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Was it nice Çeviri Portekizce

3,712 parallel translation
I'll be honest, it was nice to be acknowledged by the chief for once.
Vou ser honesto, foi bom ter sido finalmente reconhecido pelo chefe.
Well, it was nice having a secret marriage while it lasted.
20 % DE DESCONTO EM CIRURGIAS DESNECESSÁRIAS Bem, foi bom ter um casamento secreto enquanto durou.
It was nice seeing you, Alex.
Foi bom ver-te, Alex.
Well, it was nice knowing you all.
Bem, foi um prazer conhecer-vos.
Look, we slept together, and it was really nice.
Nós dormimos juntos e foi muito bom.
Helena, it was very nice to meet you.
Helena, foi um prazer conhecê-la.
Tell Che Sausage that it was a nice try.
Quero que dês um recado ao Che Longana. Foi uma boa tentativa.
Well, it all started a long, long time ago, when the Harlem globetrotters played their first game in Hinckley, Illinois, and after the game, a very sweet, nice woman made her way onto the bus and nine months later, I was born.
Bom, tudo começou há muito, muito tempo, quando os Harlem Globetrotters jogaram o seu primeiro jogo, em Hinckley, Illinois, e depois da partida, uma senhora muito simpática e gentil entrou no autocarro deles e nove meses depois, eu nasci.
It was almost nice doing business with you.
É quase fixe fazer negócios contigo.
I thought it was a nice touch.
Pensei que era uma bela analogia.
It was really nice of you to ask, but...
Foste muito simpático, mas...
It was a nice home run.
Foi um belo Home Run.
Oh, um, aunt Marie's trailer. Was it nice?
A caravana da tia Marie.
It was a nice speech, Spin. Really.
Foi um belo discurso, Spin.
It was a nice honor, that's all.
Isto já foi uma honra.
Extra cash was nice, but even at a low dose, it was no picnic.
O dinheiro foi bom, mas mesmo naquela dosagem não era fácil.
It was nice to see you with family.
Foi bom para ver com a família.
It was nice of Larry to set us up, right?
Foi bom da parte do Larry ter-nos juntado, não foi?
It did. It was nice to be out in the country.
É bom estar no campo.
We did, and it was nice.
Fizemos e foi bom.
It was very nice to talk to you, Lizzie.
Foi muito bom falar contigo, Lizzie.
He was pretty nice about it.
Ele foi muito porreiro.
# lt was nice, but now it's gone
Foi bom, mas agora... acabou.
- It was such a nice wedding.
- Foi um casamento agradável.
It was nice knowing you.
Gostei de o conhecer.
And it was so nice seeing Mavis laughing and hitting it off with him.
E foi ótimo ver a Mavis rindo e se dando bem com ele.
That was it, always nice to do business with you.
Eu sempre gostei fazer negócios com vocês.
It was nice of you to walk me to my car.
Foste simpático, acompanhares-me até ao meu carro.
Oh, well, it was nice of you to walk me to the chapel.
Bem, foi... agradável me acompanhares até à capela.
It was nice.
Foi agradável.
It was nice to meet you, Mr Tonto.
Foi um prazer conhecê-lo, Sr. Tonto.
Ron, it was nice meeting you.
Ron, foi um prazer conhecer-lo.
It's just been so long since we've been nice to each other... and I was forgetting what it felt like.
Já faz tanto tempo que não somos gentis um com o outro que quase já me esquecera de como era.
It was nice talking to you.
Foi bom falar contigo. - Sim.
- It was, Bill. It was nice.
- Sim, Bill.
It was a nice shot.
Foi um bom tiro.
But it was really nice to meet you.
Foi muito bom conhecê-lo.
There was Zen, jazz, booze, pot and all the works, but it was somehow obviated as a supposedly degenerate idea by the sight of a beatnik carefully painting the wall of his room in clean white with nice little red borders
Houve Zen, jazz, bebida alcoólica, pot e todas as obras, mas de alguma forma foi evitado como supostamente degenerado ideia pela visão de um beatnik cuidadosamente a pintura a parede de seu quarto em branco limpo com pouco agradável bordas vermelhas
With my husband missing and everything that happened today, it was nice to have the company.
Desculpem pelo silêncio da rádio, pessoal.
Yeah, visitor day was interesting, because it, uh... at first, it's set up as if it's a nice thing.
De onde veio isto? Não faço ideia.
And on that note... I was thinking it might be nice to have a royal feast.
E aproveitando a deixa, estava a pensar que seria bom fazermos um banquete real.
It was nice.
Foi estupendo.
- All right, well, it was nice to meet you.
OK. - Bem, foi bom conhecer-te.
Look, it was so nice of you guys to surprise me, but, listen, I can't go out tonight, OK?
Esta surpresa foi muito simpática mas esta noite não posso sair. Está bem?
It was nice meeting you too.
Também foi bom conhecer-te.
Just got it... 5 pm. It was nice meeting you.
- Gostei de o conhecer.
Commissioner, he got up late in the morning, and since it was a nice day, he asked for his coffee outside, so I made it.
Comissário, ele de manhã acordou tarde. E como era um belo dia disse-me que lhe levasse o café lá fora e eu assim o fiz.
- It was nice to meet you.
Foi um prazer conhecê-la.
It was very nice to meet you, Mr. Watts.
Foi um prazer conhecê-lo, sr. Watts.
It was very nice to meet you, Theodore.
O prazer foi meu, Theodore.
You said it was nice knowing me.
Disseste que gostaste de me conhecer.

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