Looking guy Çeviri Fransızca
2,178 parallel translation
I mean, I think that you are a good looking guy.
Vous voulez tenter? Je veux dire... Je vous trouve séduisant.
Good-looking guy.
Un beau mec. Sexy.
Well, he's a pretty good-looking guy.
Il n'est pas mal.
Creepy-looking guy in flip-flops.
Un type flippant avec des tongs.
- It's a good-looking guy.
- Il est beau gosse.
This guy, you know, he's some hardcore, thick-neck, corn-fed, Navy-SEAL-looking guy, you know?
Ce gars-là, c'était un pur et dur Américain costaud, du genre Navy-SEAL, tu sais?
So this tribal chief, he's this old-looking guy, I figured he's around 50.
Dans cette tribu, c'est le chef. Il doit avoir 50, peut-être même 60...
He's a good-looking guy.
C'est un bel homme.
I can understand... A big, good-looking guy comes along...
Un grand type séduisant se pointe.
Finally, this great-looking guy comes in and he's nice to me, you know?
Un mec canon débarque, il est gentil avec moi.
DC Police are looking for a guy named E. Matheson.
La police de Washington recherche Éric Matheson.
All right, so we must be looking for a big guy.
D'accord, on cherche un gars d'une certaine carrure.
We're looking for a tall guy.
Inspecteur Cardoza. On cherche un homme grand.
This guy is rifling through my underwear drawer looking for a weapon.
Ce type a fouillé mes tiroirs à la recherche d'une arme.
Yeah, Bones is looking at the old guy for clues.
Oui. Bones cherche des indices dans le vieux bonhomme.
So, the guy we're looking for has no medical training.
Donc, le gars que l'on recherche n'a pas d'entrainement médical.
I'm looking for a guy named Duke Silver.
je cherche un certain Duke Silver.
I can tell a lot about a guy by looking.
Je sais juger les gens.
Imagine a guy, he's pretty cool, he's extremely good-looking.
Imagine un type, assez cool et vraiment très beau.
Are things gonna start looking up for the guy?
Les choses commencent à s'arranger pour lui?
This guy's looking for trouble.
Ce type cherchait les ennuis.
What if our guy went to the south side looking for drugs or found his way there?
Et si notre gars allait vers le sud pour trouver de la drogue?
So I get there and I'm in this waiting room With this very serious looking biochemist guy And this elderly woman.
J'arrive là-bas, on me met dans une salle d'attente avec un biochimiste très sérieux et une dame âgée.
Listen, you're a nice guy. I'm just not looking for a relationship right now.
Écoute, je te trouve sympa, mais je cherche rien de sérieux, pour l'instant.
This guy comes into my place looking for talent.
Un type est venu chez moi à la recherche de talent.
Next time you look in the mirror, you're gonna be looking at a guy who stood down the mafia.
La prochaine fois, dans la glace, tu verras un homme qui a envoyé balader la mafia.
We got every patrol looking for this guy but he knows it now.
Tous les agents disponibles recherchent ce gars, mais il le sait maintenant.
Are you looking for the guy that's about this wide?
Vous cherchez le type large comme ça?
It was really hard, but I turned down this really good-looking, charming guy who...
C'était difficile, mais j'ai repoussé ce beau mec très charmant...
The guy who just left, what was he looking at?
Le type qui vient de sortir, il regardait quoi?
The guy that I'm looking for, he's probably locked inside that flying-beetle thing.
Celui que je cherche doit être enfermé dans cet insecte volant.
- Jack? Jack Chase, the guy we're looking for.
- Jack Chase, qu'on cherche.
I'm looking for a guy who's just picked-up a laptop.
Je cherche un mec qui vient de piquer un laptop.
I'm looking for a guy that PointCorp are using on a covert operation.
Je cherche un type que PointCorp utilise comme écran.
He said the cops came. They were looking for that Jason guy.
Les flics ont cherché Jason.
- Boy. He's the type of guy who doesn't know he's good-looking... and goes and gives a woman his heart and he gets stomped on.
Ça n'a pas idée de son charme, ça donne son cœur et ça prend des raclées.
But the guy that you're not looking for went that way.
Mais celui que vous ne cherchez pas est parti par là.
You looking for a guy who likes to kill hookers? Mm-hmm. Don't sound like Baby Feet.
Tu cherches un type qui aime tuer les putes? ça ne ressemble pas à Baby Feet.
and there was a guy eyeing me, good looking, his ass...
Un beau gosse! Un cul!
As I was saying, after I split up with my husband I went out on the street and there was a guy eyeing me, good-looking.
Comme je te disais, quand mon mari est parti, j'ai rencontré un type.
But after we broke up, I went out on the street and saw a guy looking at me.
Après la rupture, je suis sortie et y avait un mec qui me matait. Du gaspacho! Je me sers.
As I was saying, after I split up with my husband, I went out on the street and there was a guy eyeing at me, good-looking!
Comme je te disais, quand mon mari est parti, j'ai rencontré un type. Un beau gosse!
Little guy was looking right at me.
Le petit gars me regardait droit dans les yeux.
The guy here, looking at the painting here.
L'individu ici voyant le tableau-là.
I mean, they spend their whole life looking for Prince Charming, and then they... then they marry, they marry the guy that's got a good job and who's gonna stick around.
Je veux dire elle passe leur vie à chercher le prince charmant, et ensuite elles... elles marient, elles marient le gars qui a un bon job et qui va le garder.
This guy's looking at eight years.
Il devrait prendre 8 ans.
I'm looking for some information... about a guy... named Nicola.
Je recherche des informations au sujet d'un certain Nicola.
Florida attorney general who's got a hard on for gamblers looking for a technicality to nail this guy.
Mais un procureur de Floride s'en prend aux joueurs. Il tente d'épingler Boulis.
You know, the guy who walked around with a lamp... looking for an honest man.
Le type qui, avec sa lampe, cherchait un honnête homme.
I have a full head of hair and a functioning penis, and I'm looking for some guy to drill me in the fucking jaw.
J'ai des cheveux et un pénis en état de marche, et je cherche un gars qui me foutra son poing dans la gueule.
Oh, I should tell you, there's a new guy came down here yesterday looking for your file.
Il faut que je vous dise, un nouveau type est venu ici hier, il cherchait votre dossier.
looking guys 17
guys 27890
guys like you 17
guys like me 21
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guy stuff 23
looking 1024
lookin 41
lookie 51
looking for a job 23
guys 27890
guys like you 17
guys like me 21
guys like us 29
guy stuff 23
looking 1024
lookin 41
lookie 51
looking for a job 23
looking good 543
looking for someone 66
looking forward to it 92
looking sharp 44
looking at you 61
looking for something 96
looking for you 158
looking like this 23
looking back 86
looking for 74
looking for someone 66
looking forward to it 92
looking sharp 44
looking at you 61
looking for something 96
looking for you 158
looking like this 23
looking back 86
looking for 74