Until this morning Çeviri Fransızca
386 parallel translation
Flashing all that money which I didn't know until this morning came from your publishers.
Tout cet argent qui venait de votre éditeur.
Yes, we purposely postponed the operation until this morning so that Dr. Flegg could perform it.
Oui, nous avons repoussé l'intervention à ce matin pour que le docteur Flegg puisse la pratiquer.
- It was until this morning.
- Ce l'était jusqu'à ce matin.
En fait, je n'y avais pas du tout pensé jusqu'à ce matin où l'un de mes amis, un chouette type, n'effectue une mission en bas de la rue Dewey.
I'm a nurse at the Veterans Hospital. Bob was a patient there until this morning.
Je suis infirmière à l'hôpital des Anciens combattants.
It took me until this morning to add two and two together, like two champagne glasses and the plastics deal and Sabrina.
Il m'a fallu jusqu'à ce matin pour calculer deux plus deux, comme deux flûtes à champagne et le mariage plastique et Sabrina.
He was here until this morning.
- Il était encore ici ce matin.
I didn't decide to come until this morning.
Je me suis décidée ce matin.
I didn't know it existed until this morning.
J'ignorais son existence jusqu'à ce matin.
So I had to wait in hiding until this morning when they left.
J'ai donc dû me cacher jusqu'à ce qu'ils partent ce matin.
Until this morning I didn't know who that was.
Je savais qu'ils allaient tuer le Gueux de la mer.
Dr Bombay, until this morning, this little boy was known as Mr Irving Bates, a 32-year-old man.
Dr Bombay, jusqu'à ce matin, ce petit garçon était M. Irving Bates, un homme de 32 ans.
I didn't fly back until this morning.
Je suis rentré ce matin.
I never should have waited until this morning.
Je n'aurais jamais dû attendre jusqu'à ce matin.
You didn't get in this morning until all hours. And you were carrying your shoes.
Tu es rentré à une heure impossible et sur la pointe des pieds!
Since we are all to be prisoners in this terrible house until tomorrow morning, I suggest that you and I sleep together.
Puisque nous sommes prisonniers ici jusqu'à demain matin... je suggère que toi et moi dormions ensemble.
Give me a hand will you, Watson, we better put this poor fellow in one of these huts until the morning.
Aidez-moi à abriter ce pauvre diable, Watson.
Mr. Shaw was here this morning, but his tailor phoned and I thought we weren't going to do the number until this afternoon so he went to the tailor's.
M. Shaw était là ce matin. Mais je croyais que la répétition avait lieu cet après-midi. Il est allé chez son tailleur.
Oh, let us wait until the morning. Let us think this over.
Attendons demain matin!
I couldn't put my light out until 3 : 00 this morning.
J'ai lu jusqu'à 3 h du matin.
Where were you until 3 : 00 this morning?
Où étiez-vous la nuit dernière?
- Stay in this room until morning?
Vous pouvez rester ici jusqu'au matin?
At this speed we won't arrive until morning.
A cette allure, on n'arrivera que demain matin.
I will do no peeking at the presents in this closet until Christmas morning.
"Je ne regarderai pas dans ce placard avant le matin de Noël."
I will do no peeking into this closet until Christmas morning.
Je ne regarderai pas dans ce placard avant le matin de Noël.
Rut, we were doing this until 3 a.m. this morning, for Gods sake don't start it again!
On s'est disputé jusqu'à 3 heures du matin, pour l'amour du ciel, ne recommence pas!
Don't you understand that I cannot get any.300 ammunition from ordinance until this.303 gets back? I had a wire from Obaig this morning.
Je ne toucherai des cartouches de 300 que si je renvoie celles de 303.
I meant to call her this morning until I read the papers.
Je voulais l'appeler avant d'avoir lu les journaux.
After Mass, on this beautiful morning God gave to us I will be by the door to accept offerings until the ones who give nothing do before everyone.
Et non aux factieux qui veulent juste faire parade de leur préparation militaire. Après la messe, profitant de la matinée que le Bon Dieu nous accorde, devant le presbytère je recevrai vos dons.
Your Honor, in the light of this unexpected development, the People request a recess until tomorrow morning.
