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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ W ] / We should get going

We should get going Çeviri Fransızca

571 parallel translation
Ivan, we should get going.
Alors, cher Ivan, il ne faut pas tarder davantage.
We should get going.
On y va.
We should get going, now that everyone's here.
Eh bien on devrait y aller.
Now, sir, we should get going.
Nous devrions y aller, monsieur.
Get packed, Misko, we should get going.
Remballes, Misko, on doit partir.
Perhaps we should get going. Don't you think?
On va peut-etre songer a se rentrer, non?
But now we should get going or we won't get home till dark.
Mieux vaut repartir. Sinon, on arrivera aprés la nuit!
- So we should get going.
- On devrait y aller.
We should get going. Mark's waiting for us.
On doit y aller, Mark nous attend.
So maybe we should get going.
On devrait y aller.
All right, well, we should get going then, so we can beat the traffic.
On devrait y aller tant qu'il n'y a pas trop de circulation.
We should get going.
Je dois y aller.
- We should get going.
- On devrait y aller.
- We should get going.
- On devrait se mettre en route.
We should get going, but I'm gonna get a little bit more, okay?
Il faudrait qu'on y aille, mais je vais en reprendre un peu.
We should get going before all the junk...
On devrait se dépêcher, avant que toutes les bricoles...
- Okay, we should get going, honey. - Yes.
Faut y aller, chérie.
We should get going. Come on.
Il est tard, on devrait y aller.
We should get going.
On va y aller.
Well, Jerry, I guess we should get going.
Steinbrenner veut... C'était la seule possibilité du médecin!
We're all exhausted. Maybe we should get going.
Tout le monde est fatigué.
Elaine, maybe we should get going.
Il faut partir, Elaine.
We should get going.
Maybe we should get going.
On devrait y aller.
Guess we should get going.
On devrait y aller, nous aussi.
Well, Danielle, we should get going.
Bon, allons-y.
You know, we should get going.
Je crois qu'on devrait y aller.
We should get going.
II faut partir.
Maybe we should get going now!
- Faudrait peut-être y aller maintenant.
We should get going, I left the car alone... Bye!
- On y va car j'ai laissé la voiture et ça m'inquiète.
- We should get going.
- On s'en va.
Well, we should get going.
Il faut y aller.
Maestro, we're at your service. Should we get going?
Maestro, nous sommes à votre service.
Anyway, if we're going to do any exploring, we should do it now'cause it's going to get dark in a minute.
De toute façon, si nous voulons explorer, autant nous dépêcher, car il va bientôt faire nuit.
I'm not going to be too tough on Larry but I think the bonus I get should cover the trip to Bermuda we might take.
Je ne serai pas trop dur avec Larry, mais je pense que ma prime devrait payer notre éventuel voyage aux Bermudes.
It's going to be cloudy and rainy all day, but Sunday is going to be sunny and beautiful, and I think that's the day we should get together and rendezvous.
Le temps va être nuageux et pluvieux toute la journée mais dimanche sera beau et ensoleillé. Nous devrions nous revoir dimanche.
We're going to be together in Boston and I think we should get married.
Puisqu'on sera ensemble à Boston on devrait se marier.
You're going, and we'll stay in a motel... and get those little pieces of soap all wrapped up... You should have talked to me.
Tu aurais dû m'avertir.
Don't you think we should get that man out of the house before he finds out what's been going on here?
Ne devrions-nous pas faire sortir l'homme de la maison?
When we get to where we're going... if something should happen to me, we get separated... you stick by the officers, do you hear?
Quand on sera où on doit aller, s'il m'arrive quelque chose, ou si on est séparé, reste près des officiers... t'entends?
- Well, we should get going.
Il faut qu'on file.
Harry, we really should get going. All right?
On doit y aller, d'accord?
We should get going.
On devrait partir.
But if we're going to be married, we should talk and get to know each other.
Mais si on va se marier, on devrait se parler et apprendre à se connaître.
We have to turn the direction around that we've been going in order to end inflation, end unemployment and get this country back where it should be in the eyes of the world.
Nous devons changer la direction que nous avons prise afin de mettre fin à l'inflation, fin au chômage et remettre le pays où il devrait être aux yeux du monde.
We should get a game going.
On va lui proposer une partie.
We should get going.
Il faut y aller.
Kath, we should get going.
On y va.
I'm going to get that lousy description we have and compare it with all the locally known registered sex offenders, which is what we should have been doing all along.
Je vais prendre cette description et la comparer avec celles des délinquants sexuels du coin, ce que nous aurions dû faire depuis le début.
We should probably get going soon.
On ne va peut-être pas tarder.
We should get together, not just say we're going to... but really do it.
Nous devons sortir ensemble, pas juste le dire... mais le faire.

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