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Always was Çeviri Portekizce

11,539 parallel translation
He always was a little macabre, even when we studied together.
- As artérias estavam bloqueadas.
It's the same as it always was, and you know it.
É o mesmo de sempre e tu sabes.
I always thought that was Rosalita.
Eu sempre pensei que foi Rosalita.
I was thinking, you have a tiring life. Always moving on. Maybe you're sick of it.
Você leva uma vida cansativa, sempre de terra em terra, talvez esteja farto...
But then I've always known I was a man out of his time.
Mas sempre soube que eu era um homem à frente do seu tempo.
Amelia was always good at that.
Amelia sempre foi boa nisso.
I was always together with Sarman.
Vou estar sempre com Sarman.
I was the one who always knew when it was time to leave.
Eu é que sabia sempre quando estava na altura de partir.
I always knew when my mom was scared because she drank more than usual.
Eu sabia quando a minha mãe estava assustada porque ela bebia mais.
I've always tried, but I never really knew what I was doing.
Tentei sempre. Mas eu nunca soube o que estava a fazer.
This world is just too intense for their brains, and that's always what I felt about Owen, especially when he was a tiny baby.
O mundo é intenso demais para o seu cérebro. E foi isso que senti no Owen. Principalmente, quando era bebé.
No, I think that was always your problem, wasn't it?
Esse problema não era mais teu?
And, plus, Lawrence was always the one who could cheer Conner up, you know.
Além disso, o Lawrence foi sempre aquele que sabia animar o Conner.
She was always sick.
- Ela estava sempre doente.
That's strange'cause I always heard that there was a lot of money to be had at a drug bust.
Isso é estranho porque eu sempre ouvi dizer que havia imenso dinheiro a recolher numa apreensão de droga.
I was always curious about Scotland.
Sempre tive curiosidade em relação à Escócia.
Ever since he was born, I've always been able to communicate, know what the other one was thinking, like twins.
Desde que ele nasceu, sempre conseguimos comunicar-nos. Um sabia o que o outro estava a pensar, como gêmeos.
Perez was always very suspicious of Peter.
Perez estava muito desconfiado do Peter.
You know, for a long time, I thought that he was causing the accidents himself, you know, looking for attention, but the pieces... didn't always fit. You know?
Por muito tempo, eu pensei que ele mesmo estivesse a causar os acidentes para obter atenção, mas as peças nem sempre se encaixavam, sabes?
One of the female bats was always laughing, and the other female bat was always crying.
Uma das fêmeas estava sempre a rir e a outra fêmea estava sempre a chorar.
My dad, being a pastor, he always wanted me to go the route of a spiritual leader, and I never thought that was for me.
O meu pai, sendo pastor, queria que eu fosse um líder espiritual, mas nunca pensei que isso fosse para mim.
I've always kinda had a stubborn streak, so immediately when they told me I couldn't do something, especially'cause they told me I couldn't do it'cause I was a girl,
Sempre fui um bocado teimosa. Assim que me diziam que não podia fazer alguma coisa, sobretudo se fosse porque eu era rapariga, eu dizia logo :
It was one of the things in my life that always gives me drive because I can still remember that feeling.
Foi uma das coisas que sempre me incentivou na vida, porque eu ainda me lembro desse sentimento.
Some spent the money as if it was always gonna be replenished
Alguns gastam o dinheiro como se ele nunca acabasse.
I was always training for something.
Adoro este desporto.
I think always knew I was into guys.
Sempre soube que gostava de homens.
However... my heart was broken. 'Cause it's always going to be broken.
No entanto eu tinha o coração partido porque vai ficar, para sempre.
God knows I've tried, but there was always something there, some thought that was beautiful enough to keep me going.
Deus sabe que tentei, mas houve sempre algo, algum pensamente bonito o suficiente para me manter de pé.
She was always...
Ela sempre foi muito simpática para mim.
It was always her color.
Sempre foi a cor dela.
My mother always told me I was gonna be something great.
A mãe dizia-me sempre que eu iria ser algo importante.
The mothers in town like to tell me that she was always a little crazy.
As mães da cidade gostam de me dizer que ela sempre foi um pouco doida.
We always called him by his middle name, Aaron. When he was a baby growing up.
Sempre o chamámos pelo nome do meio, Aaron, desde que ele era bebé.
- I thought Gordon was always well attended! Sweaty Tooth was right!
Achei que Gordon era bem frequentado!
As a child she was very frail, always sick.
Em criança, era muito fraca, estava sempre doente.
Never really knowing it was always mesh and lace
Sem nunca saberes que era tudo renda e laços
There was always a strange streak about her.
Havia sempre uma estranha aura sobre ela.
He was always good to me.
Ele sempre foi bom para mim.
I was always a Jumbo's guy myself.
Eu sempre gostei de Jumbo's.
Slavery was always a good offer... to a master.
A escravatura sempre foi uma boa proposta para um senhor.
I always said that... outside of my conception... he was never there for me.
Sempre disse que, tirando a minha conceção, ele nunca esteve presente.
I didn't want to walk in late, but... I was trying to do what Pop always did.
Não quis chegar atrasado, mas estava a tentar fazer o que o Pop sempre fez.
But the one name that always rang out... was "Stokes."
Mas o único nome que sempre se destacou era "Stokes".
Mama Mabel was always sheltering you, protecting you.
A Mama Mabel estava sempre a proteger-te.
He was always so protective of her.
Ele era tão protetor em relação a ela.
The guy who always wears sunglasses, he was there.
O tipo que anda sempre de óculos de sol estava lá.
But there was always another deal, another detail.
Mas havia sempre outro acordo, outro pormenor.
The guy who always wears sunglasses... he was there, trying to calm Mariah down.
O tipo que anda sempre de óculos de sol estava lá, a tentar acalmar a Mariah.
No matter how many times I come here, it always looks like this, which means the prophecy was wrong.
Não interessa quantas vezes eu aqui venho, parece-se sempre assim, o que significa que a profrecia estava errada.
I didn't know it was today exactly, but I always know this time of year, when the weather changes.
Eu não sabia que era exactamente hoje, mas... Eu conheço sempre esta época do ano, quando o tempo muda.
roommates would always play the phonograph after I went to bed, and I was not able to get a good night's sleep.
Ligava sempre o gira-discos depois de eu me deitar e eu não era capaz de ter uma boa noite de sono.

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