The night he died Çeviri Fransızca
411 parallel translation
He told me so the night he died.
Il me l'a dit le soir de sa mort.
He even came to my house and saw Giuliano the night he died.
Il est même venu chez moi la nuit où Giuliano est mort.
I haven't even an alibi for the night he died. They were on to that quickly enough.
J'avais les moyens, et le motif.
Greg, did you know that she was treated the night he died?
Greg, saviez-vous qu'elle l'avait vu la nuit de sa mort?
Did my father say anything to you the night he died?
Mon père vous a parlé le soir de sa mort?
Now, Laurie, please, tell us exactly what happened... between you and Mr. Baldwin the night he died.
S'il vous plaît, dites-nous exactement ce qui s'est passé... entre M. Baldwin et vous le soir de sa mort.
About Senator Hilliard, the night he died.
Sur la mort du sénateur Hilliard.
Yeah, the night he died.
Ouais, la nuit où il est mort.
- everything else says he did. - well... the only reason I'm even a teeny bit interested is your brother didn't register at the motel the night he died.
Est-ce que ça correspond à la réalité ou est-ce l'idée que Worth s'en fait?
As a matter of fact, he was due in for some work the very afternoon of the night he died.
Il devait venir ici l'après-midi avant sa mort.
And my uncle said the night he died, there was this storm... and the electricity went out.
La nuit en question, il y a eu une tempête... Ca a coupé l'électricité.
I was just wondering how Marvin Kembrook felt the night he died.
- Je me demandais ce qu'avait éprouvé Marvin Kembrook en mourant.
The night he died wasn't the first time I'd seen him.
La nuit où il est mort, ce n'était pas la première fois que je le voyais.
He wrote it... on the night he died.
Il l'a rédigée la nuit même de sa mort.
He left a message for me the night he died.
Il m'a laissé un message, le soir de sa mort.
The way he came in the night Father died...
La façon dont il est entré la nuit que père est mort...
What time did you leave the ward after examining Higgins the night before he died?
Quand avez-vous quitté votre service, après avoir examiné Higgins?
Unfortunately, he died during the night, sire.
II est mort cette nuit.
Well, John, the night before your father died... he told me what he did with that money.
John, au cours de la nuit qui a précédé sa mort... ton père m'a dit ce qu'il avait fait de cet argent.
I trust he died peacefully, slipped away in the night?
J'espère qu'il est mort paisiblement dans son sommeil.
Died because he wanted a woman enough to bring me here alone at night... in spite of the hound of the Baskervilles.
Parce qu'il voulait une femme au point de m'emmener seule ici la nuit, malgré le chien des Baskerville.
He died during the night, and our ship combed the area the following day.
Il est mort pendant la nuit, et nous avons cherché en vain des survivants.
My Martha died the night he was born.
Ma Martha est morte la nuit oú il est né.
Everything that Blondie's done seems to work, except that he didn't turn up on the night that Fennan died.
Tout ce que fait Blondie paraît fonctionner, hormis qu'on ne l'a pas vu le soir où Fennan est mort.
He says it was his father's idea but he died the night before they left Cuba.
Il dit que c'est son pêre qui a eu l'idée... mais il est mort la veille de leur départ de Cuba.
On the third night, the night that he died, there is no dog-ear.
La 3ème nuit, la nuit de sa mort... il n'y a aucune marque.
He died in the night, alone.
Il mourut dans la nuit. Seul.
Alex and I made love the night before he died.
Alex et moi, on a fait l'amour la nuit avant sa mort.
he had died in 1981 in Paris, the night of the 10th of November.
Décédé entretemps à Paris, dans la nuit du 10 novembre 1981.
He snored all night, he said nothing, then in the morning he woke up and died.
La nuit, il ronflait. Il n'a rien dit d'autre. - Le matin, il s'est réveillé, puis il est mort.
He died last night, killed in the line of duty.
Il est mort hier soir en service commandé.
One companion died that very night of what he saw, and the other twain were broken men for the rest of their days.
