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It'll pass Çeviri Fransızca

827 parallel translation
It'll buckle the minute you pass the bank.
- Il s'effondrera tout de suite.
I'll pass it on.
Je n'y manquerai pas.
I'll let it pass.
Je laisse passer.
I bet after you work on it it'll pass every car on the road.
Je parie qu'après ça, elle dépassera les autres voitures.
If you boys want Carter's body, you'll find it just the other side of the pass.
 Le cadavre de Carter  est dans le désert
It's one thing to pass a law, another to make it work. - There'll always be guys wanting to drink.
Ils ne pourront jamais la faire observer.
It'll pass, I'm sure.
Ça va passer.
I'll pass you on to Captain Viengarten, but frankly I don't think it will get you any further.
Je vais vous adresser au Cpt Viengarten, mais je doute que alliez plus loin.
Burke, I'm stationing you at the rear. It's a very responsible position. You'll signal on your whistle when you see the last man and mule pass.
Burke, restez à l'arrière et signalez le passage de la dernière mule.
I knew it. - I'll pass it on to the Red Cross.
Je le passerai à la Croix-Rouge
Yes. But it'll pass.
Mais ça passera.
You'll pass your physical, and it's in the bag.
Une visite médicale et c'est dans la poche.
I was sure it would not pass. I'll tell it to you, Mascha, and you repeat it to him.
J'avais aussi commencé une lettre pour Beda, mais j'étais sûr qu'elle ne passerait pas.
It'll pass.
Ça va passer.
With rest and relaxation it'll pass.
Vous devriez aller à la campagne.
We'll pass it on.
Nous la transmettrons. Maître!
That's the tough part of it, but it'll pass.
C'est dur... mais ça passera.
It'll pass.
Ça passera.
- It'll pass soon.
Non, ça va passer.
A little indigestion, I guess. It'll pass.
Une indigestion, sans doute.
I figure we can reach the high-pass in two days more... then it'll be three or four days to the railroad.
Jusqu'au col, il faut 2 jours. Et 3 de plus jusqu'au train.
If I don't pass, it'll just mean that God has other work for me.
Si j'échoue, cela signifie que Dieu, a d'autres projets pour moi.
Just a curiosity, it'll pass.
- Curiosité qui n'a qu'un temps.
It'll pass.
Ca va passer
The road will start from the clearing. It'll come down the hill side, sacrificing a few olive trees, and will pass between the two hills down there. You see?
La route partira de la clairière, descendra la colline, on sacrifiera quelques oliviers, et passera entre ces deux collines.
It'll be going through Raccoon Pass tomorrow.
- 100000! - Demain, par Raccoon Pass.
You'll see, it'll pass like a breath. Oh, my dear.. Life is a fleeting breath.
Ma chère, la vie est un clin d'œil fugace.
- Always hungry! Sing, it'll pass!
Chante, ça te passera.
Thank you for the information, I'll pass it on to him
Je vais en parler au docteur.
Eh? - Oh, come on! It'll pass.
Mais non...
- Don't worry. It'll pass.
- En scène, ça passera.
- It'll help pass the time.
Et ça t'aidera à patienter. Ah!
Captain Koehler would be glad to give me a pass... seeing as it's the last one I'll be asking for. What do you say?
Le capitaine koehler me donnera un passe... car c'est le dernier que je demande.
I'll pass it up to you, OK?
Je vous le passe là-haut, ça va?
If you'll tell us the names of the men who approached you I'll pass it to the commission.
Dites-nous le nom des hommes qui vous ont sollicité.
Now listen to me, and when I've finished you can pass it on to them. Then, perhaps, they'll believe me.
Si vous racontez mon histoire, on vous croira.
Nothing, Aldo... it'll pass.
Rien, ça va passer.
Then I'll trust my spear to conquer it and pass.
Avec ma lance, je passerai!
I still love him, but it'll pass. It has to. Because now I see the truth, how he tricked me.
Je l'aime encore, mais ça passera parce que j'ai compris combien il m'a trompée.
Only thing is, if I work there a year, it'll be eight years instead of seven before I can pass the bar exam.
Le seul problème, c'est que si ça marche, je mettrai 8 ans au lieu de 7 pour être avocat.
I'm dining with Mrs. DePass tomorrow and I must discuss it with her. She'll know if it ever happened to one of us before.
Je dîne demain... avec Mme de Pass, elle me dira si c'est déjà arrivé.
It'll all pass like a bad dream. Seriously.
Tout passera, comme tout cauchemar.
- Then I'm sure it'll pass soon.
Ca va passer vite, alors.
It'll pass.
? a passera.
I'm sorry it'll pass, but now I feel like this...
Excuse-moi. Ça me passera, mais pour le moment...
It'll never pass inspection.
C'est pas autorisé.
It'll pass.
Ca passera.
A case of hysteria, it'll pass.
Crise d'hystérie, ça passera.
It'll pass.
Ça va aller mieux.
You got a headache? It'll pass.
Ça passera.
Great, he'll pass out. I can see it.
C'est un coup à le tuer.

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