Might as well Çeviri Fransızca
7,001 parallel translation
I might as well rub my naked butt all over his.
Je pourrais aussi bien masser mon derrière nu partout sur lui.
Might as well call it a night.
Tu pourrais aussi bien l'appeler une nuit.
She might as well be wearing a black cloak and carrying a scythe.
Elle pourrait tout aussi bien porté un voile noir et une faux
You might as well pick Mom.
Tu pourrais aussi bien choisir Maman.
Might as well come in a variety pack.
Aussi bien en parfum variés.
We might as well just ship you over the Mason-Dixon line.
On pourrait aussi bien d'expédier sur la ligne Mason-Dixon.
I know this book is happening whether I like it or not, so I figure, I might as well get on board.
Je sais que ce livre s'écrit, que j'aime ça ou pas, alors je pense que je devrais m'impliquer.
Anyway, they might as well just written the want ad -
Ils auraient pu écrire sur l'annonce,
Might as well be. New baby. Up all night.
Avec le bébé, je ne dors pas.
All right, might as well get comfortable, huh?
Tout le droit, comme bien devenez confortable, huh?
You might as well flirt with a mountain range.
Vous pourriez aussi bien flirter avec une chaîne de montagnes.
Then you might as well kill me, because I'm not talking again till you do.
Alors vous feriez mieux de me tuer, puisque je ne parlerai pas avant que vous ne le fassiez.
Well, you guys might as well be a pile of leaves because you're about to get blown away.
Vous pourriez aussi être un tas de feuilles parce que vous être sur le point d'être soufflés.
Look, I never cheated on you, but I might as well have.
Écoute, je t'ai jamais trompé, mais ça aurait été mieux si je l'avais fait.
You might as well know.
Tu pourrais aussi bien savoir.
I might as well just stand up and shout, "hi, everyone."
Je pourrais très bien me lever et crier, "bonjour tout le monde".
- You might as well...
- Tu ferais bien...
Now you? Amy, this might as well be a big bi-curious bat signal in the sky.
Ca pourrait aussi bien être un signal de détresse de bi-curieux.
Might as well just leave their wallets at the door because when the sun comes up on Fangtasia there won't be anything left in them anyhow.
Pauvres choses. Ils feraient mieux de laisser leurs porte-monnaies à l'entrée car quand le soleil se lèvera au Fangtasia, il ne restera plus grand chose d'eux de toute façon.
We might as well have just thrown all the money away in Vegas.
Nous pourrions aussi bien jeté tout l'argent aussi loin que Vegas.
Why, I know it's a little extravagant, but we're Excelsior now - - might as well look it.
Pourquoi, je sais que c'est un peu extravagant, mais on est à l'Excelsior, faut qu'on ait la classe.
I'm telling you, we might as well be sleeping in the basement.
Je te le dis, on ferait presque mieux de dormir à la cave.
You might as well come out.
Vous devriez vous rendre.
And if someone's gonna control it, it might as well be you?
Et si quelqu'un doit la contrôler, autant que ce soit vous?
You're going to prison, you might as well get used to it.
Tu vas aller en prison, tu devrais t'y habituer.
If it's come to a point where Da Vinci needs that twisted shitheel, you might as well choke me to death yourself.
Si un jour Da Vinci a besoin de cette vermine, tu pourras aussi bien m'étrangler toi même.
Might as well just let him suffer?
On pourrait aussi bien le laisser souffrir?
You guys might as well use it.
Vous devriez l'utiliser.
Well, if you're gonna be here, might as well take some pictures.
Bien, si tu vas là, autant prendre des photos.
You might as well drive a suicide clown car into the fucking Lincoln Memorial.
Autant conduire une voiture de clown piégée dans le Lincoln Mémorial.
So, uh, might as well get something out of it, right?
Alors, autant en tirer quelque chose, tu ne crois pas?
So, you might as well buy me dinner.
Donc, tu pourrais aussi bien m'inviter à dîner.
Might as well clean this while I'm killing myself.
Autant nettoyer ça en attendant l'asphyxie.
Well, if I'll be doing this when I'm 40, might as well start now.
Bon, si je dois faire ça quand j'aurai 40 ans autant commencer maintenant.
Well, as long as we're here, we might as well talk about it.
Tant qu'à être ici, parlons-en.
I might as well tell you guys now, because it's out.
Je pourrais aussi bien vous le dire maintenant les gars, parce que c'est fait.
Might as well start wearing a plaid shirt and a tie and khakis and whatever shoes you're wearing.
Je devrais commencer à porter une chemise à carreaux et une cravate et un kaki et peu importe quelles chaussures tu portes.
I might as well just move to a farm and grow vegetables.
Autant aller dans une ferme et faire pousser des légumes.
It might as well be you.
Ça pourrait aussi bien être toi.
And if we don't get the surgery, they might as well just cut the leg off.
Si on ne fait pas d'opération, ils pourraient couper la jambe.
You make Mike confess, you might as well throw his life down the toilet.
Tu fais confesser Mike, tu pourrais aussi bien jeter sa vie à la poubelle.
And if people use the system to their own benefit, then we might as well just give up the ship and start speaking German.
Et si les gens utilisent le système pour leur propre intérêt, on ferait mieux d'abandonner le navire et commencer à parler Allemand.
- might as well just go. - RUSS : I don't care about seeing it.
- Je m'en fiche de le voir.
You might as well get a jump on it.
Autant prendre un peu d'avance.
Might as well give up now, sweetheart.
Mieux vaut abandonner ici, trésor.
Well, I might as well.
Je pourrais aussi.
Well, as viable a life option as your man-love for Don Todd is, I might suggest using the time for a town fire drill.
Même si c'est valable que Don Todd soit l'homme de votre vie, je suggère qu'on utilise ce temps pour organiser un exercice d'incendie.
Agnes, we're here to take the baby away, and it might be a good idea for you and your nephew to leave, as well.
Agnès, nous sommes ici pour prendre le bébé, et il ça pourrait être une bonne idée pour vous et votre neveu de partir ainsi.
If our government is going to take everything from us, bar the kitchen sink, they might want to take... the plug as well.
Si notre gouvernement compte tout nous prendre, sauf l'évier de cuisine, qu'ils prennent aussi... la bonde.
Dr. Chakravarty, since you have had such heart-to-heart discussions with Divya she might have as well told you that we don't want her to do this?
Puisque vous semblez en savoir long sur Divya, elle a dû vous dire que l'on était contre ce choix de carrière.
And who knows there might some adventure in store for me as well.
Et qui sait... le destin me réserve peut-être des surprises.
might as well be 17
as well 1566
as well as can be expected 32
as well as 27
as well you know 20
well 438053
wells 385
weller 130
wellington 57
welles 22
as well 1566
as well as can be expected 32
as well as 27
as well you know 20
well 438053
wells 385
weller 130
wellington 57
welles 22
wellesley 18
well done 4465
well spotted 23
well hello 20
well thank you 29
well played 346
well then 1046
well i don't know 35
well said 253
well come on 26
well done 4465
well spotted 23
well hello 20
well thank you 29
well played 346
well then 1046
well i don't know 35
well said 253
well come on 26
well you know 47
well that's good 18
well no 77
well spoken 20
well in that case 21
well i'm sorry 20
well now 184
well i 89
well actually 36
well it's 16
well that's good 18
well no 77
well spoken 20
well in that case 21
well i'm sorry 20
well now 184
well i 89
well actually 36
well it's 16