It could kill you Çeviri Fransızca
235 parallel translation
This is a serious condition. It could kill you.
Tu ne vas pas pouvoir continuer comme ça.
He said that if you played Monday it could kill you.
Il paraît que si tu jouais lundi, ça te tuerait.
That's a possibility, and then again, it could kill you.
C'est une possibilité. Mais ça pourrait aussi vous tuer.
It could kill you.
C'est mortel.
Instead of thanking you, I could kill you and love it.
Au lieu de vous remercier, je pourrais vous tuer.
Gee, if that gun could only talk, it would tell us who tried to kill you.
Si seulement ce revolver parlait, il nous dirait qui a tenté de te tuer.
Read it, and you'll know he's not the kind of man who could steal or kill.
Lisez-la, vous verrez. C'est un honnête homme.
I could kill you for it.
Je pourrais vous tuer pour ça.
You didn't harm anyone. It's you that want to hurt me. I could kill you.
tu m'as pas fait de mal toi si tu me fais souffrir, j'essayerai pas de te faire du mal.
I could kill you and I could get away with it too.
Je pourrais m'en tirer.
I'm here to protect you. If I had wanted to kill you, I could've done it hours ago.
Si je voulais vous tuer, j'aurais pu le faire bien avant.
I could kill you right now and nobody can call it murder.
Je pourrais vous tuer et personne n'en saurait rien.
You mean that whatever it was killed them, could kill us?
Tu veux dire que ce qui les a tués pourrait nous tuer aussi?
It's called "Bordeau." The tiniest drop could kill you.
Si tu en bois, tu es mort!
I could kill you for it.
J'ai envie de te tuer.
This might seem weird but could you kill it for me?
Je voulais vous demander... Pourriez-vous la tuer pour moi... - Car moi...
What if you meant to kill somebody? Could you do it?
Tu pourrais tuer quelqu'un exprès?
If you had to kill somebody with a knife, you think you could do it?
Tu as un couteau à la main. Tu pourrais tuer quelqu'un avec?
It could kill you.
Les lésions internes pourraient vous tuer.
But you don't know. You could kill it.
Mais vous n'êtes pas sûrs.
- Jim, it could kill you.
- Ca pourrait vous tuer.
Could it be that the man who did the killing is trying to kill you, too?
Est-il possible que l'assassin essaie aussi de vous tuer?
It's good idea, but... have you everthoughtthat... you could kill Yin Chiwithyourskills?
C'est bien pensé, mais... Te crois-tu assez fort pour tuer Yin Ji?
Then, before returning to Dr Bessner to report its loss, you could have used it to kill Madame Doyle.
Et avant de retourner auprès du Dr Bessner... de tuer Mme Doyle.
I know, I didn't want to believe that... but now they've killed Ruth Mayer... and they could kill you or me, and she wouldn't even be aware of it.
Je sais, je ne voulais pas y croire, mais là, ils ont tué Ruth Mayer. Ils pourraient nous tuer, vous ou moi, et elle n'en saurait rien.
You could've at least had one piece. It wouldn't kill ya.
Tu aurais pu en prendre un morceau, ça ne te tuerait pas.
I just told you they could kill you. You haven't told me what you're gonna do about it, you fuckhead.
Je vous dis qu'ils peuvent vous tuer.
It is not of this world. With it, you could kill the child.
Il n'est pas de ce monde et pourra tuer l'enfant.
It's just bullshit! I could just kill you.
Je pourrais te tuer!
You could play "Star Eyes." It wouldn't kill you.
Ça ne vous tuerait pas de jouer Star Eyes.
Or it could go the other way. They wanted to kill you.
Ils voulaient peut-être vous tuer.
Everything... - Stop it, Jim! Spock could no more kill his own brother than he could kill you.
Voyons, Spock ne pouvait tuer son frère pas plus que te tuer.
Don't worry about that. I brought it with me. Father, this could kill you.
Assez beaux nichons, mais la tronche que je ne voudrais pas pour cirer mes godasses.
Words like that could kill a person if you don't mean it.
Ils sont mortels si tu ne les penses pas!
You don't know what it's like to try to kill one of these things... and if something goes wrong this could be our last chance, so move!
Tu ignores combien il est difficile de tuer ces choses-là. On n'aura jamais plus une telle occasion! Dégage!
You don't know what it's like to try to kill one of these things... and if something goes wrong this could be our last chance, so move!
On n'aura jamais plus une telle occasion! Dégage!
We could kill you all and you know it.
On peut vous tuer et vous le savez!
If it meant that you could feel emotions again, the way you did on Ohniaka III, would you kill your friend?
Et pour retrouver cette émotion unique que vous avez sentie sur Ohniaka III, pourriez-vous tuer votre ami?
So you can't go back and kill Hitler, much as we'd like to... because it could cause a chain reaction of events... that could alter or even destroy mankind.
Impossible d'aller tuer Hitler, même si on en a très envie. Ça produirait une réaction en chaîne qui pourrait modifier ou détruire l'espèce humaine.
I could kill you right now and take it.
Je pourrais vous tuer maintenant et l'avoir.
It could cause permanent damage, even kill you.
Les lésions pourraient être irréversibles.
That means he could kill you and not even realize it.
Il pourrait donc en finir avec toi sans même s'en rendre compte.
If you do not get the correct answer, Captain, it could kill us.
Si vous n'avez pas la bonne réponse, capitaine, ça pourrait nous tuer.
It would really put us in good with Hidalgo if you could smile as we kill you.
Hidalgo serait vraiment content si vous pouviez sourire quand on vous tue.
What could it do, kill you, huh?
Que peut te faire le danger?
It could kill me, Zhaan, I know, you've given me every good reason not to go. I could end up dead, I could end up more lost than I already am.
Je pourrais mourir Zhaan, je sais, tu m'as trouvé toutes les raisons pour renoncer, je risque de mourir, de me retrouver plus perdu que je ne le suis, tu m'as énuméré tous les cas de figures possibles, sauf un.
I could really go for some Mu Shu - it-wouldn't-kill-you - to-call-your-mother.
Je mangerais bien un chop-suey en parlant des mères abusives.
- I could kill you if I felt like it.
- Je pourrais te tuer. - Non, non, non.
But you can't take that chance, because if you fire that off, it could destroy the nebula and kill everything in it.
Mais tu ne peux pas prendre ce risque, parce que si tu décharge ça, ça pourrait détruire la nébuleuse et tout y tuer.
It would not kill you to make a phone call, and ask her if she could reschedule.
Ce ne serait pas la mort de la rappeler pour lui redemander un rendez-vous.
One thing I could tell you. It would kill him to see me now.
En tout cas, s'il me voyait dans cet état, ça le tuerait.
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it could be worse 106
it could work 74
it couldn't be 61
it could have been worse 50
it could go either way 16
it could happen 61
it could be you 17
it could be 318
it could be fun 40
it could be worse 106
it could work 74
it couldn't be 61
it could have been worse 50
it could go either way 16
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it could be you 17
it could be 318
it could be fun 40