Ils retrouvèrent aussi la cause de sa frayeur : un chien énorme et terrifiant.
- He died in the night? - Yes, of course.
- Il est mort pendant la nuit?
- He died in the night. I felt the pain.
II est mort pendant la nuit.
I believe it's called a safety bolt. That's the way it was hanging the night he died.
Ça s'appelle un verrou de sûreté.
So Len Fisher had to be in your Boys'Club on the day he died, the day, the night, you murdered him by electrocution on the Brownstone Street.
Lennie Fisher est donc passé chez vous le jour de sa mort. Le jour... La nuit où vous l'avez tué par électrocution dans la rue Brownstone, tout près du portail en fer où j'ai retrouvé le talon.
When he died in the night that second time, I buried him in the pet cemetery, where, as you saw, his bones still lie.
La deuxième fois qu'il est mort, je l'ai inhumé au cimetière des animaux... où il repose encore aujourd'hui.
She knew he was on to her. It was Leland who placed that call from Ben Horne's office to Laura the night she died.
C'est Leland qui a téléphoné à Laura du bureau de Ben Horne la nuit où elle est morte
I understand from the news this morning that he died during the night, which regrettably means that one of the last calls... he made in his life was to me.
J'ai appris ce matin qu'il était mort durant la nuit. Je figure donc parmi les derniers à lui avoir parlé.
I got an inmate at the prison who swears he saw Barnett alive the night they say he died.
Un de ses codétenus jure l'avoir vu vivant la nuit de sa mort présumée.
He was carried by donkey down to the beach dressing station. where he died, that night, of his wounds.
Transporté à dos d'âne au poste de secours, il succombe à ses blessures dans la nuit.
a photo of an american rock band he was in the photo but he had never been to america later he was told that the singer had died the night
Le lendemain, un copain lui a montré la photo d'un groupe de rock américain. Il était sur la photo alors qu'il n'était jamais allé en Amérique. Il a appris plus tard que le chanteur du groupe était mort
I understand you and Lynskey had a little run-in... the night before he died.
Je sais que tu as eu une petite altercation avec Lynskey la veille de sa mort.
He was here the night Jack died. In the back.
II etait la, le soir où Jack est mort.
He had called to tell me that some time the previous night... he had discovered our mother had died, and he'd discovered the body when he went over to visit her and our father with Margie Fogg.
Il m'avait appelé pour me dire que la veille, notre mère était morte et qu'il l'avait découvert en leur rendant visite avec Margie Fogg.
And since everyone's always picking on him, you might as well know he was there the night Emily Simpson died too.
Et pour votre gouverne, il était aussi là-bas à la mort d'Emily Simpson.
Where she and Nate went the night before he died.
Où elle est allée avec Nate, la veille de sa mort.
The night before he died.
La veille de sa mort.
Why do you think that Dr. Orinsky called you the night that he died?
Pourquoi le Dr Orinsky vous aurait appelé?
You were on board the night that he died.
Vous étiez à bord la nuit où il est mort.
He died during the night.
Il était mort dans la nuit.
the night of the murder 53
the night before 47
the night is young 64
the night of the fire 17
the night shift 17
the night before last 20
the night she died 20
the night 83
the night's still young 17
he died last year 22
the night before 47
the night is young 64
the night of the fire 17
the night shift 17
the night before last 20
the night she died 20
the night 83
the night's still young 17
he died last year 22
he died a hero 16
he died of a heart attack 24
he died in my arms 17
he died 569
he died last night 18
he died instantly 17
he died in 45
the new yorker 37
the new york times 60
the notebook 36
he died of a heart attack 24
he died in my arms 17
he died 569
he died last night 18
he died instantly 17
he died in 45
the new yorker 37
the new york times 60
the notebook 36
the noise 65
the not 21
the nose 48
the north 33
the next thing i knew 36
the no 36
the next time i see you 21
the next one 38
the next morning 240
the non 52
the not 21
the nose 48
the north 33
the next thing i knew 36
the no 36
the next time i see you 21
the next one 38
the next morning 240
the non 52