Used to what Çeviri Fransızca
4,001 parallel translation
Used to what?
- Habitué à quoi?
The old gray mare- - she ain't what she used to be.
C'en est fini de la vieille peau touffue.
What was the name of that girl you used to hang out with?
Quel était encore le nom de cette fille que tu utilisais tout en trainant avec?
What if Flynn was the ultimate target and the others were used to get information on him?
Et si Flynn était l'objectif ultime, et que les autres étaient utilisés pour obtenir des informations sur lui?
I'm used to getting what I want.
Alors toute cette mascarade c'était pour me faire venir ici?
What was it you used to say?
Qu'est-ce que vous disiez?
Making out in the bushes just isn't what It used to be.
Se planquer dans les buissons n'est plus ce que c'était.
That's what my Aunt May used to call it. New Age bullshit crap.
Comme disait ma tante May.
We're not what we used to be. I mean, not since Tyler was born.
Tout a changé depuis la naissance de Tyler.
In the end, we're all alone. That's what my father used to say.
A la fin, on est seul, comme disait mon père.
Are you asking what I used to do?
Me demandes-tu ce que je faisais?
He used to ask me what I wanted to do with my life. I told him I just wanted to have a good time.
Il me demandait toujours ce que je voulais faire plus tard.
- You used to know what exclusive meant, dear.
- Tu connais le sens du mot "exclusif", ma chérie.
- No. That's not true. That's what they used to think.
Ils croyaient ça, avant.
That's exactly what we used to do.
Nous faisions la même chose.
You know what my old man used to say to me?
Vous savez ce que disait mon vieux?
That's what my mother used to say.
Ma mère me disait toujours ça.
I used to tell people that I had the best job in the world until I saw what you do.
Je pensais avoir un boulot en or, avant de te voir à l'œuvre.
That's what they used to say in the village.
C'est ce qu'ils disaient dans le village.
Look at you! You used to be a legend, and now what?
Putain, t'étais une légende, et maintenant...
What do you mean, ain't used to seeing me?
Comment ça?
Now, my ears aren't what they used to be, but I swear I coulda heard you say something about the Carson place.
Je n'ai plus l'ouïe aussi fine, mais je jurerais vous avoir entendu parler de la maison des Carson.
What this? This is exactly the car my dad used to drive us in.
Mon père avait exactement la même voiture.
But before I do, I'd like to go over, specifically, what this money will be used for.
Mais avant cela, j'aimerais savoir précisément ce que vous comptez faire avec cet argent.
The new the New York times is not really what it used to be.
Ce n'est plus vraiment ce que c'était le New York Times.
I used to be like you. Driven by ideology and fear with no love of what's beautiful in the world.
Moi aussi, j'étais comme vous, poussé par l'idéologie et la peur, sans le moindre attachement à la beauté de ce monde.
Out here, we're used to getting what we want.
Ici, on a l'habitude d'obtenir ce qu'on veut.
That's what my father used to always call me. "Cookie boy." Said I'd always crack under pressure. Said I'd always crumble like a cookie.
c'est ainsi que mon papa m'appelait, Kiki Boy je cède sous pression comme un cookie
I used to have, I guess what people say, "an ordinary life,"
J'avais ce qu'on appelle "une vie ordinaire".
I used to call my vag Michelle. What?
J'appelais mon vagin Michelle.
It's a little less than what I'm used to, but what the heck?
Je suis habituée à plus gros, mais tant pis.
I've been thinking about what you told me the other day. about what I used to do that I stopped doing.
J'ai repensé à ce que tu m'as dit sur ce que je faisais que je ne fais plus.
That's what they used to call me when I was just a little girl.
On m'appelait déjà comme ça quand j'étais petite.
Used to, what, work with the cat'?
Tu jouais avec ton chat avant?
Yeah, I think I'll probably stick with what we're used to.
Je vais pas m'aventurer.
Is that what you used to say to your customers?
C'est ça que tu disais à tes clients?
That's what my mother used to say.
C'est ce que disait ma mère.
