So that's it then Çeviri Fransızca
614 parallel translation
So then I'm going front, back, front, back... and it's all dirty in the back, so when I move it to the front, then that gets all dirty.
Je vais devant, derrière, devant, derrière... et c'est tout sale derrière, alors quand j'ai l'ai avancé, j'ai tout sali.
Then, not as your son, but as Director of SBC Drama Department, please let me rephrase it. Your contemptible action, Mr.Chairman, then can you stop doing this? Anthony, that bastard has also lived in the way which you are contemptuous of, so he's just purged of that sin.
laissez-moi reformuler. Pouvez-vous les stopper? Alors il est juste purgé de son péché.
Then that's the way it will be, so she can grow up into a very lovely lady.
Alors, il en sera ainsi pour qu'elle puisse... grandir et devenir une très charmante demoiselle.
So then, it's all very well that I leave.
- En somme, c'est très bien que je m'en aille.
But then I don't think our form of government's so bad that honest men can't run it.
Mais notre système politique n'est pas si mal, l'honnêteté peut prévaloir.
It's his gun, but then maybe a man could get so tormented by that kind of woman, he wouldn't know what he was doing.
C'est son arme, mais il a pu être tourmenté par cette femme et il n'a plus su ce qu'il faisait.
Now that we have so much food let's cook it all at once, then it'll last fifteen days,
On en aura pour quinze jours. Et même plus. Et on pourra aller prêcher.
Millions of people right now are pretty happy to be right where they are, but when someone wants to go somewhere else so badly that they'll risk their lives, then it's time for me to help them,
Des millions de gens sont heureux de vivre là où ils sont. Mais quand certains veulent aller ailleurs, et que pour cela, ils risquent leur vie, alors je dois les aider.
It's strange how the events that seemed simple and natural then now seem to me like so many stones that, one on top of another, shaped my disgrace.
Il est étrange que des évènements qui semblaient si simples et naturels m'apparaissent désormais comme autant de pierres qui l'une après l'autre ont construit mon malheur.
Well, it's about a chap who murders a chap, and then, so not to be found out, he has to kill another one and then another one, and, well, that's the way it goes, ad infinitum, ad nauseam.
Un homme en tue un autre et, pour ne pas être découvert, il en tue un autre, puis un autre et ainsi de suite. "Ad infinitum, ad nauseam."
You'll tell them that your fathers defended your fatherland from the barbarian invader who threatened its sacred borders and that we of 1899, who fought on Monte Grappa, on the stony ground of the Carso and on the River Piave, are the same men we were then and so, when the cannon thunders it's the voice of the fatherland that is calling us and we shall answer :
Vous leur direz que vos pères ont défendu la patrie contre l'envahisseur barbare qui menaçait les frontières sacrées. Que nous, ceux de 99, qui nous sommes battus au mont Grappa, sur les pentes du Carso et sur le Piave, sommes restés les mêmes! Et alors, quand tonnera le canon, nous entendrons l'appel de la patrie et nous répondrons : présent!
I was so cramped and pressed down by it, but then I saw the light, and now I am the happiest person in the world, and I praise and thank God and that's what I wanted to say.
Mais Dieu m'a convertie, je suis la femme la plus heureuse sur terre. Je loue et remercie le Seigneur. Voilà ce que je voulais dire.
If I could get that approach, so it's smooth... then get the twist of the wrist.
Si je pouvais avoir une approche fluide, - et ce tour de poignet...
And then, do it later on but that seems like such a hack's way of getting married, so we're going to drive up-state, or over to Jersey, or wherever it is that you do it, and do it.
Mais cela paraît si banal. Alors, on va plutôt partir vers Jersey... enfin là où on peut... se marier... et le faire.
In the morning, it was blowing so hard that the drifting boats would not be going out. And the boy had slept late then had come to the old man's shack as he had come each morning while the old man was gone.
Le matin, le vent soufflait si fort que les yoles ne sortirent pas et l'enfant, qui avait dormi tard, était venu chez le vieil homme comme il l'avait fait chaque matin en son absence.
