aille mieux.
You touch her, I will personally make sure you spend so much time in the hole, your own brother won't recognize you when you get out.
Si tu la touches, je m'arrangerai personnellement que tu passes tellement de temps dans le trou, que ton frère ne te reconnaîtra pas quand tu sortiras.
but, damn, She couldn't wait to get you out of her belly.
Mais merde, elle ne pouvait plus attendre de te sortir du ventre
So we get out of the movie and I'm, like, walking her home, and I get to her door, and I know this is it.
On est sortis du cinéma, et je l'ai raccompagnée chez elle. On arrive devant sa porte, et je sais que c'est maintenant ou jamais.
Mr. Stafford, let us get her settled in her room, and I'll be out to talk to you, okay?
M. Stafford, laissez nous la ramener dans sa chambre, je vous expliquerais ensuite, okay?
I have to meet with that plumber first thing in the morning, so I have to get out of Martha's early'cause I promised her a lazy morning.
Je vois ce plombier, demain matin. Je dois aussi voir Martha pour une grasse matinée romantique.
What am I supposed say to her if I get out of here?
Que lui dire si je sors d'ici?
And she's gone to extraordinary lengths to get it back, but you're shutting her out.
Et elle emploie des moyens extraordinaires pour le récupérer, mais l'avez exclue.
But I can't make her get out of my head.
Mais je ne peux me la sortir de la tête.
Get out of her way.
Sors de son chemin.
get her out of here 293
get her out of there 56
get her outta here 27
get her 319
get here 39
get her off 17
get her back 40
get her up 52
get her in 18
get her off me 23
get her out of there 56
get her outta here 27
get her 319
get here 39
get her off 17
get her back 40
get her up 52
get her in 18
get her off me 23
get her inside 27
outside 883
outer 19
outfit 21
outsiders 26
outrageous 90
outlaw 21
outs 110
out of context 16
out now 39
outside 883
outer 19
outfit 21
outsiders 26
outrageous 90
outlaw 21
outs 110
out of context 16
out now 39
out of curiosity 82
out of my mind 17
out of order 40
out of the blue 171
out of sight 112
out of interest 20
out of town 49
out of nowhere 149
outstanding 214
out of respect 50
out of my mind 17
out of order 40
out of the blue 171
out of sight 112
out of interest 20
out of town 49
out of nowhere 149
outstanding 214
out of respect 50
out like a light 17
outside of work 17
out of my sight 38
out of 299
out loud 97
out of mind 55
out of my house 22
out of love 16
out of time 18
out of the way 896
outside of work 17
out of my sight 38
out of 299
out loud 97
out of mind 55
out of my house 22
out of love 16
out of time 18
out of the way 896