Yes, I've also missed the congenial, articulate... and also very well-dressed Birgitte Nyborg... who comes here today... and fills the room with her visions of social solidarity... that, sorry for saying it... reminds me a little of what we used to call salon socialism.
Oui, la bien intentionnée, l'éloquente, et j'ajouterais la très élégante Birgitte Nyborg... qui est venue aujourd'hui et a rempli la salle avec ses idées de solidarité sociale, qui, et je suis désolé de te le dire, Birgitte, ont un relent de ce qu'on appelait "le socialisme de salon".
Lindsay, I think you'll find that some of what used to seem clueless about me is actually something I'm quite good at.
Tu verras que certains trucs qui semblaient incohérents chez moi sont en fait des choses auxquelles j'excelle.
What good is the word extravagant if it can't be used to describe a royal wedding?
A quoi sert le mot extravagant s'il n'est pas utilisé pour décrire un mariage royal?
It's different than what we're used to.
- Know what Jouvet used to say?
Tu sais ce que disait Jouvet? Arrête avec Jouvet!
Well, when I think of Elias... What I miss the most about him... Is the way he used to lie down next to me at night.
Quand je pense à Elias, ce qui me manque le plus, c'est la façon dont il s'allongeait à côté de moi, le soir.
- You used to do that all the time. - Do what?
Tu le faisais sans arrêt.
Do you remember what the late Queen always used to say?
Rappelez-vous ce que soupirait souvent l'ancienne reine :
No, you just didn't get it because it's not what you're used to.
Non, tu ne comprend pas, parce que tu n'es pas habitué à ça.
He used ink and brushes and some watercolors but he created life with that, which I think is what every cartoonist aspires to, but not many of us ever get to achieve that.
Il s'est servi d'encre, de pinceaux, et d'aquarelles. Et avec tout cela, il a créé la vie. C'est ce que tous les dessinateurs cherchent à faire, mais peu d'entre nous y parviennent.
There's no references to what artifacts he might have used.
Il n'y a aucune référence à l'artefact qu'il aurait pu utilisé.
It's probably not what you're used to looking at, but it's pretty hot.
Ça a été fait par une Danoise en 78. Je présume que... c'est pas vraiment ton genre, mais c'est... - c'est plutôt cochon.
What exactly is it that I'm getting used to?
A quoi je m habitue?
Maybe you haven't noticed, but dying isn't what it used to be!
Tu peux peut-etre pas le réaliser, mais la mort n'est plus ce qu'elle était autrefois.
used to 118
used to be 136
to what end 167
to what purpose 36
to what do i owe the pleasure 104
to what do we owe the pleasure 28
to what 487
to what do i owe this pleasure 36
to what do i owe this honor 21
to what do i owe the honor 27
used to be 136
to what end 167
to what purpose 36
to what do i owe the pleasure 104
to what do we owe the pleasure 28
to what 487
to what do i owe this pleasure 36
to what do i owe this honor 21
to what do i owe the honor 27
what 176647
what are you doing 28810
what are you talking about 12491
what is it 20402
what do you mean 18295
what happened 16539
what's up 12096
what are you doing here 13243
whatever 7954
what are you doing right now 114
what are you doing 28810
what are you talking about 12491
what is it 20402
what do you mean 18295
what happened 16539
what's up 12096
what are you doing here 13243
whatever 7954
what are you doing right now 114
what did you do today 56
what are you wearing 305
what are they like 58
what do you want 9254
what are these 350
what do you think 9124
what's your name 4643
what have you got 603
what are you 4599
what's happened 1050
what are you wearing 305
what are they like 58
what do you want 9254
what are these 350
what do you think 9124
what's your name 4643
what have you got 603
what are you 4599
what's happened 1050
whatcha doing 80
what's the 204
what is this 7416
what is that 6346
what's the matter 6346
what the hell 6066
what's going on 16788
what are you doing now 174
what's wrong 10695
what's this 5587
what's the 204
what is this 7416
what is that 6346
what's the matter 6346
what the hell 6066
what's going on 16788
what are you doing now 174
what's wrong 10695
what's this 5587