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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ S ] / She took off

She took off Çeviri Fransızca

818 parallel translation
"So, she took off her shoes, sat in the rocking chair there..." and waited for him to wake up.
"Aussi, elle attendit son réveil dans ce fauteuil."
She took off, then phoned Viviane later.
Elle s'est débinée et elle a appelé Viviana.
She took off with all of his dough.
Elle est partie avec toutes ses affaires.
She took off the way that arrow is pointing.
Elle est allee en direction de cette fleche.
Or maybe she took off to get away from both of us.
Peut-être est-elle partie pour nous fuir tous les deux.
She took off her shoes and went barefooted.
Elle a ôté ses souliers et elle a marché pieds nus.
She took off her glasses.
Elle a enlevé ses lunettes.
She took off her clothes first, and then Jean.
Elle a ôté ses vêtements en premier, puis Jean.
She took off like a pelican.
Elle s'est envolée comme un flamand rose.
It seems she took off for parts unknown.
Elle serait partie quelque part.
This morning, she took off as if she had the devil on her heels.
Ce matin... elle a détalé, comme si le diable était à ses trousses. T'es revenue!
She took off her wooden leg, and she put it on the mantelpiece.
Elle a pris sa jambe de bois et l'a mise sur la cheminée.
When I came in she took off my shoes so I'd be comfortable.
Elle m'a retiré mes chaussures pour que je sois plus à l'aise.
Well, maybe she did go a little too far when she took off my shoes.
Elle est peut-être allée trop loin en me retirant mes chaussures.
She took off in that car by herself.
Elle s'est enfuie toute seule.
She took off her uniform... and did things with the baby's bottle.
Elle a enlevé ses trucs de nurse, elle a fait deux, trois trucs avec le biberon...
She took off to give him a chance to simmer down.
Elle est partie pour le laisser se calmer.
Boss! She took off with Akemi.
Elle est partie avec Akemi.
And she took off like the Lone Ranger,
Et elle a disparu au galop!
She wouldn't be a bad looker if she took her specs off.
Elle serait pas mal sans ses besicles.
With her hands she took it off my uncle after they hung him.
Elle l'a récupérée quand ils ont pendu mon oncle.
She took them off to stand on my shoulders.
Elle les a enlevées pour se tenir sur mes épaules.
She took up where they left off.
Elle a repris le flambeau.
She took the wheel and went carting off toward the hangars with me hanging on.
Oui, mais j'aurais dû la faire sortir. Elle a pris le volant et elle est allée vers les hangars.
The third time, I took passage on the'Gemini'out of Trinidad and she was captured off Antigua.
Puis j'ai pris place sur le Gemini, qui quittait Trinidad. Le Gemini fut pris.
Some big, soft-talking card player came along and took her right off the Cotton Blossom, where she belonged. Then left her broke and alone in Chicago when she was gonna have a baby.
Un joueur, un enjôleur est arrivé et l'a enlevée au Fleur de Coton où elle aurait dû rester et l'a abandonnée à Chicago fauchée et future maman.
The wife of the last scientist who was here... weighed 180 pounds of pure muscle... had a good start on a mustache... and every time she spoke to her husband... every lion in the territory took off.
La femme de notre dernier savant pesait 80 kilos! Bigrement moustachue! Et chaque fois qu'elle parlait, elle effrayait les lions.
She took the top of my head off.
Elle a failli me dévorer.
Every time she was indicted, she just took off for parts unknown... leaving absolutely no...
Quand elle devenait suspecte, elle filait avec armes et bagages...
She took it off and put it in the glove compartment.
Elle l'a enlevé et l'a mis dans la boîte à gants.
She took a day off because of her "period".
Elle a pris une journée de congé "pour règles".
I think how little she looks like a condemned murderess Who will lead off California's first triple execution. More like the pretty girl who a long time ago took the wrong fork in the road of life.
Elle n'a pas le profil à faire partie de la 1 ère triple exécution de Californie, mais d'une jolie fille qui a choisi le mauvais chemin dans la vie.
My ma, she took to her bed straight off.
Maman en a été malade, et elle s'est couchée.
- I guess she took the day off.
- Je suppose qu'elle a pris congé.
You won't believe this, but all of a sudden, that little dame took off her bra and slipped off her pants, and she stood there, naked as a jaybird.
Vous ne le croirez pas, mais dun seul coup, elle a enlevé le haut et le bas de son maillot, et elle est restée là, nue comme un ver.
Before she went down, we took a great deal off her.
Avant qu'il ne sombre, nous avons récolté pas mal de choses.
Only when she found out that... Johnny'd gotten away with the money, she blew up and took off.
Elle était folle de rage et elle est partie.
When you yelled, she took the spell off and disappeared.
Quand tu as crié, elle a rompu le sort et a disparu.
She took the afternoon off.
Je l'ai licenciée.
- She took her pay and went off.
Elle est partie avec sa paye.
That girl, she... just took off.
Cette fille, elle... s'est envolée.
She closed her eyes, and I decided to loosen my fingers and as soon as I took my hands off she came back to life
Elle a fermé les yeux. J'ai pensé arrêter de serrer Et là, dès que j'ai oté mes mains elle s'est libéré violemment
She was carrying an old-fashioned necklace I took it off and put it in a vase next to the bed
Elle portait un collier de style ancien je lui ai enlevé. et je l'ai mis dans un vase qui était à coté du lit
Then she took his hand and helped him take his jeans and shirt off.
Puis elle lui prit la main et l'aida à se déshabiller.
She took the spell off, that's what!
Elle a annulé le sortilège.
She sure took off with that convertible fella.
Elle s'est tirée... avec un richard.
So she took the kids and ran off.
Elle a foutu le camp avec les gosses.
But Lord have mercy the worse looking he got, the better looking she got till there wasn't nothing much left of him and she went off back east somewheres and took up with a stone mason.
Mais Dieu m'est témoin, plus il devenait moche, plus elle devenait belle. Quand il n'est plus resté grand-chose de lui, elle est retournée dans l'Est et s'est mise avec un maçon.
Baring her bosom at the general public. She then took off her...
Puis elle a enlevé son...
Mama took off as soon as she heard. Back to the cave.
Maman s'est éteinte dès qu'elle a appris la nouvelle.
She went down for cigarettes and theyjust took her off the street.
Elle est allée acheter des cigarettes et ils l'ont ramassée sur la rue.

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