I suppose I knew then that what he was doing was contrary to somebody's law, but... my granddaddy had done it before him, his daddy before him and so on clear back to Ireland.
Je savais déjà que c'était contre certaines lois, mais mon grand-père lui avait montré, et son père avant lui, etc., jusqu'en Irlande.
- So that's it, then? - Steed : Where was he going?
Où allait-il?
Now then, my dear, what is it that's so important, hm?
Alors, ma chère, qu'y a-t-il de si important?
Well, then, perhaps, and it's just a possibility, he chooses to keep the inner man locked up so that no one steps on him.
Alors peut-être, ce n'est qu'une possibilité, qu'il garde pour lui sa vraie nature pour que personne ne lui fasse du mal.
What you're hoping is that she can stay out here wild but not too wild so you can see her every now and then. That's it, isn't it?
Tu espères qu'elle va redevenir sauvage, mais pas trop, pour que tu puisses venir la voir de temps en temps.
Sloth. So that's it then?
N'en parlons plus.
So that's it then.
Puis-je te parler?
I would have worn mine too but I've filled out so much since then that it's practically indecent.
J'aurais bien porté la mienne, mais j'ai tellement plus de poitrine que ça aurait été indécent.
So, patently then, it is in the highest national interest... That we... counter...
Alors, il devient évident que c'est dans le plus grand intérêt de la nation que l'on S'OPPOSE!
We have reason to believe that it's supercharged... so maintain double alert till you spot it... and then call in for instructions.
On pense qu'elle est surcomprimee, donc soyez vigilants. Appelez-nous quand vous la voyez.
And then the Rift Valley buckled it, so that now it makes a map in time, which we see stretching into the distance.
et alors la Rift Valley l'a fermée, de sorte que maintenant cela fait une carte du temps, que nous voyons s ´ etirer dans la distance.
So that's it then.
- Ah, d'accord.
That's kind of the middle of the country back there, so... bluegrass or country music... if it comes down to that area... if it mixes with the rhythm, and if it dances... then you've got a combination of all different kinds of music.
Ce coin, il est au coeur des Etats-unis. Alors, blue-grass ou country, quand une musique arrive là-bas et qu'elle trouve un rythme, un tempo, elle se mêle à toutes les autres pour former quelque chose de nouveau.
Then it's flung back into outer darkness its orbit so large that it will not return for millions of years.
Puis, retour dans les ténèbres. Il s'écoulera des millions d'années avant qu'elle ne revienne.
Then after a time the denial became so strong that it totally obliterated Kane's identity.
Au bout d'un moment, il se reniait tellement qu'il a effacé son identité.
You know, it's just that he's so funny, and then he yammers to me that he can't give up the women.
Mais ce type me fait marrer. Il se lamente et dit qu'il a besoin des femmes.
So that's it, then?
C'est foutu, alors?
It's hard to believe that all of this was so beautiful then.
C'est dur à croire, mais tout ça était tellement beau à l'époque.
Then the mafia came... and tried to set fire to it or they burgled us... so that we would leave the place.
Alors, la mafia s'est mise à y mettre le feu, à nous cambrioler et à nous tirer dessus.
And then, on the LP itself, then they scooped the title so that it's Just not there.
Et puis, sur le disque lui-même, ils ôtaient le titre, tout simplement.
Then he programmed the telephone... so that if a call came in, it would automatically be forwarded to Horatio's telephone.
Puis, il a programmé le téléphone pour que les appels... soient automatiquement transférés sur le téléphone d'Horatio.
And that's why it was so important that you came, because if we could touch the you in you, then maybe the shock might bring her back.
C'est pourquoi il était important... que vous veniez. parce que si nous touchons votre "moi intérieur"... le choc pourrait la faire revenir en elle-même.
Then so that it teaches you a lesson, I chose this ground, and you won't sleep until it's immaculate.
Alors pour que cela vous serve de leçon, j'ai choisi ce terrain et vous ne dormirez pas tant que ce ne sera pas impeccable.
So until you can tell me something that makes one ounce of sense, then we're all going home, and that's all there is to it.
