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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ Y ] / You should come by

You should come by Çeviri Fransızca

214 parallel translation
You should come by my place.
- Vous devriez venir chez moi.
- You should come by house. I'll have my wife cook us a nice chicken dumpling dinner.
Ma femme est un vrai cordon bleu.
You should come by soon.
Alors, on se revoit chez nous.
You should come by.
Vous devriez passer.
You should come by and practice with me.
Vous devriez passer et vous entraîner avec moi.
You should come by. I'll get you a great discount.
Passe au magasin, je t'obtiendrai un bon rabais.
You should come by more, we'll have dinner.
Viens plus souvent, je te ferai des soupes.
You should come by more often.
Vous devriez venir plus souvent.
You should come by after your shift.
Venez après le travail.
If you're tormented by this, you should come by Cubby's Funeral Home tonight... and have a full release.
Si ça te tourmente. Tu devrais passer au funérarium Cubby ce soir... et déverser toute ta peine.
You should come by again next time you're in town.
Je ferai ça.
If you don't like this, you should come by on Naked Tuesdays.
Si tu préfères, passe au bureau le mardi, on bosse à poil.
You should come by though.
Tu devrais passer ici.
Maybe you should come by later... so we can talk some more.
Revenez plus tard, on parlera un peu plus.
You should come by and watch us play some time.
Vous devriez passer nous voir jouer, un de ces quatre.
Hey, you should come by, check it out.
Tu devrais venir demain, pour voir.
You should come by sometimes.
Vous devriez venir nous voir de temps en temps.
But seriously, you should come by.
Mais sérieusement, tu devrais passer
You should come by and check out the museum one day on your lunch break.
Passez au musée à l'occassion, pendant votre pause-déjeuner.
You should come by sometime.
Vous devriez venir un jour.
You should come by church sometime.
Vous devriez venir à l'église un jour.
You know what, you should come by sometime if you want, you know... see it for yourself, check it out.
Il faudrait passer faire un tour et jeter un coup d'œil.
- You should come by the booth.
- Vous devriez venir au stand.
You should come by sometime.
Venez donc un jour.
You know, you should come by tomorrow, check it out.
Tu devrais venir demain pour voir.
Should trouble come, I shall call Russia to arms anew and if you stand idly by, I shall strike you mercilessly as long as I am alive, and after it will be the duty of my sons!
Si vous restez à l'écart vous serez battus sans merci. Si je suis vivant c'est moi qui vous battrai. Si je suis mort mes fils en auront l'ordre.
It should be me, not Dick that you come by to see.
À l'avenir, ce sera à moi de vous accompagner et non à Dick.
If by chance you should come back to Italy.
Si jamais, il vous arrivait de venir en Italie.
Even if you can't pay you should still come by.
Même si tu ne peux pas payer, tu peux venir.
You said they should come by road!
- Tu as dit par la route!
I'll wait for you at the shore until you come back to me lf, by mischance, I should not come back
Et je t'attendrai sur la rive, tous les jours. Je veux te voir revenir. Et si jamais je ne pouvais plus revenir vers toi?
You should've come by the ranch first.
Je ne me sens pas très bien.
Well, you should've come by the ranch first.
Je ne pourrais pas lui faire face, Joaquin.
If they come to bust the school, you should take on them one by one
Même dans ce cas, on se bat un contre un.
Claire. Well, you said if it happened again, that I should come by.
Tu m'as dit de venir si ça se reproduisait.
- Well, listen, Al, if Marcie should come by asking for me, would you tell her I went out to buy her a gift?
- Si Marcie me cherche, dites-lui que je lui achète un cadeau.
And should you think this is just a shaggy-dog story told by a senile man to his young, impressionable grandson I'd ask you to come to South Wales to the village where I was born.
Et si vous pensez que c'est une légende racontée par un homme sénile à son petit-fils impressionnable, je vous dirai de venir dans le village gallois où je suis né.
Come on, Quark, move it along. You should be in the emergency shelter by now.
Allez Quark, allez vous abriter.
Well, you should have come by the game.
Vous auriez dû venir jouer.
you guys should come by, check it out, bring your friends...
Vous pourriez venir avec vos amis.
And I know I should've come by for you when I met you... and I didn't.
J'aurais dû te revoir quand on s'est rencontrés... et je l'ai pas fait.
Well, you know what? You should really come by my office.
Tu devrais passer me voir au bureau.
Ok, dad, look, I--I don't know what's going on, but I don't think you should do anything hasty like--like tell her not to come by here any more.
- Papa, écoute... J'ignore ce qui se passe, mais prends pas de décision hâtive comme lui dire de ne plus venir.
- You should come by sometime. - No.
Tu devrais venir de temps en temps.
- You should come on by.
Faudra passer.
So bored out here, so I figured I should come up and see how you're doing. Thank you so much for the gorgeous flowers, by the way.
Merci pour les sublimes fleurs, au fait.
You guys should come by the restaurant for lunch today.
Venez tous les deux déjeuner au resto.
You should know by now they only come from me when least expected.
Tu devrais savoir que je les fais quand on s'y attend le moins.
You and the boys should come by.
Toi et les garçons vous devriez venir.
You've been telling me for years that I should come by.
Ca fait des années que vous me dites de passer.
Oh, I wish I could come with you guys but Derek should be coming by any minute to pick me up.
Oh, j'aimerais pouvoir venir avec vous, mais Derek devrait venir me chercher d'une minute à l'autre.

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