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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ I ] / I told him no

I told him no Çeviri Fransızca

563 parallel translation
I told him no good would come of it. No good for anyone.
Je lui ai dit que ça n'augurerait rien de bon pour personne.
He asked if he could see the Doubloon and I told him no... and he laughed and hung up.
Il a demandé s'il pouvait voir le doublon et je lui ai dit non... Il a ri et a raccroché.
No, I told him not to return.
Je lui ai dit de ne pas revenir.
I told him no, of course.
J'ai dit que j'en savais rien, bien sûr.
No. I told him not to get upset.
Je lui ai dit de ne pas s'en faire.
Oh, no, no, I told him no deal.
Oh, j'ai refusé sa proposition.
And I told him a Chinaman had no future.
Dire que je lui prédisais aucun avenir!
What did I tell him? This is what I told him : 'No, I won't run your stage for that money.'
Je leur ai dit... que je ne travaillerai pas à ce prix.
There was absolutely no excuse for that show. I told him so.
Je lui avais bien dit.
She didn't go with him? No, I told you!
- Elle est partie avec lui?
No, I didn't tell him that. I told him the truth. And, strangely enough, he believed me.
Non, je lui ai dit la vérité et il m'a crue.
But you told him you would marry him. - No, I didn't.
- Mais tu as dit que tu l'épouserais.
- You told him when to come. - No, I never.
- Tu lui disais quand venir?
I told him it wouldn't happen no more, but he won't listen.
Je lui ai dit que ça n'arriverait plus, en vain.
- Oh, no, he isn't. - I told him you like to dance.
Pas du tout.Je lui ai dit que vous aimez danser.
No, he's gone. I told him he could go.
Non, je lui ai dit de s'en aller.
No, but when I found out I couldn't leave Sara, I called Noah and told him to go there and tell you I was detained.
Non mais j'ai dit à Noah d'aller te dire que j'étais retenue.
No. I told you, I just met him in the bar.
Non, je l'ai connu au bar.
I told him to his face, hall or no hall, If he wants to make a deal with us, He'll make it with a gun.
J'ai dit que s'il veut négocier, il devra le faire avec un revolver.
Precisely what I told him myself. But he wouldn't take no for an answer.
C'est ce que je lui ai dit mais il n'a rien voulu entendre.
I told him it was no good any more. This isn't for me.
Je lui ai dit que je n'étais pas faite pour ça.
I told him what i thought, and told no more than what he found himself was apt and true.
Je lui ai dit ma pensée, il y a vu la vérité.
After I told him that he had no need to lie to me.
Après lui avoir demandé de ne pas me mentir.
I told him and I tell you, Ben. I'll stand for no trouble.
Je ne veux pas d'histoires, Ben.
I told him we'd be staying, no need to get it all in one day.
Il a pourtant tout son temps pour le voler.
But I told him at the time that I would take care of this business as long as my show was in New York, or... or until he could replace me, and he offered no objections.
J'avais signé à la condition que ce serait valable jusqu'à ce que je monte mon spectacle et qu'il me remplace. Il avait accepté.
I told him, no party!
J'avais dit "pas de fête"!
I told him it was no cinch, this business.
Je l'ai prévenu que ce n'est pas de la rigolade, ce commerce.
I told him that we were in no shape for combat.
Je lui ai dit qu'on n'était pas en état de se battre.
I'm going to tell him exactly what I've told you - that I honestly don't know... but that this sort of approach has been successful in other sales campaigns... and I see no reason why it can't work in this one.
Je lui dirai ce que je te dis : que franchement je ne sais pas, mais que ce style a réussi dans des campagnes publicitaires et qu'il peut réussir là encore.
I told him that I'd say that he'd spent the night with me, and there'd be no scandal.
Je lui ai dit de dire qu'il avait passé la nuit avec moi et... il n'y aurait pas de scandale.
No, just for you I have not told him.
Mais non, justement, pour toi je lui ai pas dit.
He's no doubt told you I want to have him locked up?
Il a dû vous dire aussi que je voulais le faire enfermer?
I told you that he was an animal, I couldn't say no to him!
C'était un fauve, je ne pouvais pas refuser.
- No, I told him the truth.
- J'ai dit la vérité.
I just told him to let me think about it. You should have told him that the answer was definitely "No"!
Arrêtez, maintenant.
- Worse for him... You told me there were no children! I want her.
Je veux cette fille, et nue!
No, it has pictures of the kids. I told him that.
Non, les photos des enfants sont dedans.
- I've told him we've seen no strangers.
- Je lui ai dit que personne n'était venu.
- No. I already told him to go. - All right.
Je lui ai déjà dit de partir.
No, I never told him.
Non, je ne lui ai jamais dit.
I've already told everyone, and to the gringo, that no-one saw him passing through here.
J'ai déjà dit à tout le monde, au gringo, que personne ne l'a vu passer par ici.
And I told him that under no circumstances would I ever take him back.
Et je lui ai dit qu'il n'était pas question que je le reprenne.
He had given you no instruction ; I told him the whole thing. He consented, until Herr Principal's return, to the arrangement which I made on the orders of Herr Principal,
il approuva ma conduite entièrement, et trouva bon que jusqu'au retour de M. le proviseur et selon ce qui avait été entendu, on en restât à la disposition prise par moi sur l'ordre de M. le proviseur, parce qu'il est quand même plus juste
- No, I told you not to bother him. - Aw.
Non, j'ai dit de ne pas le déranger.
I told him there's no stopping here.
Je lui ai dit, arrêt interdit.
I told him everything, as you wished No, I embellished the things for KARASAWA
Makiko Isaku se nourrit en grande partie de son narcissisme!
No, he told me that I could get in touch with him through you.
Non, il m'a dit que je pouvais le contacter par votre intermédiaire.
- No, please, please! - Be quiet! I've told him I want you to do it.
Personne ne me reconnaissait, même quand la série était au sommet de sa gloire.
I told him he will be paid in advance, he will not have to wait and if the tall black woman wants to throw her life away it's no concern of ours.
Je lui ai dit qu'il serait payé d'avance, qu'il n'attendrait pas et que si la grande dame noire ne tenait pas à sa vie, c'était son problème.
Jonathan told me that you people were no better than animals, and I should've listened to him.
Jonathan m'avait bien dit quelle bande de salopards vous faisiez, j'aurais dû l'écouter.

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