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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ W ] / We should get started

We should get started Çeviri Fransızca

165 parallel translation
The workers in this plant... have certified us as their representatives... so we should get started on some real negotiations.
Le personnel... nous a désignés comme représentants. Nous pouvons donc entamer une véritable négociation.
Beck, we should get started.
Beck, On devrait y aller.
I think we should get started now. Clark?
Je crois qu'on va démarrer...
Casey, uh... is not gonna be joining us tonight, so I think we should get started.
Casey... ne sera pas avec nous ce soir. On peut commencer.
Maybe we should get started.
Peut-être devrions-nous commencer.
Matt, this will take about an hour. Maybe we should get started?
Ça durera environ une heure.
This is where we should get started.
Voilà où il faut commencer.
No, I think we should get started straightaway.
Non, on devrait faire ça ce soir.
Oui, je crois que nous devrions commencé, hein?
We should get started.
Il faut commencer à nettoyer.
We should get started.
Nous devrions commencer.
We should get started. Abbey's having the prime minister and his wife over for dinner...
Abbey a invité le premier ministre et sa femme à dîner
And we should get started right away.
Alors, on devrait commencer dès maintenant.
Well, then, perhaps we should get started.
Il se fait tard. Si nous commencions?
We should get started on really dancing.
On devrait se mettre à la danse pour de bon.
We should get started right away if a project at the facility was responsible.
On devrait s'y mettre dès maintenant, si un projet du centre en est responsable.
I guess we should get started.
Je crois qu'on devrait commencer.
We should get started.
On devrait commencer.
We should get started in an easy mode.
Il faut commencer par les légers.
- We should get started tonight.
- On devrait commencer ce soir. - Super.
We should get started.
On devrait s'y mettre.
- We should get started.
- Nous devrions commencer.
We should get started.
Nous devrions y aller.
- It's half past. - How should I know? We certainly can't get started till Brensall opens up and lets us get at the freezing system.
Rien à faire tant que Brince n'a pas ouvert la réfrigération.
We should probably get started on Cole.
Je vais commencer par Cole.
I think we should get started, anyway.
Bien, commençons sans lui.
I have to admit, I'm a little bit freaked out myself. - Um, should we get started?
Je dois avouer que moi aussi, je suis un peu paralysée.
Should we get started?
On devrait peut-être s'y mettre.
Should we get started now?
On commence?
- OK, so, Bill, I was thinking, we should probably get started on our lab assignment.
- C'est Neal. Bill, je me disais qu'on devrait commencer notre TP.
All I'm saying is, maybe you and I should talk before we get started.
Nous pourrions essayer de parler avant de commencer.
We should probably get started.
On devrait s'y mettre.
Before we get started, I must ask, is there anyone who has just cause why this couple should not be united in marriage?
Avant de commencer, y a-t-il quelqu'un qui s'oppose à cette union?
- We should probably get started.
- On devrait s'y mettre.
We're not supposed to get started until next quarter, but I think we should get a leg up on the competition, don't you?
On n'est pas censés commencer avant le prochain trimestre, mais je pense qu'on peut prendre de l'avance sur la compétition, non?
Give it another try, Adam. We should be able to get this started.
Essaie encore, ce truc doit démarrer!
- Should we get started?
- On commence?
- We should probably get started.
- Faudrait peut-être s'y mettre.
We should get started.
So how should we get this started?
Alors... comment on commence ça?
Well, should we get started?
On y va?
Should we just rehearse? Can we get started?
On pourrait reprendre la répétition tout de suite?
Should we get the meeting started?
On peut commencer la réunion?
- Should we get started?
- Si nous commencions?
Before we get started, there's something I have to tell you something I should've said to you before I let you take the case.
Avant qu'on commence, je dois vous dire quelque chose. J'aurais dû vous le dire avant de vous laisser prendre cette affaire.
- So should we get started?
- Alors, on commence?
So I guess we should, uh, get started.
Je suppose qu'on devrait commencer.
Okay, well, before we get started, you should know that there are five different styles of conflict.
Ok, avant de commencer, vous devez savoir qu'il existe cinq sortes de conflits différents.
Well, we have a man in custody we believe may have been involved, but we should get you started on your application.
Nous avons un homme en garde à vue que nous croyons impliqué. Nous allons commencer à remplir votre demande...
Okay. Should we get started?
Bien, on commence?
They're gonna get started. We should probably go in. Come on.
on devrait y aller. frère du capitaine Joseph Grusinsky. je ne peux que penser aux jeunes membres de la police.

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