And like i said Çeviri Portekizce
1,359 parallel translation
And like I said I'm going to need to hang on to your luggage.
E como eu disse vou precisar de ficar com a sua bagagem.
And like I said, he's a good man, and an even better Marine. We're on it.
Como eu disse, ele é um bom homem e até um melhor fuzileiro.
And he said, "I feel like you're spiting me."
E ele disse : "Fazes isso para me irritar."
It was she who said, and I believe I am accurate in my words... that the conventional classroom is a place... where children are like butterflies, mounted on pins... fastened to their places.
Foi ela que disse, e julgo não me enganar : "Numa sala de aula convencional, tratam as crianças como borboletas, pregadas aos lugares com alfinetes..."
Like I said, me and Alma is gettin'married in November.
Como disse, eu e a Alma vamo-nos casar em Novembro.
Like how he proposed to me last week and I said yes and my head has been in a fog ever since?
Como quando ele me pediu em casamento a semana passada e eu aceitei... e a minha cabeça tem estado enevoada desde aí?
People have always said to me that I take after Yia Yia that I have her face and her smile but what no one ever sees is that there's this whole other part of me that is just like you.
As pessoas sempre me disseram que eu saio à Yia Yia que tenho a cara dela, o sorriso dela mas o que nunca vêem é que há outra parte de mim que é igual a si.
And sure enough, just like I said, not even an hour go by, and these niggas coming in my ride, right?
E claro, tal como eu tinha dito, ainda não tinha passado uma hora, e lá vinham os negros no meu carro, certo?
And I said to him that didn't sound like a very good, uh, deal, uh, when you're a one-third partner of a project that is just, you know, bringing in bucket-loads of money and you're suddenly cut out of the deal.
E eu disse-lhe que isso não me parecia um grande negócio, quando tu tens um terço do projecto que começa a trazer dinheiro a rodos, e tu és de repente retirado do negócio.
Well... he's sick... and I said I'd go and see if there's, like... - A hole or...
Bem, ele está doente e... eu disse que ia lá ver se havia algum buraco ou...
He stops pedaling, and... he stands up and he says something like... I, ve no idea what he said.
E ele... levantou-se e disse qualquer coisa como... Não sei o que ele disse.
You said : "The food will wait." And then you waved me away with your left hand like I was your servant.
E depois acenaste com a mão esquerda para eu e ir embora como se eu fosse teu criado.
And then they just blankly looked at each other for a while and then... the agent said, "I'd like to see that, actually."
E eles olharam duma forma vazia um para o outro por instantes e depois... o agente diz, "gostaria de ver isso, realmente."
I wore dirty clothes... and then I smelled... and because they said... I looked like a kangaroo.
Eu vestia roupas sujas... e cheirava... porque disseram... que eu parecia um canguru.
He said, "I know what you like and I like it too."
Ele disse : "Sei que gostas e eu também gosto."
She was like, "Let's not make an issue out of it." And I said, "No, fuck that."
Ela disse : "Não vamos falar disso." E eu disse : "Que se lixe isso."
I'll give any one of you the pill, if you want the pill. And nobody said anything, but Captain Parsons, he said, I'd like to have one.
E ninguém disse nada, mas o capitão Parsons, disse, "Eu gostaria de ter um."
But I just waved my hand like that, and some guy said, wave at us!
Saia do caminho! Mas eu só acenei com a minha mão assim, e um tipo disse : "Acena para nós."
Like I said, there was a loose end, and I arrested Howard Epps.
Como disse, há umas pontas soltas. Prendi o Howard Epps.
He said you needed backup, and I figure you needed coffee, but... looks like you already took care of it.
Ele disse que precisavas de apoio e eu pensei que precisasses de café, mas parece que já trataste disso.
If I did something to you, or said something... you stand up like a man, Ben Hawkins, and you tell me.
Se eu te fiz alguma coisa, ou disse alguma coisa, comporta-te como um homem e diz-me.
We were trying to recreate what happened 25 years ago, and I said, "Larry, would you like to make a toast?"
Estávamos a tentar recriar o que aconteceu há 25 anos, e eu disse : "Larry, queres fazer um brinde?"
- What he said to you was horribly rude. But that camp, it's extreme, and, I mean, unless I felt like Andrew was getting really out of control, then...
Sabes, o que ele te disse foi deveras rude, mas aquele acampamento, é exagerado, a menos que eu sinta que o Andrew esteja a ficar realmente fora de controle...
I had asked her if she'd like to live together, and she said yes.
Perguntei-lhe se ela gostaria de viver comigo, e ela disse que sim.
Like, I dumped her ass, but then I said I was sorry and I meant it.
Dei-lhe com os pés, mas depois pedi desculpa e falei a sério.
This cow's like, she's like sticking her tits in his face and I'm saying, " He said he wanted to use my tits.
E a vaca a espetar as mamas para fora. Eu disse-lhe : "Ele escolheu as minhas mamas e é assim que vai ser."
Now, like I said, it hurts here and here and back here.
E, como eu disse, dói aqui, aqui e aqui atrás.
And like you said, I... have to live with reality.
E é como o Senador disse, tenho... de ser realista.
All right and I'm going to call you just like I promised I said I would.
Tudo bem eu vou-vos ligar tal e qual como disse que fazia.
