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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ T ] / Take care of this

Take care of this Çeviri Fransızca

2,713 parallel translation
But you need to take care of this for them.
Mais vous devez le faire pour elles.
- I'll take care of this.
- Je m'en occupe.
Don't worry. I'll get a public defender and take care of this.
Je prendrai un avocat commis d'office et ça ira.
Don't worry, I'll take care of this one.
Ne t'inquiète pas, je m'occupe de lui.
I will take care of this myself.
Je vais m'en occuper personnellement.
We can take care of this on our own.
On peut s'occuper de ça tout seuls.
But because you acted on this alone, you must take care of this alone.
Mais parce que vous avez agi sur ce seul vous devez prendre soin de ce seul.
OK, I'll take care of this.
Je vais m'en occuper.
Let me take care of this one.
Laisse-moi payer.
We will take care of this.
On s'en occupe.
Same thing that's going to happen to you- - maybe your father- - if we don't take care of this right here, right now.
La même chose qui va t'arriver à toi et ton père si tu ne parles rapidement.
We... get a few papers signed and notarized, we can take care of this right now.
On signe quelques papiers, on passe devant le notaire, et ce sera fini.
Let me take care of this.
Laisse-moi m'en occuper.
I'm going to take care of this and then practice.
Je vais régler et après, je répéterai.
I'll take care of this.
Je m'occupe de ça.
Just gotta take care of this first.
Je dois gérer ça avant.
How is it your brother is a surgeon, and you waited months to take care of this?
Votre frère est chirurgien et vous avez attendu des mois pour vous en occuper?
I'll take care of this.
Je vais arranger ça.
I'm going to take care of this.
Je vais prendre soin de ça.
You had three. Yeah, whatever. I pay you to take care of this stuff!
Je vous paye pour régler ce genre de choses!
Just take care of this guy right here.
Suffit de s'occuper de ce petit gars.
- I'll take care of this.
Je vais gérer ça.
I'll just take care of this. We can handle it.
On peut le faire.
Please, take care of this lady, take her wherever she needs to go.
Prenez soin de cette jeune femme, déposez-la où elle veut.
You-you've always taken care of me... but now it's time to take care of this family.
Tu as toujours veillé sur moi. Il est temps de veiller sur cette famille.
She's probably gonna try and take care of this on her own.
Elle va tenter de régler ça seule.
I'm gonna take care of this.
Je vais m'occuper de ça.
I will take care of this.
Je m'en occupe.
Unfortunately, this ishe part of the gun that the killer did take care of.
Malheureusement, c'est la partie du revolver dont le tueur s'est occupé.
In this family, we take care of ourselves, And we don't expect other people to help us,
Dans cette famille, on se débrouille tout seul, on attend pas l'aide des autres.
All this curse stuff has got me thinking- - if something were to happen to me, you'd take good care of Alexis, right?
S'il m'arrivait malheur, tu t'occuperais d'Alexis, hein? - Bien sûr.
MARINA I stayed in there for a while, hoping this-this isn't real, and I was wondering who's going to take care of me.
Je suis restée là un moment, espérant que ce n'était pas vrai, et je me demandais, qui va prendre soin de moi?
This is why we are going to find him and figure out what he's up to, okay, but first I need to take care of a few things here.
Voilà pourquoi on va le trouver et voir ce qu'il mijote. D'abord, j'ai des trucs à faire, ici.
I had someone once who could take care of all of this!
Autrefois quelqu'un s'en occupait!
Someone needs to have some balls to take care - of this damn problem! - Hey hey hey!
Si je suis le seul à avoir des couilles, je le ferai.
But this Earth girl can take care of herself.
Mais cette terrienne peut prendre soin d'elle.
We shall take good care of this cat.
Nous devrions prendre bien soin de ce chat.
This will take care of them.
Voici de quoi tout arranger.
I support your plan, Frank, insofar as it insures... that I won't have to take care of you when you get older... but you're going about this all wrong, honestly.
J'appuie ton plan, Frank, dans la mesure où il garantit... que je n'aurai pas à prendre soin de toi quand tu seras vieux... mais tu t'y prends vraiment mal, je te le jure.
Dude, I gotta take care of this. - All right.
Je dois m'en occuper.
Oh, "this is what happens when you don't take care of me" type message.
Du genre : "Voilà ce qui arrive quand on ne s'occupe pas de moi."
I'm gonna take care of the asshole who did this to her... me.
Je vais m'occuper du salaud qui lui a fait ça... moi.
The good news is, we still have time to take care of this problem.
Mais on pourrait régler ça bien avant.
I'll tell you what : I'll give you two more sessions this week, gratis, you take care of a little problem for me.
Je te donne deux séances gratuites en plus si vous me réglez un petit problème.
Hey, with this money I can take care of my parents, my grandparents, my aunties, my uncles, my little cousin, Brucey, and my aunt Merriam and them.
Avec cet argent, je peux prendre soin de mes parents, mes grands-parents, mes tantes, mes oncle, mon petit cousin Brucie, Min-Min et eux.
my beloved countrymen use this capacity this reading capacity to increase their knowledge and understanding of where they are, their values that can best satisfy us and we have to take care of that body which is our country it has been given to us to take care of it has been handed down to us
que mes chers compatriotes utilisent cette capacité de lire pour augmenter leurs connaissances et compréhension du lieu où ils sont, de leurs valeurs ce serait pour le mieux et ils faut qu'on prenne soin de ce corps qu'est notre pays
take care of the education and produce employment for the people who live there all of this travel and commuting would not be necessary any more
pour les gens qui y vivent et tous ces déplacements et migrations ne seraient pas exacerbés
Why don't we take this baby for a test drive, and take care of the paperwork later?
Pourquoi ne pas essayer ce bébé, et faire la paperasse plus tard?
So what matters now is that we figure this thing out and we're here to take care of it.
Il faut qu'on soigne ce truc et qu'on soit présents.
No. No, I'll take care of things on this end.
Non, je m'en occupe personnellement.
I'm giving you this now, so you can take care of yourself.
Voilà de quoi te payer ton armement.

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