Étant donné ces développements inattendus, l'accusation demande une suspension d'audience jusqu'à demain matin.
I read about Texas until 5 : 00 this morning.
J'ai bouquiné sur le Texas jusqu'à 5 heures.
I heard you walking the floor until 5 o'clock this morning.
Je t'ai entendue faire les cent pas toute la nuit.
In spite of my wife's faith in my ability to do the impossible we will all have to stay in this house until 8 : 00 in the morning.
Bien que ma femme croie que je peux l'impossible... nous devons tous rester ici jusqu'à 8 heures.
I was with Buck until almost 2.00 this morning talking about the same thing.
J'étais avec Buck jusqu'à 2 h 00 du matin pour parler de la même chose.
I was there all night, until 11 : 00 this morning.
Je suis resté toute la nuit jusqu'à 11 heures ce matin.
- Couldn't this wait until the morning? - No.
- Ça ne peut pas attendre demain matin?
Incidentally, just where did you wear that little number... Until 2 : 00 this morning?
Soit dit en passant, tu as mis cette petite chose pour aller où jusqu'à 2h du matin?
No, sir. Not until I saw your name on the orders this morning.
Je n'ai vu votre nom que ce matin.
Opustim this envelope up to 4 hours in the mailbox, he quietly will lie there until Sunday, On Monday morning the recipient will get it already.
En postant cette lettre, elle passera le dimanche en sécurité.. .. et le môme l'aura lundi matin.
Dispatcher, go inform the command leader that we agree to put off this mission until tomorrow morning, no later!
Estafette, faites savoir au chef de poste qu'on est d'accord pour remettre l'affaire à demain matin, pas plus!
And you wait until morning. I'm gonna call up my wife, I'm gonna explain this whole ridiculous thing to her.
Au petit matin, j'appellerai ma femme pour lui expliquer le ridicule de la situation.
Do you mind if I borrow this until tomorrow morning? Thank you.
Ça vous dérange pas si je la prends pour la nuit?
He wasn't due until tomorrow but he checked in at the hotel this morning.
Il ne devait venir que demain, mais il est arrivé ce matin.
This can not wait until morning?
Cela ne peut pas attendre jusqu'au matin?
This court is adjourned until the same time tomorrow morning.
La séance est suspendue jusqu'à demain matin à la même heure.
This is Sunday. I'm going to hold that writ until we come to work Monday morning.
On est dimanche, je vais bloquer l'assignation jusqu'à demain.
It's always like this in the morning, until it gets warmed up.
C'est toujours comme ça, jusqu'à ce que je me réchauffe.
We've got a contract to play until morning. We can't do this to them.
Vous êtes fous, nous avons un contrat jusqu'au matin.
When you've finished, telephone every student in my 11 : 00 class until you find someone who remembers the name of the girl I hypnotized by mistake this morning and...
Puis appelez tous les étudiants de mon cours de 11 h jusqu'à trouver quelqu'un qui se souvienne du nom de la fille que j'ai hypnotisée par erreur, et...
If the phone hadn't rung this morning, I wouldn't have smoked until breakfast.
Si le téléphone n'avait pas sonné, je n'aurais pas fumé avant le petit-déjeuner.
You're gonna do this morning and night until you can do it 30 times.
Tu le feras matin et soir jusqu'à ce que tu en fasses 30.
this morning 1627
morning 7553
morningstar 35
morning star 17
morning sickness 21
morning to you 18
until 461
until we meet again 44
until you die 46
until then 921
morning 7553
morningstar 35
morning star 17
morning sickness 21
morning to you 18
until 461
until we meet again 44
until you die 46
until then 921
until next time 48
until the end 48
until about 19
until death 17
until the end of time 16
until you 28
until i was 18
until tomorrow 107
until further notice 59
until today 117
until the end 48
until about 19
until death 17
until the end of time 16
until you 28
until i was 18
until tomorrow 107
until further notice 59
until today 117
until one day 105
until when 50
until recently 106
until later 22
until finally 32
until i met you 38
until you do 35
until now 556
until what 50
until yesterday 49
until when 50
until recently 106
until later 22
until finally 32
until i met you 38
until you do 35
until now 556
until what 50
until yesterday 49