Like I said, there's no way we can bypass them... and they'll set the alarms off as soon as we set foot in the room.
Tal como disse, não há maneira de os contornarmos... e eles accionam os alarmes assim que pisarmos neles.
- What is it? - And I said that I like you.
E eu disse que gosto de ti.
Yeah, like this woman, this old lady from church... she said she needed someone to walk her dogs... and I even put on a tie for the interview.
Sim, como esta mulher, a velhota da igreja... que disse que precisava de alguém para passear os cães, até pus uma gravata para a entrevista.
Like I said, you give up the person who helped you steal the tiki hut, and this can go easier. On both of you.
Como eu já tinha dito, se denunciares quem te ajudou a roubar a tenda tikki, e isto pode tornar-se mais fácil para os dois.
I know Caleb seems like he's changed and I know I've said this before, but it just seems like it's a little fast.
Eu sei, quer dizer, eu sei que o Caleb parece ter mudado, e eu sei que já disse isto antes. Mas isto parece estar a ser um pouco rápido.
Well, I guess you like hunting, and you said in the past, killing people is part of my religion...
Bem, acho que tem licença para caçar... e já alegou anteriormente que matar pessoas faz parte da sua religião.
Would you and your girlfriend, whose quick wit I find enchanting, like to take a trip back in style? Miss Dumbass said it was cool. Hell, yeah.
Tu e a tua namorada cuja rapidez eu acho encantadora gostavam de fazer um regresso com estilo?
Amelia signed her papers and disappeared just like I said.
A Amelia assinou uns papéis e desapareceu, tal como te disse.
It's just... Look, like I said, they have their priorities and we have ours.
Como disse, eles têm as prioridades deles, e nós temos as nossas.
Like you said you do what I do for too long and there won't be any soul left to salvage.
Tal como disseste se fizermos o que eu faço por demasiado tempo não haverá alma que reste para salvar.
So they said I could leave school and get married and have lots of kids like my sisters, and I can't take care of kids.
Deixaram-me largar a faculdade, casar e ter filhos como as minhas irmãs, e eu não consigo cuidar duma criança.
And I thought that was a damn crazy idea... but I didn't feel like fighting with him... so I went and huddled behind the door, and I came out and said :
E eu pensei que essa era uma ideia completamente louca mas não estava com vontade de lutar com ele então fui acalmar-me atrás da porta, depois saí e disse :
And I said, like a fool, I mean, not even suspecting, I said...
E eu disse, como uma parva, quero dizer, sem suspeitar de nada, disse...
The guy said I looked so much like his niece, he just started whimpering and praying for forgiveness.
O tipo ajoelhou-se junto de mim e começou a rezar, e a pedir perdão.
He went to the merry-go-round, and it works like I always said.
Ele foi no Carrossel e funcionou como ele dizia.
Like I said, crises, well, they come and go.
Como dizia as crises vão e vêm!
Like I said stay out of Mitchell's way and you'll be fine. - Fine, thanks.
É como te digo, segue os conselhos do Mitchell e ficaras bem.
Ben, I know this is ha rd for you to understand, but when I made my vows to your mother, I meant what I said, and though it may seem like very little, I have tried to be true to my word.
Fui eu quem pediu o divórcio. Ben, sei que é difícil de entenderes, mas... Quando fiz os meus votos no casamento, eu falei a sério.
I said I was your uncle and you were a crazy person like everyone from the United States.
Disse que era o seu tio e que você era louca... - Certo?
And, like I said, the apartment's a mess, but I'm moving, so...
E, como já disse, o apartamento está uma confusão, mas eu vou mudar-me, por isso...
I said softball's for girls and faggots... and girl faggots like you.
Eu disse que o softbol é para as meninas. e para afeminados como você.
And not that it matters, but I've never said anything like that in my entire life.
E não que tenha importância, mas quero que saibas... Que disse nada parecido em toda a minha vida
and like you said 33
and like it or not 28
and like that 19
and like 54
and like you 18
like i said 2538
like i said before 77
like i said on the phone 16
i said 6904
i said yes 136
and like it or not 28
and like that 19
and like 54
and like you 18
like i said 2538
like i said before 77
like i said on the phone 16
i said 6904
i said yes 136
i said no 690
i said okay 48
i said don't move 33
i said go home 16
i said i don't know 41
i said wait 33
i said i would 56
i said enough 36
i said stop 168
i said to him 70
i said okay 48
i said don't move 33
i said go home 16
i said i don't know 41
i said wait 33
i said i would 56
i said enough 36
i said stop 168
i said to him 70
i said i'm sorry 104
i said go 69
i said to myself 122
i said nothing 76
i said i'm fine 68
i said stop it 59
i said go away 28
i said to her 39
i said shut up 121
i said that's enough 43
i said go 69
i said to myself 122
i said nothing 76
i said i'm fine 68
i said stop it 59
i said go away 28
i said to her 39
i said shut up 121
i said that's enough 43
i said now 46
i said it 310
i said get out 84
i said that 196
i said not now 30
i said it first 38
i said drop it 37
i said so 46
i said good 17
i said it 310
i said get out 84
i said that 196
i said not now 30
i said it first 38
i said drop it 37
i said so 46
i said good 17