À moins que vous n'ayez un autre argument, on rentre chez nous.
I meet somebody in a pretty weird predicament and I was trying to help. But if that's the way you want it, then so long, ducky!
Non, quelqu'un dans la panade, je veux l'aider... mais si c'est ça que tu demandes, alors salut Coincoin!
Then the bastard told me that I was the one who moved into his house, so my suitcase is still where I left it... - So that's it...
C'salaud m'répond qu'c'est moi qui m'suis installée chez lui et qu'ma valise est toujours là où j'l'avais laissé alors voilà.
Now, you got an attached garage, so I'll give you 10 % off, but then it is another room, so that's extra... plus gratuity.... that comes to $ 1,750.
Pour le garage attenant, je vous donne 10 % de réduction, mais ça compte comme pièce, c'est en plus, Plus le service. Ça revient à 1750 dollars.
Then in my experience it's not possible to reach the platform of the Metropolitan Line without exhibiting one's ticket, is that not so?
D'après mon expérience, on ne peut pas accéder aux quais du métro sans montrer son ticket, n'est-ce pas?
And if it takes what Daddy's doing to make you see that well, then, so be it.
Et s'il faut que papa en vienne là pour que tu comprennes, tant pis.
... from the I.R.S. Tells me that I can't amortize like that... So I show him the schedule... and then he says, "It's not accepted accounting procedure."
... les impôts me disent que je ne peux pas amortir comme ça... alors je lui montre le barème... et il dit, "ce n'est pas une procédure de compatibilité acceptée".
No. " And so we figured, two years after that wonderful weekend, ha ha ha... well, if we could survive that together, then we can make it through anything.
Tu rigoles. "On s'est dit que deux ans après ce merveilleux week-end... " on pouvait survivre à tout, et on se passe la bague au doigt... "
It's like somebody had found out your number, then written it here so that they could call you.
Quelqu'un a trouvé votre numéro et l'a noté ici afin de vous appeler.
Then I met some astrologer... and, uh, he told me that there's a lot of money to be made in psychic phenomena- - that people flock to it because their lives are so empty.
Un jour, un astrologue m'a dit qu'on pouvait gagner beaucoup d'argent avec les phénomènes psychiques. Ça attirait les gens par milliers, parce que leur vie est vide de sens.
So, I've--I've learned how to roll with the punches since then. That's my son it's really hit him hard. But Todd?
Alors à présent, j'ai appris à encaisser les coups durs.
That's the secret. I rub in a little Worcestershire, add garlic, a little thyme. Then I ease it into a patty, very gently, so I don't bruise the meat.
Je la passe au Worcestershire, à l'ail... un peu de thym... et je la glisse dans le pain, doucement, pour pas marquer la viande.
And then, one comes along like Andy- - 80 % burned but with a will to live that's so strong... you can feel it.
Et puis, il en arrive un comme Andy- - brûlé à 80 %, mais avec une volonté de vivre si forte qu'on la ressent.
so that's it 702
so that's how it is 38
so that's good 117
so that's a no 42
so that's a yes 42
so that's something 28
so that's a 20
so that's why 41
so that's why you're here 22
so that's 181
so that's how it is 38
so that's good 117
so that's a no 42
so that's a yes 42
so that's something 28
so that's a 20
so that's why 41
so that's why you're here 22
so that's 181
so that's what happened 22
so that's that 41
so that's what i did 29
so that's what this is about 48
so that's what we're gonna do 16
so that's what 16
so that's what this is all about 17
that's it then 72
so they say 128
so there you go 70
so that's that 41
so that's what i did 29
so that's what this is about 48
so that's what we're gonna do 16
so that's what 16
so that's what this is all about 17
that's it then 72
so they say 128
so there you go 70
so then 361
so they 27
so there 102
so this morning 16
so there's that 85
so there i was 29
so thanks 67
so they are 24
so there i am 22
so thank you very much 16
so they 27
so there 102
so this morning 16
so there's that 85
so there i was 29
so thanks 67
so they are 24
so there i am 22
so thank you very much 16